ANDO', Andrea

ANDO', Andrea  

Energia, Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Modelli Matematici (attivo dal 01/01/2013 al 31/12/2018)  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2011 All-Optical frequency Shifter in a Periodically Poled Lithium Tantalate Waveguide BUSACCA, AlessandroCURCIO, LucianoSTIVALA, SalvatoreANDO', Andrea + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Busacca, A; Curcio, L; Stivala, S; Andò, A; Nava, G; Minzioni, P; Cristiani, I; Assanto, G
1-gen-2016 Cardiovascular parameters detection using a Photoplethismographic system GUARINO, SaverioPARISI, AntoninoANDO', AndreaPERNICE, RiccardoADAMO, GabrieleZINGALES, MassimilianoBUSACCA, Alessandro 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Guarino, S; Parisi, A; Andò, A; Pernice, R; Adamo, G; Zingales, M; Busacca, A
1-gen-2014 CIGS PV Module Characteristic Curves Under Chemical Composition and Thickness Variations MICELI, RosarioCIPRIANI, GiovanniDI DIO, VincenzoSPATARO, CiroRICCO GALLUZZO, GiuseppeLA ROCCA, VincenzoCURCIO, LucianoPARISI, AntoninoCINO, Alfonso CarmeloPERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaADAMO, GabrieleTOMASINO, AlessandroSTIVALA, SalvatoreBUSACCA, AlessandroPALMISANO, GiovanniLA CASCIA, Diego 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Miceli, R; Cipriani, G; Di Dio, V; Spataro, C; Ricco Galluzzo, G; La Rocca, V; Curcio, L; Parisi, A; Cino, AC; Pernice, R; Andò, A; Adamo, G; Tomasino, A; Stivala, S; Busacca, A; Palmisano, G; La Cascia, D
1-gen-2013 CIGS Thin Film by One-Step Electrodeposition Deposition for Solar Cells OLIVERI, Roberto LuigiINGUANTA, RosalindaSPANO', TizianaPIAZZA, SalvatoreSUNSERI, CarmeloTOMASINO, AlessandroANDO', AndreaCURCIO, LucianoPARISI, AntoninoCINO, Alfonso CarmeloMICELI, RosarioBUSACCA, Alessandro 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Oliveri, RL; Inguanta, R; Spanò, T; Piazza, S; Sunseri, C; Tomasino, A; Andò, A; Curcio, L; Parisi, A; Cino, AC; Miceli, R; Busacca A
1-gen-2011 Correlated Channel Model for terrestrial Free Space Optics and project specifications evaluation of LT code in OOK modulation ANDO', AndreaCURCIO, LucianoSTIVALA, SalvatoreADAMO, GabrieleRIVA SANSEVERINO, StefanoBUSACCA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Andò, A; Bonanno, E; Curcio, L; Stivala, S; Adamo, G; Riva Sanseverino, S; Busacca, A
1-gen-2012 Correlated channel model for terrestrial Free Space Optics: performance analysis of rateless codes ANDO', AndreaMANGIONE, StefanoCURCIO, LucianoSTIVALA, SalvatoreGALLO, PierluigiBUSACCA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Andò, A; Indelicato, G; Mangione, S; Curcio, L; Stivala, S; Gallo, P; Busacca, A
1-gen-2014 CuInSe2/Zn(S,O,OH) junction by electrochemical and chemical route for photovoltaic applications (GE 2014) OLIVERI, Roberto LuigiINGUANTA, RosalindaFERRARA, GermanoPIAZZA, SalvatoreSUNSERI, CarmeloPARISI, AntoninoCURCIO, LucianoADAMO, GabrielePERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaSTIVALA, SalvatoreGUARINO, SaverioCINO, Alfonso CarmeloBUSACCA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Oliveri, RL; Inguanta, R; Ferrara, G; Piazza, S; Sunseri, C; Parisi, A; Curcio, L; Adamo, G; Rocca, V; Pernice, R; Andò, A; Stivala, S; Giordano, A; Guarino, S; Cino, AC; Busacca, A
