CAMPIONE, Giuseppe
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.791
EU - Europa 3.541
AS - Asia 1.743
SA - Sud America 78
AF - Africa 76
OC - Oceania 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 14.253
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.770
IT - Italia 1.251
CN - Cina 925
UA - Ucraina 564
SG - Singapore 535
FI - Finlandia 410
IE - Irlanda 355
DE - Germania 242
GB - Regno Unito 211
SE - Svezia 134
RU - Federazione Russa 98
FR - Francia 67
BR - Brasile 59
BE - Belgio 42
CI - Costa d'Avorio 42
IR - Iran 41
HK - Hong Kong 40
IN - India 37
RO - Romania 36
TR - Turchia 35
KR - Corea 34
NL - Olanda 23
IQ - Iraq 20
CH - Svizzera 16
PL - Polonia 16
GR - Grecia 15
CA - Canada 13
AT - Austria 11
AU - Australia 10
EG - Egitto 10
LT - Lituania 9
ET - Etiopia 8
MX - Messico 8
MY - Malesia 8
UZ - Uzbekistan 8
AL - Albania 7
CO - Colombia 7
ID - Indonesia 7
JP - Giappone 7
PT - Portogallo 7
TH - Thailandia 7
TW - Taiwan 7
VN - Vietnam 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
CL - Cile 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
EU - Europa 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
DZ - Algeria 4
ES - Italia 4
UY - Uruguay 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
DK - Danimarca 3
EE - Estonia 3
IL - Israele 3
LV - Lettonia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PH - Filippine 3
SI - Slovenia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LB - Libano 2
LY - Libia 2
PE - Perù 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TN - Tunisia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
HR - Croazia 1
KE - Kenya 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SN - Senegal 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 14.253
Città #
Fairfield 1.280
Ashburn 861
Chandler 718
Woodbridge 673
Wilmington 561
Houston 545
Seattle 509
Ann Arbor 428
Cambridge 417
Singapore 401
Dublin 354
Jacksonville 309
Medford 258
Palermo 198
Nanjing 178
Princeton 163
Des Moines 161
Altamura 123
Boardman 104
Beijing 92
Tulsa 91
Lawrence 87
San Diego 78
Dearborn 73
Nanchang 66
New York 61
Jinan 57
Shenyang 57
Hebei 55
Changsha 53
Milan 52
Tianjin 45
Abidjan 42
Santa Clara 40
Brussels 38
Jiaxing 37
Ningbo 35
Redwood City 35
Zhengzhou 35
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 32
Rome 31
London 29
Guangzhou 26
Seongnam 25
Orange 24
San Paolo di Civitate 23
Haikou 20
Saint Petersburg 20
Hangzhou 19
Taizhou 18
Izmir 17
Piscataway 17
Auburn Hills 16
Columbus 16
Atlanta 15
Lanzhou 14
Bologna 13
Central District 13
San Mateo 13
Dallas 11
Los Angeles 11
Agrigento 10
Central 10
Council Bluffs 10
Fuzhou 9
Kunming 9
Norwalk 9
Pune 9
Taiyuan 9
Venezia 9
Verona 9
Amsterdam 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Indiana 8
Athens 7
Hefei 7
Kilburn 7
Mumbai 7
Naples 7
Napoli 7
Sciara 7
Foggia 6
Hanoi 6
Mountain View 6
Paris 6
Bangkok 5
Birmingham 5
Castelliri 5
Helsinki 5
Padova 5
Redmond 5
Salerno 5
Shanghai 5
Auckland 4
Bursa 4
Catania 4
Chicago 4
Clifton 4
Den Haag 4
Dhaka 4
Totale 10.051
Nome #
Load carrying capacity of RC compressed columns strengthened with steel angles and strips 239
Behavior in compression of concrete cylinders externally wrapped with basalt fibers 208
Gli infissi in ferro - finestra: una proposta di restauro 170
The use of pumice lightweight concrete for masonry applications 165
Flexural behaviour of external R/C steel fibre reinforced beam-column joints 164
Compressive behaviour of concrete elliptical columns confined by single hoops 161
Flexural and Shear Resistance of Steel Fiber–Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Beams 146
Analytical evaluation of steel–concrete composite trussed beam shear capacity 146
Steel fiber-reinforced concrete corbels:experimental behavior and shear strength prediction 143
Compressive behavior of short high-strength concrete columns 141
Compressive behaviour of laminated structural glass members 140
Biaxial deformation and ductility domains for engineered rectangular RC cross-sections: A parametric study highlighting the positive roles of axial load, geometry and materials 139
Analytical Prediction of the Flexural Response of External RC Joints with Smooth Rebars 139
