CHIODI, Marcello
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.324
EU - Europa 3.486
AS - Asia 839
AF - Africa 53
SA - Sud America 42
OC - Oceania 32
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 8.783
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.297
IT - Italia 1.618
DE - Germania 614
CN - Cina 364
UA - Ucraina 317
SG - Singapore 251
FI - Finlandia 237
IE - Irlanda 167
GB - Regno Unito 103
RU - Federazione Russa 87
FR - Francia 86
ES - Italia 61
SE - Svezia 54
TR - Turchia 31
CI - Costa d'Avorio 29
ID - Indonesia 26
AU - Australia 25
JP - Giappone 25
CA - Canada 24
RO - Romania 23
IN - India 22
GR - Grecia 19
IR - Iran 19
BE - Belgio 17
PL - Polonia 17
HK - Hong Kong 16
NL - Olanda 16
PH - Filippine 13
PK - Pakistan 13
VN - Vietnam 13
KR - Corea 12
CH - Svizzera 11
EC - Ecuador 10
CL - Cile 8
PT - Portogallo 8
AR - Argentina 7
BR - Brasile 7
CO - Colombia 7
EU - Europa 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
TW - Taiwan 7
AT - Austria 6
TH - Thailandia 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
MA - Marocco 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
DZ - Algeria 4
EG - Egitto 4
NO - Norvegia 3
SC - Seychelles 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
CM - Camerun 2
DK - Danimarca 2
GE - Georgia 2
HN - Honduras 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LB - Libano 2
LT - Lituania 2
MD - Moldavia 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JO - Giordania 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PE - Perù 1
RS - Serbia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 8.783
Città #
Fairfield 574
Palermo 540
Ashburn 359
Woodbridge 322
Chandler 300
Wilmington 284
Houston 267
Seattle 240
Ann Arbor 229
Singapore 209
Cambridge 192
Jacksonville 169
Dublin 164
Salerno 144
Medford 127
Des Moines 106
Princeton 79
Nanjing 76
New York 66
Dearborn 48
Santa Clara 48
Rome 45
Altamura 41
Milan 40
San Diego 38
Tulsa 37
Lawrence 30
Nanchang 30
Abidjan 29
Shenyang 29
Hebei 25
Beijing 24
Foggia 24
Catania 23
Boardman 22
Jinan 22
Changsha 20
Saint Petersburg 20
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 19
Jiaxing 18
Los Angeles 18
Chiyoda-ku 16
London 16
Paris 16
Tianjin 16
Brussels 15
Kumar 15
Lappeenranta 15
Kraków 14
San Jose 14
Verona 14
Helsinki 13
Naples 13
Redwood City 13
Jakarta 12
Partinico 12
Sydney 12
Luleå 11
Tehran 11
Guangzhou 10
Miami 10
Seongnam 10
Venice 10
Alcamo 9
Bologna 9
Napoli 9
Agrigento 8
Cagliari 8
Haikou 8
Ho Chi Minh City 8
Hong Kong 8
Islamabad 8
Ningbo 8
Quito 8
Washington 8
Ankara 7
Aragona 7
Brisbane 7
Columbus 7
Düsseldorf 7
Granada 7
Ottawa 7
Salamanca 7
Santiago 7
Siena 7
Toronto 7
Zhengzhou 7
Aversa 6
Bilbao 6
Castelló de la Plana 6
Elora 6
Istanbul 6
Orange 6
Porto 6
Tokyo 6
Trapani 6
Argenta 5
Battipaglia 5
Bergamo 5
Bremen 5
Totale 5.642
Nome #
An integrated approach to investigate the seismotectonics of northern Sicily and southern Tyrrhenian 234
Penalized classification for optimal statistical selection of markers from high-throughput genotyping: application in sheep breeds 205
Metodo per la tracciabilità/autenticazione di prodotti lattiero-caseari mono-razza 199
Nonparametric clustering of seismic events 197
Mixed Non-Parametric and Parametric Estimation Techniques in R Package etasFLP for Earthquakes’ Description 191
Analysis and assessment of trace element contamination in offshore sediments of the Augusta Bay (SE Sicily): A multivariate statistical approach based on canonical correlation analysis and mixture density estimation approach 180
Spatial pattern analysis using hybrid models: an application to the Hellenic seismicity 179
Functional data analysis for optimizing strategies of cash flow management 176
Book of Short Papers SIS 2018 174
FLP estimation of semi-parametric models for space-time point processes and diagnostic tools 170
An Algorithm for Earthquakes Clustering based on Maximum Likelihood 166
A fast and efficient picking algorithm for earthquake early warning application based on the variance piecewise constant models 163
Alternated estimation in semi-parametric space-time branching-type point processes with application to seismic catalogs 161
Space-time FPCA Algorithm for clustering of multidimensional curves. 160
An algorithm for earthquakes clustering based on maximum likelihood 159
Gamma kernel intensity estimation in temporal point processes 156
Simultaneous seismic wave clustering and registration 150
Clustering and Registration of Multidimensional Functional Data 149
Multiscale processes to describe the Eastern Sicily Seismic Sequences 144
A penalized approach to covariate selection through quantile regression coefficient models 143
Windowed Etas Models With Application To The Chilean Seismic Catalogs 138
Functional Data Analysis for Optimizing Strategies of Cash-Flow Management 137
Forward likelihood-based predictive approach for space–time point processes 131
A prospective, randomized study of empirical antifungal therapy for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in children 131
Space-Time FPCA Clustering of Multidimensional Curves. 128
Time-frequency filtering for seismic waves clustering 125
Il contributo di Antonino Mineo alla statistica italiana 121
Second-order diagnostics for space-time point processes with application to seismic events 119
Space-time forecasting of seismic events in Chile 119
Space-Time Forecasting of Seismic Events in Chile. 117
Southern-Tyrrhenian seismicity in space-time-magnitude domain 114
FPCA Algorithm For Waveform Clustering 112
