Vignieri, Vincenzo
Vignieri, Vincenzo
Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali
Archeologia, quale lavoro dopo l’università? Un’analisi multidisciplinare del rapporto tra ricerca, formazione, professione e opportunità imprenditoriali
2018-01-01 Vincenzo Vignieri, Claudia Pantellaro, Francesco Pillitteri
Co-produzione di valore nei servizi museali e performance multidimensionali: un approccio dinamico a supporto del management culturale
2020-01-01 Vincenzo Vignieri
Crowdsourcing as a mode of open innovation: Exploring drivers of success of a multisided platform through system dynamics modelling
2020-01-01 Vignieri, Vincenzo
Dealing with abnormal business growth by leveraging local area common goods: an outside-in stakeholder collaboration perspective
2020-01-01 Bianchi, Carmine; Vignieri, Vincenzo
Destination Governance at Stake: Fostering Policy Coordination Among Decision-Makers of a Small Town
2019-01-01 Vignieri, Vincenzo
Enhancing the governance of local areas through Dynamic Performance Management
Vignieri, V.
Enhancing Urban Brownfield Regeneration to Pursue Sustainable Community Outcomes through Dynamic Performance Governance
2019-01-01 Bianchi, Carmine; Bereciartua, Pablo; Vignieri, Vincenzo; Cohen, Ariel
Framing the Sources of Image of a Local Area through Outcome-Based Dynamic Performance Management
2019-01-01 Vignieri, V.
Image of a Local Area: Measuring and Managing
2018-01-01 Vignieri, Vincenzo
Leveraging Collaborative Governance: How Co-production Contributes to Outcomes and Public Value in a Small Town
2020-01-01 Vincenzo Vignieri
Performance Management in the Public Sector
2018-01-01 Vignieri, Vincenzo
The contribution of "spontaneous" health care networks to improving outcomes: Opportunities and challenges from the perspective of planning and control systems
2019-01-01 Vignieri, Vincenzo; Bianchi, Carmine; Pietrosi, Astrid; Provenzale, Giuseppe
Tourism Governance at Stake: supporting decision makers in a small town through an Interactive Learning Environment
2016-01-01 Vincenzo Vignieri, Angelo Guerrera, Giovanni Scire'