FRENI, Gabriele
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.054
EU - Europa 3.398
AS - Asia 1.156
AF - Africa 64
SA - Sud America 26
OC - Oceania 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 10.721
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.034
UA - Ucraina 922
IT - Italia 773
FI - Finlandia 678
CN - Cina 670
SG - Singapore 369
DE - Germania 237
IE - Irlanda 220
GB - Regno Unito 162
SE - Svezia 133
FR - Francia 79
RU - Federazione Russa 70
CI - Costa d'Avorio 50
KR - Corea 35
RO - Romania 33
IN - India 21
CA - Canada 20
IR - Iran 19
NL - Olanda 19
BR - Brasile 17
GR - Grecia 16
BE - Belgio 13
HK - Hong Kong 11
AU - Australia 10
CH - Svizzera 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
DZ - Algeria 7
ES - Italia 7
HU - Ungheria 7
CO - Colombia 6
ID - Indonesia 5
IL - Israele 5
EU - Europa 4
PH - Filippine 4
PL - Polonia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
JP - Giappone 3
LB - Libano 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TR - Turchia 3
AT - Austria 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
EC - Ecuador 2
ET - Etiopia 2
MT - Malta 2
MY - Malesia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
CL - Cile 1
EG - Egitto 1
RS - Serbia 1
RW - Ruanda 1
UG - Uganda 1
Totale 10.721
Città #
Fairfield 660
Jacksonville 514
Woodbridge 512
Chandler 489
Houston 461
Wilmington 378
Ashburn 368
Ann Arbor 365
Singapore 283
Seattle 256
Dublin 220
Medford 219
Cambridge 218
Nanjing 182
Princeton 140
Tulsa 123
Des Moines 109
Boardman 89
Beijing 72
Palermo 67
Dearborn 65
Shenyang 59
Abidjan 50
Altamura 49
Santa Clara 49
Nanchang 48
San Diego 46
Milan 45
Tianjin 43
Changsha 42
Hebei 40
Seongnam 35
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 34
New York 32
Lawrence 30
Jinan 28
Verona 28
San Mateo 27
Bremen 24
Jiaxing 24
Zhengzhou 24
Saint Petersburg 21
Biella 16
Columbus 16
Kunming 16
Ningbo 15
Guangzhou 14
Helsinki 13
Rome 12
Brussels 11
London 11
Pune 11
Redwood City 11
Tehran 11
Hefei 10
Norwalk 10
Ottawa 10
Taizhou 10
Auburn Hills 9
Hangzhou 8
Los Angeles 8
Den Haag 7
Lanzhou 7
Naples 7
Rio De Janeiro 7
Reggio Calabria 6
Düsseldorf 5
Falls Church 5
Florence 5
Hong Kong 5
Melbourne 5
San Cipriano Picentino 5
Tel Aviv 5
Amsterdam 4
Bogotá 4
Bologna 4
Chiesina Uzzanese 4
Como 4
Dallas 4
Exeter 4
Jakarta 4
Kumar 4
Orange 4
Oranienbaum 4
Stuttgart 4
Toronto 4
Vicenza 4
Viterbo 4
Aprilia 3
Atlanta 3
Bari 3
Bayreuth 3
Bergamo 3
Cefalù 3
Chicago 3
Delft 3
Fabriano 3
Forest City 3
Francofonte 3
Fremont 3
Totale 6.955
Nome #
Contaminant Intrusion through Leaks in Water Distribution System: Experimental Analysis 188
Urban runoff modelling uncertainty: Comparison among Bayesian and pseudo-Bayesian methods 147
Assessment of data availability influence on integrated urban drainage modelling uncertainty 147
Uncertainty in urban flood damage assessment due to urban drainage modelling and depth-damage curve estimation 144
Analysis of intermittent supply systems in water scarcity conditions and evaluation of the resource distribution equity indices 143
The influence of rainfall time resolution for urban water quality modelling 143
An Environmental Analysis of the Effect of Energy Saving, Production and Recovery Measures on Water Supply Systems under Scarcity Conditions 142
Analysis of intermittent supply systems in water scarcity conditions and evaluation of the resource distribution equity indices 141
Comparison between a detailed and a simplified integrated model for the assessment of urban drainage environmental impact on a ephemeral river. 139
Experimental Evidence of Leaks in Elastic Pipes 138
Uncertainty assessment of an integrated urban drainage model 133
Uncertainty assessment of sewer sediment erosion modelling 131
Evaluation of the apparent losses caused by water meter under-registration in intermittent water supply 126
Emission standards versus immission standards for assessing the impact of urban drainage on ephemeral receiving water bodies 124
Identifiability analysis for receiving water body quality modelling 123
