DI MICELI, Giuseppe
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.632
EU - Europa 4.277
AS - Asia 1.310
AF - Africa 90
SA - Sud America 84
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
OC - Oceania 13
Totale 11.421
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.622
IT - Italia 1.914
CN - Cina 671
FI - Finlandia 661
SG - Singapore 488
UA - Ucraina 450
DE - Germania 304
IE - Irlanda 214
SE - Svezia 173
GB - Regno Unito 143
FR - Francia 106
RU - Federazione Russa 95
BR - Brasile 68
BE - Belgio 36
RO - Romania 32
CI - Costa d'Avorio 30
KR - Corea 30
GR - Grecia 28
NL - Olanda 28
IN - India 23
MA - Marocco 19
CH - Svizzera 18
HK - Hong Kong 18
ES - Italia 17
TR - Turchia 17
AT - Austria 16
EU - Europa 13
DZ - Algeria 12
GH - Ghana 11
AU - Australia 10
IR - Iran 9
CA - Canada 8
EC - Ecuador 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
EG - Egitto 6
PK - Pakistan 6
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
PL - Polonia 5
TN - Tunisia 5
TW - Taiwan 5
HR - Croazia 4
IQ - Iraq 4
JO - Giordania 4
PT - Portogallo 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
CL - Cile 3
EE - Estonia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
JP - Giappone 3
MY - Malesia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AL - Albania 2
AR - Argentina 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
DK - Danimarca 2
GE - Georgia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LB - Libano 2
MX - Messico 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NP - Nepal 2
PH - Filippine 2
RS - Serbia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CO - Colombia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SN - Senegal 1
UY - Uruguay 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 11.421
Città #
Fairfield 679
Ashburn 510
Chandler 490
Palermo 409
Woodbridge 397
Wilmington 383
Singapore 337
Houston 286
Seattle 273
Jacksonville 247
Cambridge 243
Dublin 211
Ann Arbor 207
Medford 171
Nanjing 141
Princeton 110
Des Moines 101
Dearborn 84
New York 81
Santa Clara 75
Rome 73
Boardman 66
Tulsa 64
Milan 63
San Diego 52
Beijing 51
Nanchang 51
Altamura 50
Shenyang 50
Jinan 42
Lawrence 38
Helsinki 32
Shenzhen 31
Seongnam 29
Changsha 28
Abidjan 27
Bari 27
Hebei 27
Jiaxing 27
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 27
Brussels 26
Catania 24
Naples 24
Zhengzhou 23
Bremen 22
Tianjin 22
Saint Petersburg 20
London 18
Redwood City 17
Piscataway 16
Columbus 15
Fuzhou 15
Napoli 15
Dallas 14
Salerno 14
Turin 14
Falkenstein 13
Washington 13
Bologna 12
Florence 12
Guangzhou 12
Taizhou 12
Verona 12
Hangzhou 11
Hong Kong 11
Kunming 11
San Paolo di Civitate 11
Accra 10
Athens 10
Auburn Hills 10
Casablanca 10
Council Bluffs 10
Munich 10
Ningbo 10
Nuremberg 10
Shanghai 10
Toulouse 10
Chicago 9
Los Angeles 9
San Mateo 9
Vienna 9
Catanzaro 8
Cropani 8
Guayaquil 8
Phoenix 8
Venice 8
Amsterdam 7
Carini 7
Düsseldorf 7
Gioia Tauro 7
Kumar 7
Mascalucia 7
Málaga 7
Padova 7
Taiyuan 7
Ancona 6
Haikou 6
Indiana 6
Izmir 6
Kilburn 6
Totale 6.988
Nome #
Effetti della specie foraggera e della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino. 316
Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as Potential Feedstock for Biofuel and Protein 210
Improvement of oxidative status, milk and cheese production, and food sustainability indexes by addition of durum wheat bran to dairy cows’ diet 199
Fibres as functional foods and the effects on gut hormones: The example of β-glucans in a single arm pilot study 186
Condensed tannins content in sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as affected by environment, genotype and growth stage 180
Development of a method for the direct fermentation of semolina by selected sourdough lactic acid bacteria 177
Aromatic and proteomic analyses corroborate the distinction between Mediterranean landraces and modern varieties of durum wheat 176
Metabolomics Suggests That Soil Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Decreased Free Amino Acid Content in Roots of Durum Wheat Grown under N-Limited, P-Rich Field Conditions 168
Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems 167
Switching from conventional tillage to no-tillage: Soil N availability, N uptake,15N fertilizer recovery, and grain yield of durum wheat 166
Forage production, N uptake, N2 fixation, and N recovery of berseem clover grown in pure stand and in mixture with annual ryegrass under different managements 164
The critical period of weed control in faba bean and chickpea in Mediterranean areas 164
Effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on ewe milk production 163
Conservation tillage in a semiarid Mediterranean environment: results of 20 years of research 160
Il cipresso in sicilia: distribuzione regionale e prospettive future 158
Intake and milk production of goats grazing sulla forage under different stocking rates 156
