PALUMBO, Letizia
PALUMBO, Letizia
"Badanti": I numeri, il regime giuridico e le condizioni lavorative
2018-01-01 Busetta Annalisa; Mendola Daria; Palumbo Letizia
Another Step Backwards For Women’s Rights in Italy
2009-01-01 Palumbo, L
Care for People with Disabilities in Italy: A Critical Analysis of Act 112/2016 on Assistance for People with Serious Disabilities Lacking Family Support
2019-01-01 Palumbo Letizia
Covid-19 and Inequalities. Protecting Human Rights of Migrants in a Time of Pandemic
2020-06-01 Letizia Palumbo; Maria Grazia Giammarinaro
Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Domestic Work Sector in Italy
2016-01-01 Palumbo Letizia
Donne migranti e diritto all'unità familiare. Fattori di vulnerabilità e forme di tutela nella giurisprudenza italiana ed europea
2021-01-01 Pera, A.; Palumbo, L.
Exploiting for Care: Trafficking and Abuse in Domestic Work in Italy
2017-01-01 Palumbo, L.
Gender violence in Italy and Spain: Law and Politics
2008-01-01 Palumbo L
Ha ancora una rilevanza la Convenzione sull’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti delle donne? Per una sua (ri)considerazione nel tempo presente
2011-01-01 Palumbo, L
Il genere della sicurezza (Firenze, 23-24 aprile 2009)
2009-01-01 Letizia Palumbo
Ius migrandi: concetti e limiti
2013-01-01 Palumbo, L
La Corte dei diritti dell'uomo un po' meno delle donne
2014-01-01 Palumbo, L; Romano, S
Labour Exploitation and Trafficking in the Agricultural Sector Reflections on the (In)Efficacy of Anti-trafficking Interventions in Italy
2014-01-01 Palumbo, L
Multiculturalismo e misure in materia di religione per la minoranza Arabo-Palestinese in Israele
2009-01-01 Palumbo, L
Presentazione. Ius Migrandi: Concetti e Limiti
2013-01-01 Palumbo, L.
Protection of trafficked people in Italy: policies, limits and challenges
2015-01-01 Palumbo L.
The Borders of Legal Motherhood: Rethinking Access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe
2017-01-01 Palumbo, L
The COVID-19 Crisis, Human Rights and Unfair Models of Production: The Case of Migrant Workers in the Agri-food Sector in European Countries
2022-01-01 L. Palumbo; A. Pera
The Vulnerability to Exploitation of Women Migrant Workers in Agriculture in the EU: The Need for a Human Rights and Gender Based Approach
2018-01-01 alessandra sciurba; letizia palumbo
Trafficking and labour exploitation in domestic work and the agricultural sector in Italy
2016-01-01 Letizia, P.