Un tentativo di analisi integrata della tettonica e sismicità nella zona di cerniera tra Sicilia settentrionale e Basso Tirreno. 106
Probabilistic forecast for Northern New Zealand seismic process based on a forward predictive kernel estimator 104
Identification of breed informative single nucleotide polymorphisms for assigning individual in Sicilian dairy sheep 103
Seismic events classification through latent class regression models for point processes 102
Earthquakes clustering based on maximum likelihood estimation of point process conditional intensity function 101
Financial contagion through space-time point processes 101
A new picking algorithm based on the variance piecewise constant models 101
Multidimensional Clustering and Registration of Seismic Waveform Data 99
A method to identify clusters of seismic events 96
Kernel intensity for space-time point processes with application to seismological problems 96
Diagnostics for nonparametric estimation in space-time seismic processes 96
Clustering of seismic catalogs based on maximum likelihood estimation 92
Towards the specification of a self-exciting point process for modelling crimes in Valencia 92
ETAS Space time modelling of Chile induced seismicity using covariates 89
Comparison between nonparametric and parametric estimate of the conditional intensity function of a seismic space-time point process 88
Maximum Likelihood Based Declustering of Simulated and Observed Seismic Catalogs 87
Mixed estimation technique in semi-parametric space-time point processes for earthquake description 87
Relazioni tra sismicita’ e tettonica nel margine settentrionale della Sicilia 85
Including covariates in a space-time point process with application to seismicity 85
Un metodo per l'identificazione di cluster di eventi sismici. 23° Convegno G.N.G.T.S (Roma 2004) 84
Un metodo per l’identificazione di clusters di eventi sismici 83
Clustering of waveforms based on FPCA direction 82
Flexible space-time process for seismic data 82
GLM-based automatic picking of waveforms 79
Stima semi-parametrica della funzione di intensità di un processo di punto spazio-temporale. 77
Gamma kernel intensity estimation in time point processes 76
Statistical Analysis of Macroseismic Data for a better Evaluation of Earthquakes Attenuation Laws 76
Un metodo per l'identificazione di cluster di eventi sismici 75
Semiparametric estimation of conditional intensity functions for space-time processes 75
Clustering of waveforms-data based on FPCA direction 72
Evaluating the performance of a new picking algorithm based on the variance piecewise constant models 71
Semi-parametric estimation of conditional intensity functions in inhomogeneous space-time point processes 70
ETAS Space–Time Modeling of Chile Triggered Seismicity Using Covariates: Some Preliminary Results 70
Approximations to the Likelihood in Composite Samples with Fixed and Random Weights 68
Nonparametric intensity estimation in space-time point processes and application to seismological problems 68
Comparative analysis of the thermal insulation performance of a façade enclosure integrated by vegetation under simultaneous windy and rainy climatic conditions 67
Functional Principal components direction to cluster earthquake waveforms 67
Scritti scelti di Antonino Mineo 67
GPS data on tourists: a spatial analysis on road networks 67
Semi-parametric estimation of the intensity function in space-time point processes 66
Leveraging attribution models for enhanced scenario planning in strategic decision-making 64
Exploring Hotel Consumer Purchase Intentions Through Web Analytics: A PLS-SEM Approach 63
A space-time branching process with covariates 63
Investigating hotel consumers’ purchase intention on web analytics data through PLS-SEM 58
Probabilistic forecast for Northern New Zealand seismic process: a kernel-based approach 58
Valutazione statistica del carico di studi e della didattica per la gestione di un Corso di Laurea. 56
Monitoring of the effect of solar radiation and rain on the building envelope with integrated vertical vegetation 52
Space-time Point Processes semi-parametric estimation with predictive measure information 48
How to define deviance residuals in multinomial regression. 48
Southern-Tyrrhenian seismicity in space-time-magnitude domain 47
Severe storms events’ reproduction in the United States of America: Evaluation from the marked self-exciting point processes point of view 39
Statistical picking of multivariate waveforms 36
Severe convective storms’ reproduction: empirical analysis from the marked self-exciting point processes point of view 35
Delving Into Digital Destination Branding: The Case Study of Sicily and Le Soste di Ulisse 30
Data-driven Strategic Process in the Hospitality Industry: Studying Hotel consumers’ purchase intention through web analytics. 28
Study of the interaction structure of the East Sicily Seismicity: global and local scale. 25
Model selection for mixture hidden Markov models: an application to clickstream data 14
Totale 9.290
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.137
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.137

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020908 0 0 0 0 0 184 171 110 147 64 142 90
2020/20211.283 98 73 85 124 111 38 88 62 155 225 112 112
2021/2022931 52 175 12 66 16 41 45 47 117 116 64 180
2022/20231.256 124 147 46 100 120 187 107 97 179 31 74 44
2023/2024943 23 101 64 63 83 141 98 65 29 94 43 139
2024/2025731 76 134 129 150 188 54 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.290