Culture e Società
A View from the Garden: Contemplative Isolation and Constructive Sociability in Lucretius and in the Epicurean Tradition
2021-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Aristotle to Pythagoras? Nigidius Figulus’ Biology in Late Republican Rome
2024-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Aëriae Animae: Souls and Elements from the Roman Cosmos to the Christian Afterworld
2024-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Barking at the Threshold: Cicero, Lucretius, and the Ambiguous Status of Dogs in Roman Culture
2019-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Benchmarking BERT-based Models for Latin: A Case Study on Biblical References in Ancient Christian Literature
2025-01-01 Caffagni, Davide; Cocchi, Federico; Mambelli, Anna; Tutrone, Fabio; Zanella, Marco; Cornia, Marcella; Cucchiara, Rita
Between Atoms and Humours. Lucretius' Didactic Poetry as a Model of Integrated and Bifocal Physiology
2012-01-01 Tutrone, F
Between Time and Culture: Anthropology and Historicity in the Study of Ancient Literature
2015-01-01 Tutrone, F
Carmelo Salemme: Contributi lucreziani. Bari: Cacucci 2020
2023-08-03 Tutrone, Fabio
Coming to Know Epicurus’ Truth: Distributed Cognition in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura
2020-01-01 Tutrone Fabio
Commune Ius Animantium (Clem. 1.18.2): Seneca's Naturalism and the Problem of Animal Rights
2013-01-01 Tutrone, F
Confini in discesa. Rappresentazioni della violenza e della bestialità nella cultura romana.
2010-01-01 Tutrone, F
De Circulo Latino Panormitano condito sive de eius inceptis consiliisque
2002-01-01 Tutrone, F
Disumano, troppo umano. La maschera del tiranno e l’antropologia dei filosofi (da Sofocle a Seneca)
2019-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Dreams, Texts, and Truths: Augustine on Hermeneutics and Oneirocriticism
2024-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Dumb Animals: A Short History of Classical Logocentrism
2021-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
2019-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Evil, Progress, and Fall: Moral Readings of Time and Cultural Development in Roman Literature and Philosophy
2014-01-01 Marchese, R; Tutrone, F
Evil, Progress, and Fall: Moral Readings of Time and Cultural Development in Roman Literature and Philosophy
2014-01-01 Marchese, R.; Tutrone, F
Filodemo, Cicerone, Nepote: a proposito del contesto storico-culturale di Oec. Col. XXII.9-48
2018-01-01 Tutrone, Fabio
Filosofi e animali in Roma antica. Modelli di animalità e umanità in Lucrezio e Seneca
2009-04-01 Tutrone, .