Analytical model for high-strength concrete columns with square cross-section 138
Simplified Model for Compressive Behavior of Concrete Columns Strengthened by Steel Angles and Strips 138
Behaviour of concrete deep beams with openings and low shear span-to-depth ratio 133
Influence of FRP wrapping techniques on the compressive behavior of concrete prisms 131
Shear and flexural strength prediction of corroded R.C. beams 130
Hand verification for flexural strength of existing R.C. floors subject to degradation phenomena 129
Moment-Axial Domain of Corroded R.C. Columns 129
Ductility of reinforced concrete members externally wrapped with fiber-reinforced polymer sheets 124
Influenza dei Fenomeni Attritivi nella Risposta Strutturale di Colonne in c.a. Rinforzate con Incamiciatura in Acciaio: Confronto numerico-sperimentale e Predizione Analitica della Capacità 124
A simple model for the calculation of the axial load-carrying capacity of corroded RC columns 123
Retrofitting of existing steel MR-frames by encasing the columns 122
Behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete columns under axially and eccentrically compressive loads 122
Strength and ductility of R.C. columns strengthened with steel angles and battens 120
Advanced Strategies and Materials for Reinforcing Normal and Disturbed Regions in Brick Masonry Columns 119
Mechanical properties of steel fibre reinforced lightweight concrete with pumice stone or expanded clay aggregates 116
Influence of steel reinforcements on the behavior of compressed high strength R.C. circular columns 115
Efficiency of stress-strain models of confined concrete with and without steel jacketing to reproduce experimental results 113
Compressive behavior of FRP externally wrapped R.C. column with buckling effects of longitudinal bars 113
Frictional effects in structural behavior of no-end-connected steel-jacketed RC columns: Experimental results and new approaches to model numerical and analytical response 113
Some comments on the experimental behavior of FRC beams in flexure 112
Moment-axial force domain of corroded R.C. columns 112
D-Regions 110
Structural behavior of the old masonry bridge in the Gulf of Castellammare 110
Shear-to-Moment Interaction in Glass Beams with Open Cross Sections 109
Shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams with stirrups 108
Risk of failure in existing RC balcony and strength verification under degradation phenomena 108
Effects of circular openings on the compressive behaviour of R.C. columns 107
Flexural behavior of external beam-column reinforced concrete assemblages externally strengthened with steel cages 107
Use of FRP fabrics and stainless steel grids for strengthening brick masonry columns 107
Brick masonry columns externally wrapped with steel wires under concentric and eccentric loads 107
Behaviour in compression of lightweight fiber reinforced concrete confined with transverse steel reinforcement 107
Practical Calculation Models for Column Footing and Comparison with Experimental Data 106
Structural behaviour of hybrid glass beams with T cross-sections 106
Testing of “Global Young's Modulus E” on a rehabilitated masonry bell tower in Venice 105
In-situ NDT testing procedure as an integral part of failure analysis of historical masonry arch bridges 104
Simplified model for compressive response of RC column footing with square cross-section 104
Applicability of over-coring technique to loaded RC columns 103
Flexural response of external R.C. beam-column joints externally strengthened with steel cages 103
Strength and strain enhancements of concrete columns confined with FRP sheets 103
Simplified flexural response of steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams 102
Steel-concrete bond in lightweight fiber reinforced concrete under monotonic and cyclic actions 102
Engineering failure analysis of corroded R.C. beams in flexure and shear 101
RC Columns Strengthened with Steel Angles and Battens: Experimental Results and Design Procedure 100
Experimental investigation on compressive behavior of bottle-shaped struts 99
The use of steel angles for the connection of laminated glass beams: Experiments and modelling 99
