Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.377
EU - Europa 2.654
AS - Asia 1.016
AF - Africa 39
SA - Sud America 27
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 8.122
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.364
IT - Italia 1.388
CN - Cina 565
SG - Singapore 298
FI - Finlandia 277
UA - Ucraina 217
DE - Germania 145
IE - Irlanda 139
GB - Regno Unito 113
FR - Francia 72
SE - Svezia 69
RU - Federazione Russa 52
IN - India 39
KR - Corea 38
BE - Belgio 28
NL - Olanda 23
CI - Costa d'Avorio 21
ES - Italia 21
GR - Grecia 17
PT - Portogallo 15
RO - Romania 15
HK - Hong Kong 14
CH - Svizzera 13
EG - Egitto 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
PE - Perù 9
TR - Turchia 9
BR - Brasile 8
CA - Canada 8
HU - Ungheria 8
PK - Pakistan 8
PL - Polonia 8
UZ - Uzbekistan 8
IR - Iran 7
AT - Austria 6
LB - Libano 6
HR - Croazia 5
JP - Giappone 5
AR - Argentina 4
AU - Australia 4
CU - Cuba 4
DK - Danimarca 4
CL - Cile 3
ID - Indonesia 3
MY - Malesia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
EU - Europa 2
IL - Israele 2
KH - Cambogia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BW - Botswana 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ET - Etiopia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IS - Islanda 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 8.122
Città #
Fairfield 564
Chandler 477
Ashburn 391
Woodbridge 277
Wilmington 259
Houston 237
Seattle 233
Singapore 233
Cambridge 232
Ann Arbor 203
Palermo 186
Dublin 135
Medford 125
Jacksonville 120
Nanjing 87
Rome 79
Princeton 77
Dearborn 73
Altamura 64
Milan 60
Jinan 52
Des Moines 51
Lawrence 51
New York 51
Beijing 44
Shenyang 44
Hebei 41
Santa Clara 41
Nanchang 40
Changsha 38
Tulsa 37
Boardman 35
San Diego 33
Catania 32
Seongnam 30
Brussels 27
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 27
Zhengzhou 27
Tianjin 26
Jiaxing 25
Venice 25
Abidjan 21
London 21
Ningbo 20
Bari 19
Saint Petersburg 17
Bremen 16
Columbus 16
Florence 16
Guangzhou 15
Helsinki 15
Prato 15
Vicenza 15
Bologna 14
Hangzhou 13
Redwood City 13
San Paolo di Civitate 13
Fuzhou 12
Pune 12
Carini 11
Munich 11
Naples 11
Padova 11
Palma di Montechiaro 11
Bagheria 10
Kilburn 10
Messina 10
Amsterdam 9
Dallas 9
Redmond 9
Taizhou 9
Verona 9
Chicago 8
Trento 8
Turin 8
Alcamo 7
Hong Kong 7
Los Angeles 7
Napoli 7
Nijmegen 7
Orange 7
Seoul 7
Vila Real 7
Andria 6
Auburn Hills 6
Barcelona 6
Falls Church 6
Indiana 6
Kunming 6
Mumbai 6
Norwalk 6
Ramsis 6
Washington 6
Bonn 5
Capaccio 5
Genova 5
Kumar 5
Pomezia 5
San Ferdinando di Puglia 5
San Giuliano Milanese 5
Totale 5.477
Nome #
Rosmarino 365
Specie vegetali mediterranee impiegate nei sistemi di fitodepurazione 197
A survey of wild plant species for food use in Sicily (Italy) - results of a 3-year study in four Regional Parks 168
Popular uses of wild plant species for medicinal purposes in the Nebrodi Regional Park (North-Eastern Sicily, Italy) 166
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of agro-industrial wastewater – A case study in a dairy-cattle farm in Sicily (Italy) 163
An initial study into the suitability of Sicilian ecotypes of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. for turfgrass use 161
Studies on sedum taxa found in Sicily (Italy) for mediterranean extensive green roofs 157
Essential oil characteristics of wild Sicilian oregano populations in relation to environmental conditions 151
Effect of plant species on water balance in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland planted with Arundo donax L. and Cyperus alternifolius L. - Two-year tests in a Mediterranean environment in the West of Sicily (Italy) 151
Study of quantitative and qualitative variations in essential oils of sicilian oregano biotypes 149
Two years of studies into native bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) germplasm from Sicily (Italy) for the constitution of turf cultivars 147
Biomolecular Characterization of Wild Sicilian Oregano: Phytochemical Screening of Essential Oils and Extracts, and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Activities 143
Pollutant removal efficiency of a pilot-scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow in Sicily (Italy) planted with Cyperus alternifolius L. and Typha latifolia L. and reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation of Arundo donax L. for pellet productionResults of two-year tests under Mediterranean climatic conditions 141
Management of irrigation water and nutrient demands of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using urban treated wastewater from a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system constructed wetland in Sicily (Italy) 141
Agronomical and postharvest evaluation of the essential oils of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes 137
Agronomic performance and energetic potential of two Brassica oilseed species in Sicily, Italy 136
Agricultural feedstocks of two Brassica oilseed crops and energy cogeneration with pure vegetable oil for a sustainable short agro-energy chain in Sicily (Italy) 130