Effect of legume grains as a source of dietary protein on the quality of organic lamb meat 152
Faba bean grain yield, N2 fixation, and weed infestation in a long-term tillage experiment under rainfed Mediterranean conditions 151
Weed seedbank size and composition in a long-term tillage and crop sequence experiment 148
Tillage effects on yield and nitrogen fixation of legumes in Mediterranean conditions 144
Long-term tillage and crop sequence effects on wheat grain yield and quality. 143
Effects of feeding green forage of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) on lamb growth and carcass and meat quality. 138
Caratterizzazione fitopastorale e produttività di pascoli naturali ricadenti nel territorio del Parco dei Nebrodi. 137
Milk production and physiological traits of ewes and goats housed indoor or grazing at different daily timing in summer 136
Different effectiveness of two pastas supplemented with either lipophilic or hydrophilic/phenolic antioxidants in affecting serum as evaluated by the novel Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance approach 135
Effetti di diversi tipi di inerbimento sul comportamento vegeto-produttivo dell'arboreto 131
Azotofissazione nel cece in ambiente mediterraneo. 130
Mediterranean forage legumes grown alone or in mixture with annual ryegrass: biomass production, N2 fixation, and indices of intercrop efficiency 129
Effect of supplementation with wheat bran aqueous extracts obtained by ultrasound-assisted technologies on the sensory properties and the antioxidant activity of dry pasta 129
Meat production from dairy breed lambs due to slaughter age and feeding plan based on wheat bran 128
Nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen fertilizer recovery of durum wheat genotypes as affected by interspecific competition. 126
Productivity of an Atriplex halimus shrubbery and effects of grazing on lambs 123
Uso di ESTRATTI ANTIOSSIDANTI di crusca di grano duro per ottenere una nuova PASTA FUNZIONALE con l’approccio di arricchimento “da grano a grano” 123
Production, oxidation traits and health of dairy ewes fed diets supplemented with fungus myceliated grains. 123
Long-term effects of no tillage treatment on soil N availability, N uptake, and 15N-fertilizer recovery of durum wheat differ in relation to crop sequence 121
Molecular and agronomic responses to plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in durum wheat 120
Effetti del pascolamento della sulla e/o della loiessa per 8 o 24 ore sul comportamento alimentare e sulla produzione lattiero-casearia di pecore Comisane 112
Functional, textural and sensory properties of dry pasta supplemented with lyophilized tomato matrix or with durum wheat bran extracts produced by supercritical carbon dioxide or ultrasound 109
Effect of stocking rate on selective behaviour and milk production of Girgentana goats grazing a ryegrass and berseem clover mixture 107
Morpho-physiological and adaptive variation of Italian germplasm of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) 106
Targeting aging with functional food: Pasta with opuntia single-arm pilot study 106
Effetto della somministrazione del seme di cardo mariano sulla produzione di latte in pecore Comisane. 105
Effetti della consociazione temporanea con favino sulla produttività e qualità del frumento duro in sistemi biologici. 104
null 104
Serum antioxidant capacity and peroxide level of seven healthy subjects after consumption of different foods 103
Salvaguardia e valorizzazione di razze ovine autoctone siciliane 101
Triticale: le varietà consigliate per il 2018-2019. 101
Impiego di granelle di leguminose in alternativa alla soia nella produzione di carne ovina biologica 98
Comportamento delle specie da inerbimento in diversi contesti ambientali: ambienti prevalentemente mediterranei 97
Attitudine alla consociazione di diverse leguminose foraggere mediterranee. 96
Effect of defoliation management and plant arrangement on yield and N2 fixation of berseem-annual ryegrass mixture 95
Effetto delle somministrazione del seme di cardo mariano sulla produzione di latte in pecore comisane 92
Guida alla scelta delle varietà di triticale per il 2013-14 92
Triticale: quale varietà scegliere per le prossime semine 92
Tecniche conservative di gestione del suolo in ambiente mediterraneo: risultati di un ventennio di sperimentazioni. 90
Milk production and gastrointestinal nematode parasitism in ewes grazing either annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) or sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L) at different daily timing 88
Influenza della specie foraggera pascolata sulla produzione di latte ovino 88
Effetti dell'inerbimento sul comportamento vegeto-produttivo di un oliveto in ambiente mediterraneo 87
Le varietà di triticale per le semine 2012 87