Quantification of diffuse and concentrated pollutant loads at the watershed-scale: an Italian case study 122
Uncertainty in urban stormwater quality modelling: the influence of likelihood measure formulation in the GLUE methodology 122
Integrated urban water modelling with uncertainty analysis 120
Uncertainty in water quality modelling: The applicability of Variance Decomposition Approach 118
Stormwater infiltration trenches: a conceptual modelling approach 115
Urban water quality modelling: a parsimonious holistic approach for a complex real case study 113
Uncertainty in urban stormwater quality modelling: The effect of acceptability threshold in the GLUE methodology 112
Pumps as turbines (PATs) in water distribution networks affected by intermittent service 111
Assessment of data availability influence on integrated urban drainage modelling uncertainty 106
Uncertainty analysis in sewer systems performance evaluation 104
The apparent losses due to metering errors: a proactive approach to predict losses and schedule maintenance 104
Water and Energy Saving in Urban Water Systems: The ALADIN Project 103
A water demand model by means of the artificial neural networks method 101
Multicriteria performance analysis of an integrated urban wastewater system for energy management 100
Identifiability analysis for receiving water body quality modelling considering a holistic approach 96
Multivariate statistical analysis for water demand modelling: implementation, performance analysis, and comparison with the PRP model 95
Effect of network pressure on apparent losses due to meters under-registration 94
Urban runoff quality modelling uncertainty assessment 93
Analisi del processo di consumo istantaneo di singole utenze residenziali con il modello di Poisson ad impulsi rettangolari 93
Sistemi localizzati di riuso delle acque meteoriche in ambito urbano 92
A performance based approach for the analysis of urban water distribution systems under drought conditions 92
Wastewater Network Challenges and Solutions 89
Generazione di ietogrammi sintetici per l’analisi di frequenza degli allagamenti in ambiente urbano 88
Defining Uncertainties in Modelling of Urban Drainage Systems 87
In condizioni di scarsità delle risorse intervenire sulla domanda o sull'offerta 83
Definition of performance indicators for urban water distribution systems in drought conditions 83
Modelling urban stormwater impact mitigation by using bmps and storage tanks 82
Infiltration facilities design: comparison between simplified approaches and detailed physically based modelling 81
Mitigation of Urban Flooding: a Simplified Approach for Distributed Stormwater Management Practices selection and planning 81
Indicatori di performance per l'analisi delle reti di distribuzione in condizioni di scarsità idrica 79
Reliability of sewer system performance analysis 79
Urban drainage analysis for flooding mitigation 78
Affidabilità dell’analisi prestazionale di un sistema di drenaggio urbano 78
Comparison of different stochastic models for urban water demand forecasting in drought conditions 78
CARE – S: un sistema di supporto decisionale per le reti di drenaggio urbano 78
Experimental and modeling analysis of an apparent losses reduction device 78
Evaluation of the water scarcity energy cost 78
Analisi e previsione dei consumi urbani attraverso l’applicazione di modelli a rete neurale 77
Modelling urban stormwater impact mitigation by using BMPs and storage tanks 76
Uncertainty assessment of sewer sediment erosion modelling 75
Modelli di previsione del consumo idrico istantaneo sulla base di reti neurali 75
Analisi e previsione dei consumi idrici urbani attraverso l’applicazione di modelli a rete neurale 73
Stormwater Source Control as a Strategy for Sustainable Development: State of the Practice and Perceived Trends 73
Controllo dell’inquinamento delle acque meteoriche e qualità dei corpi idrici ricettori: l’esperienza del bacino Nord di Palermo 73