Study of quantitative and qualitative variations in essential oils of sicilian Rosmarinus officinalis L. 129
Ethnobotanical investigation on wild medicinal plants in the Monti Sicani Regional Park (Sicily, Italy) 128
Agronomical and chemical characterisation of Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. biotypes from Sicily, Italy 126
Valutazione bio-agronomica di biotipi siciliani di gramigna (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers.) per la realizzazione di tappeti erbosi in ambiente mediterraneo 124
Reuse of urban-treated wastewater from a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system in Sicily (Italy) for irrigation of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) turf under Mediterranean climatic conditions 124
Agronomic evaluation of ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun) germplasm and physical-energy characterization of crop residues in a semi-arid area of sicily (Italy) 124
Plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge on medicinal use of wild shrub and herbaceous plant species in the Etna Regional Park (Eastern Sicily, Italy) 122
Characterization and conservation of Clinopodium raimondoi Spadaro, A.S. Faqi & Mazzola germplasm in the Parco della Favorita of Palermo city (Sicily, Italy) 121
Specie vegetali mediterranee impiegate nei sistemi di fitodepurazione 117
Effects of plant density on Rosmarinus officinalis L. and first tests of mechanical transplanting 116
I tappeti erbosi in ambiente mediterraneo 116
Ethnobotanical study in the Madonie Regional Park (Central Sicily, Italy)—Medicinal use of wild shrub and herbaceous plant species 113
Response of Origanum vulgare L. to different plant densities and first results of mechanical harvest 111
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment and reuse of urban wastewater for the irrigation of two warm-season turfgrass species under Mediterranean climatic conditions 111
Germplasm of medicinal and aromatic plant species in the Parco della Favorita in Palermo city (Sicily, Italy) 108
Mapping of biomass residues for potential energy generation from the winegrowing sector in the provinces of Palermo and Trapani 108
Agronomical evaluation of Sicilian biotypes of Lavandula stoechas L. spp. stoechas and analysis of the essential oils 107
Phytochemical, Ecological and Antioxidant Evaluation of Wild Sicilian Thyme: Thymbra capitata (L.) CAV. 107
Water balance and pollutant removal efficiency when considering evapotranspiration in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland in Western Sicily (Italy) 105
Effects of plant species in a horizontal subsurface flow constructedwetland – phytoremediation of treated urban wastewater withCyperus alternifolius L. and Typha latifolia L. in the West of Sicily (Italy) 103
Quantità e composizione degli oli essenziali in alcuni biotipi di rosmarino di origine siciliana 101
Composition and Variability of the Essential Oils of the Flowers of Lavandula stoechas from Various Geographical Sources 101
A Two-Year Bio-Agronomic and Chemotaxonomic Evaluation of Wild Sicilian Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) Berries and Leaves 101
A quantitative analysis of wild herbaceous plant species for medicinal uses in four Regional Parks in Sicily (Italy) 101
Wastewater management using a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system in Western Sicily (Italy) for irrigation of Paspalum vaginatum Sw. turf 96
Caratterizzazione bio-agronomica ed energetica di alcune specie presenti nella flora spontanea siciliana 94
Wild Sicilian Rosemary: Phytochemical and Morphological Screening and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Extracts and Essential Oils 94
Effects of plant density on the number of glandular trichomes and on yield and quality of essential oils from oregano 91
Comportamento bio-agronomico e produttivo di alcuni biotipi di rosmarino di origine siciliana 90
Effects of environment and sowing time on growth and yield of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars in Sicily (Italy) 90
Bio-Agronomic Evaluation of Brassica Carina A. Braun in a Semi-Arid Area of Sicily 86
Effects of plant density and cutting-type on rooting and growth of an extensive green roof of Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau in a Mediterranean environment 86
Agronomic evaluation and chemical characterization of Sicilian Salvia sclarea L. accessions 86
Agro-morphological characterization of sicilian chili pepper accessions for ornamental purposes 86
Tappeti erbosi per la valorizzazione ambientale, ricreativa e sportiva del territorio urbano 85
Effetti della densità d'impianto sul contenuto di oli essenziali in origano 84
Prove di propagazione agamica di alcune specie officinali: origano, rosmarino e timo 83
Growth of Arundo donax L. and Cyperus alternifolius L. in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland using pre-treated urban wastewater - a case study in Sicily (Italy) 82