Individuazione del periodo critico per il controllo delle infestanti in cece e favino. 86
Realizzazione e gestione degli inerbimenti nelle colture arboree 85
Risposta produttiva di popolazioni e varietà di avena al variare della modalità di gestione 85
The timing of daily grazing on annual ryegrass or sulla forage: the effects on the milk yield and composition of Comisana ewes 84
Effects of proteic concentrates different from soya-bean on growth performances and meat quality of 130 days lambs. 83
Effects of proteic concentrates different from soja-bean on growth performances and meat quality of 130 day lambs. 82
Effetti della Modalità di Gestione del Suolo e dell’Avvicendamento Colturale sulla Dinamica delle Popolazioni di Infestanti nel Frumento Duro in Ambiente Mediterraneo. 82
Effects of diets supplemented with medicinal mushroom myceliated grains on some production, health, and oxidation traits of dairy ewes 82
Use of green sulla forage for feeding 2. Effects on lamb carcass and meat quality 81
Effets de sources protéiques alternatives au soja sur les performances de croissance et sur la qualité de la viande d'agneaux à 130 jours. 80
Valutazione di genotipi di trifoglio sotterraneo per usi foraggeri e non convenzionali in ambiente mediterraneo 80
Risposta di genotipi siciliani di lenticchia (Lens culinaris Medik.) in diversi ambienti collinari 79
Early Sowing Allows To Reduce Weed Pressure In No-Till Organic Durum Wheat Production 78
Wheat yield and grain quality as affected by tillage, sowing time and nitrogen fertilization under rainfed Mediterranean conditions 77
Forage yield and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum in pure stand and in mixture with Lolium multiflorum. 77
Proanthocyanidins from Hedysarum, Lotus and Onobrychis spp. growing in Sardinia and Sicily and their antioxidant activity. 76
Wheat bran as dietary tool to improve dairy production, oxidative status of lactating cows and food sustainability indexes. 76
Plant arrangement effects on dry matter production and nitrogen fixation of berseem clover-annual reygrass mixture. 75
Yield And Competitive Ability Against Weeds Of Mixtures Between Old And Modern Wheat Varieties 75
Effect of stocking rate on selective behaviour and milk production of girgentana goats grazing a ryegrass and berseem clover mixture 74
I vantaggi della subirrigazione per produrre più turioni 74
Microbial dynamics in durum wheat kernels during aging 74
Effects of grain legume crops on yield and quality of subsequent wheat crop grown at several rates of applied nitrogen 72
Biological nitrogen fixation by pea and lentil in rainfed Mediterranean conditions 71
Una rete nazionale italiana per i tappeti erbosi 70
Semine di triticale imminenti, ecco le varietà a disposizione 70
The effects of slaughter age and restricted feeding on growth, carcass and meat quality traits of dairy breed lambs 70
Morpho-agronomic and genetic diversity among twelve Sicilian agro-ecotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris) 70
Nitrogen Transfer Is Enhanced By AMF Fungi In A Faba Bean/Wheat Intercropping 70
Effects of grazing two mixtures of forage species on ewes milk production under climate change condition 69
Effetti della modalità di utilizzazione sulla produttività e sull’azotofissazione simbiotica del Trifolium squarrosum allevato in purezza o in consociazione con Avena sativa. 69
Effetto della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino 69
Effects of soil inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and nutrient uptake of some Mediterranean species grown under rainfed field conditions 68
Effects of feeding green forage of dsulla on lamb growth, gastrointestinal nematode parasite infestation, carcass and meat quality 67
La produzione lattiero-casearia ovina in funzione della durata del pascolamento giornaliero 64
Effetti della competizione interspecifica sull’efficienza di utilizzazione dell’azoto in differenti genotipi di frumento duro al variare della disponibilità azotata. 64
Tutte le varietà di triticale per le semine 2011 64
Ecology of yeasts associated with kernels of several durum wheat genotypes and their role in co-culture with Saccharomyces cerevisiae during dough leavening 63
Varietà locali di cipolle sul podio della qualità 62
Scorpiurus muricatus L.: an interesting legume species for Mediterranean forage systems 62
Totale 10.862
Categoria #
all - tutte 44.288
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 44.288

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020643 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 109 196 121
2020/20211.426 50 125 68 136 160 65 126 65 156 161 173 141
2021/20221.347 110 299 45 53 27 43 50 79 189 160 66 226
2022/20231.603 158 222 32 178 177 239 104 119 172 52 109 41
2023/20241.106 53 110 73 90 89 183 170 108 17 46 28 139
2024/20251.396 100 173 214 247 128 135 177 122 100 0 0 0
Totale 11.992