Catchment-scale modelling approach for a holistic urban water quality management 72
Integrated urban drainage uncertainty assessment : the influence of the likelihood efficiency measures 72
Un modello per il riempimento delle reti di distribuzione idrica in presenza di turnazione del servizio 72
Analisi integrata della qualità dei deflussi meteorici in un bacino naturale parzialmente urbanizzato 71
Controllo dell'inquinamento delle acque meteoriche e qualità dei corpi idrici ricettori 70
Programmazione e gestione dei sistemi acquedottistici in condizioni di scarsità di risorsa 69
CARE-S: Rehabilitation cost report 69
CARE-S: un sistema di supporto alle decisioni per la riabilitazione delle reti drenanti urbane 68
Implementation of a numerical model for the evaluation of potential apparent losses in a distribution network 68
Urban drainage impact assessment on receiving water body: long-term simulation and statistical analysis 67
In condizioni di scarsità delle risorse intervenire sulla domanda o sull’offerta 67
Un modello previsionale della domanda idrica istantanea in condizioni di scarsità 67
Uncertainty analysis in urban flooding performance evaluation 67
Modelling analysis of distribution network filling process during intermittent supply 67
Diffuse and concentrated pollution control at watershed-scale: an Italian case study 67
Reti bayesiane per l’indentificazione delle migliori strategie di gestione idraulica di un bacino urbano 67
Statistical analysis of the uncertainty linked to flood risk evaluation 66
Il controllo distribuito dei deflussi meteorici in ambiente urbano: le esperienze brasiliane ed italiane, le problematiche e le prospettive. Atti del VIII Simpósio Ítalo Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, VIII SIBESA 66
The benefit effects of rainwater utilization: a long term modelling approach 66
Carenza idrica: conseguenze in ambiente urbano 66
Un modello previsionale della domanda idrica istantanea in condizioni di scarsità 65
A robust estimation of sub-hourly ddf curves in partially urbanised catchments 65
Urban drainage performance analysis for flooding mitigation 64
Programmazione e gestione dei sistemi acquedottistici in condizioni di scarsità di risorsa 64
Indicatori di performance per l’analisi delle reti di distribuzione in condizioni di scarsità idrica 63
The beneficial effect of local rain water reuse in urban areas: a long term modelling approach 63
The effect of acceptability threshold over an integrated urban drainage model uncertainty. 62
Comparison between storm tracking analysis techniques in urban area based on high resolution raingauge data 62
Development of an Integrated Urban Drainage System Model for the River Pollution Control 61
Point and no point pollution assessment for a receiving water body quality management 61
Investigations into under-registration of costumers meters in Palermo (Italy) and the effect of introducing unmetered flow reducers 61
Valutazione delle perdite idriche apparenti legate all’errata misurazione dei consumi residenziali 61
Distrettualizzazione di una rete idrica per mitigare l’iniqua distribuzione delle risorse idriche in condizioni di scarsità 61
Estimation of sub-hourly ddf curves using scaling properties of hourly and sub-hourly data at partially-gaged site 60
Riduzione delle perdite apparenti. Analisi sperimentale e modellistica dell'UFR 60
Research in reduction of meters under registration: experience and results achieved in field tests and in laboratory in Palermo 59
Totale 8.928
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.930
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 39.930

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.444 0 0 0 0 0 356 312 136 274 157 59 150
2020/20211.433 51 176 33 189 145 32 146 62 180 69 169 181
2021/20221.280 35 316 12 54 23 17 28 56 151 229 90 269
2022/20231.397 193 169 18 146 210 232 90 102 150 5 66 16
2023/2024566 36 136 31 30 42 126 59 15 11 14 12 54
2024/2025560 40 96 135 217 67 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.995