Valutazione qualitativa dell’olio essenziale di diversi biotipi siciliani di origano 81
Bioagronomic and energy potential of Carthamus tinctorius L. in the Mediterranean area 81
Constructed wetlands as sustainable technology for the treatment and reuse of the first-flush stormwater in agriculture—A case study in Sicily (Italy) 81
Research focusing on plant performance in constructed wetlands and agronomic application of treated wastewater – A set of experimental studies in Sicily (Italy) 79
Ipotesi progettuale di un giardino botanico nell’area del Villaggio della Gioventù di Raffadali (AG) 77
Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione bioagronomica di diverse accessioni di aglio in ambiente collinare siciliano 77
Conservation and utilization of officinal species germplasm in Sicily (Italy) 76
Valutazione dell'attitudine alla moltiplicazione agamica di tre specie officinali: Origano, Rosmarino e Timo 76
Effects of irrigation, peat-alternative substrate and plant Habitus on the morphological and production characteristics of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes grown in pot 74
Timo 72
An agronomic evaluation of new safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) germplasm for seed and oil yields under Mediterraean climate conditions 66
Studio preliminare della vegetazione dell'area umida nella riserva di Torre Salsa (AG) 64
Effects of irrigation with different sources of water on growth, yield and essential oil compounds in oregano 64
Indagine preliminare su materiali inerti ai fini della costruzione di substrati artificiali per tappeti erbosi 63
Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione bio-agronomica di diverse accessioni di aglio in ambiente collinare siciliano 62
Valutazione bio-agronomica di biotipi siciliani di gramigna [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] per la realizzazione di tappeti erbosi in ambiente mediterraneo 55
Performance of a pilot-scale constructed wetland and medium-term effects of treated wastewater irrigation of Arundo donax L. on soil and plant parameters 52
Effects of genotype and climate on productive performance of high oleic Carthamus tinctorius L. under rainfed conditions in a semi-arid environment of Sicily (Italy) 47
Spontaneous urban weeds: a resource against environmental pollution 46
Growth and development of succulent mixtures for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate 46
Assessment of production and qualitative characteristics of different populations of Salvia sclarea L. found in Sicily (Italy) 45
Four-year study on the bio-agronomic response of biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. on the island of Linosa (Italy) 42
Flavouring extra-virgin olive oil with aromatic and medicinal plants essential oils stabilizes oleic acid composition during photo-oxidative stress 41
Treatment of combined dairy and domestic wastewater with constructed wetland system in Sicily (Italy). Pollutant removal efficiency and effect of vegetation 38
Wildflowers: opportunities for urban landscapes 36
Seasonal response of vegetation on pollutants removal in constructed wetland system treating dairy wastewater 32
Constructed wetlands as nature-based solution for sustainable wastewater management in urban areas: a critical assessment by experimental studies and literature 31
Medicinal and aromatic plants in agricultural research, when considering criteria of multifunctionality and sustainability 30
Forage mixture productivity and silage quality from a grass/legume intercrop in a semiarid Mediterranean environment 28
Effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) production and soil characteristics and estimation of plant nutritional input 22
Foliar application of various biostimulants produces contrasting response on yield, essential oil and chemical properties of organically grown sage (Salvia officinalis L.) 21
Productivity of two Brassica oilseed crops in a Mediterranean environment and assessment of the qualitative characteristics of raw materials for bioenergy purposes 12
Seaweed extract and fulvic acid application affect the biomass performance, the essential oil yield and composition of Sicilian oregano grown in an organic agricultural system 8
null 5
null 3
A comparative study to assess the production of two oilseed crops (Brassica carinata A. Braun and Carthamus tinctorius L.) and the energy potential of their agricultural biomass residues 1
Totale 8.593
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.630
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 33.630

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.271 0 0 0 0 0 234 187 147 177 85 359 82
2020/20211.120 46 95 57 82 115 61 98 75 136 117 132 106
2021/20221.084 51 180 36 40 41 51 103 54 147 112 72 197
2022/20231.482 141 245 78 147 152 198 62 120 200 33 78 28
2023/2024769 38 102 62 60 79 130 54 54 10 42 51 87
2024/2025697 85 165 123 163 75 86 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.593