Analytical prediction of load deflection curves of external steel fibers R/C beam-column joints under monotonic loading 99
Simplified analytical model for moment–axial force domain in the presence of shear in R.C. members externally strengthened with steel cages 99
Laminated Glass Members in Compression: Experiments and Modeling 98
Evaluation of infilled frames: an updated in-plane-stiffness macro-model considering the effects of vertical loads 98
Travetti e solai 97
Approximate Solution on Large Deflection of Glass Panels Subjected to Uniform Pressure 97
Flexural behaviour of concrete corbels containing steel fibers or wrapped with FRP sheets 97
Strength and strain capacity of fiber reinforced polymer confined concrete in elliptical columns 96
Flexural Test on a Full-Scale 60-kW Wind Turbine-Tower Telescopic Steel Pipe 96
Flexural behavior of hybrid glass beams with rectangular cross-sections 95
Shear strength of High-strength concrete beams: modeling and design recommendations 95
Comportamento flessionale di mensole tozze in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato 94
Influenza del carotaggio sullo stato tensionale e deformativo di elementi compressi 94
Stainless steel grids for confinement of clay brick masonry columns 94
Assessment of the load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete columns strengthened by steel cages Specificità nella valutazione della capacità portante di colonne in calcestruzzo armato rinforzate con incamiciatura in acciaio 94
Indagine sperimentale su travi in calcestruzzo fibroso sottoposte a carichi monotonici e ciclici 93
Fibrous reinforced concrete beams in flexure: experimental investigation, analytical modelling and design consideration 93
Performance of steel fibrous reinforced concrete corbels subjected to vertical and horizontal loads 93
Flexural behaviour of glass panels under dead load and uniform lateral pressure 90
Resistenza e duttilità di colonne compresse in calcestruzzo ad alta resistenza 89
Bond characterization of monolithic and layered glass panels and ultrasonic tests to control glued surfaces 89
Colonne in c.a. rinforzate con FRP con diverso livello di confinamento 88
Shear design of high strength concrete beams in MRFs 87
Influence of radius of corners in concrete columns confined with FRP sheets 86
Analisi sperimentale del comportamento flessionale di colonne in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato 86
Comportamento flessionale di nodi esterni in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato 85
Case Study of the Structural Behavior of a Catalan Bricks Masonry Vault 85
One-dimensional members 84
Practical Model for Load-Carrying Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Square Column Footings 84
Capacità portante di mensole tozze in calcestruzzo fibroso o rinforzate con FRP 83
Coperture in vetro stratificato: criteri di progettazione 83
Experimental behavior of concrete filled-columns in compression 82
Compressive behavior of short fibrous reinforced concrete members with square cross-section 80
Modelling steel jacketed RC columns: Remarks by experimental-numerical comparisons 79
Comportamento in compressione di elementi in calcestruzzo rinforzati con angolari e piatti metallici 78
Behavior in compression of lightweight fiber reinforced concrete with hooked steel fibers and transverse steel reinforcement 78
Flexural Behavior of Steel Fibrous Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams 78
Palo telescopico per produzione eolica con ridotto impatto ambientale 78
Shear and flexural strength of corroded R.C. beams 77
Flexural and Shear Resistance of High Strength Concrete Beams 76
Temporary Strengthening Technique of Marble Columns with Steel Wires and Wood Spars 76
Totale 10.894
Categoria #
all - tutte 58.561
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 58.561

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 268 412 197 366 158
2020/20211.945 110 285 110 189 156 102 140 136 198 128 184 207
2021/20221.587 80 366 46 77 54 78 61 75 222 155 62 311
2022/20232.133 223 386 44 177 252 350 133 178 223 44 85 38
2023/20241.060 50 151 60 119 81 169 153 52 28 27 16 154
2024/20251.016 90 146 139 246 85 101 164 45 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.939