1-gen-2014 CulnSe2/Zn(S,O,OH) junction on Mo foil by electrochemical and chemical route for photovoltaic applications OLIVERI, Roberto LuigiINGUANTA, RosalindaFERRARA, GermanoPIAZZA, SalvatoreSUNSERI, CarmeloPARISI, AntoninoCURCIO, LucianoADAMO, GabrielePERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaSTIVALA, SalvatoreGUARINO, SaverioCINO, Alfonso CarmeloBUSACCA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Oliveri, RL; Inguanta, R; Ferrara, G; Piazza, S; Sunseri, C; Parisi, A; Curcio, L; Adamo, G; Rocca, V; Pernice, R; Andò, A; Stivala, S; Giordano, A; Guarino, S; Cino, AC; Busacca, A
1-gen-2014 Electro-optical characterization of new classes of Silicon Carbide UV photodetectors ADAMO, GabrieleTOMASINO, AlessandroPARISI, AntoninoAGRO', DiegoSTIVALA, SalvatoreCURCIO, LucianoANDO', AndreaPERNICE, RiccardoGIACONIA, Giuseppe CostantinoBUSACCA, Alessandro + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Adamo, G; Tomasino, A; Parisi, A; Agrò, D; Stivala, S; Curcio, L; Andò, A; Pernice, R; Giaconia, C; Busacca, A; MAZZILLO, M; SANFILIPPO, D; FALLICA, G
1-gen-2017 Electro-optical characterization of ruthenium-based dye sensitized solar cells: A study of light soaking, ageing and temperature effects PARISI, AntoninoPERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaCINO, Alfonso CarmeloFRANZITTA, VincenzoBUSACCA, Alessandro 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Parisi, A; Pernice, R; Andò, A; Cino, AC; Franzitta, V; Busacca A
1-gen-2014 Electro-Optical characterization of Silicon Carbide Schottky photodiodes ADAMO, GabrieleAGRO', DiegoSTIVALA, SalvatorePARISI, AntoninoCURCIO, LucianoANDO', AndreaTOMASINO, AlessandroGIACONIA, Giuseppe CostantinoBUSACCA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Adamo, G; Agro', D; Stivala, S; Parisi, A; Curcio, L; Ando', A; Tomasino, A; Giaconia, GC; Busacca, A; MAZZILLO, M; SANFILIPPO, D; FALLICA, G
1-gen-2015 Error mitigation using RaptorQ codes in an experimental indoor free space optical link under the influence of turbulence PERNICE, RiccardoPARISI, AntoninoANDO', AndreaMANGIONE, StefanoGARBO, GiovanniBUSACCA, Alessandro + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Pernice, R; Parisi, A; Andò, A; Mangione, S; Garbo, G; Busacca, A; Perez, J; Ghassemlooy, Z
1-gen-2013 Ethanol vapor optical sensors based on polystyrene opals infiltrated with hydrogel PERNICE, RiccardoADAMO, GabrieleSTIVALA, SalvatorePARISI, AntoninoANDO', AndreaBUSACCA, AlessandroSABATINO, Maria AntoniettaD'ACQUISTO, LeonardoDISPENZA, Clelia + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Pernice, R; Adamo, G; Stivala, S; Parisi, A; Andò, A; Busacca, A; Spigolon, D; Sabatino, MA; D’Acquisto, L; Dispenza, C
1-gen-2016 Experimental characterization of Ruthenium-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells and study of light-soaking effect impact on performance PARISI, AntoninoPERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaADAMO, GabrieleCINO, Alfonso CarmeloBUSACCA, Alessandro 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Parisi, A; Pernice, R; Andò, A; Adamo, G; Cino, AC; Busacca, A
1-gen-2014 Fading mitigation coding techniques for space to ground free space optical communications ANDO', AndreaPERNICE, RiccardoCURCIO, LucianoSTIVALA, SalvatoreMANGIONE, StefanoGALLO, PierluigiGARBO, GiovanniBUSACCA, Alessandro 02 - Contributo in volume::2.09 Poster pubblicato in volume Andò, A; Pernice, R; Curcio, L; Stivala, S; Mangione, S; Gallo, P; Garbo, G; Busacca, A
1-gen-2014 Fading mitigation coding techniques for space to ground free space optical communications (Euro Med Telco 2014) ANDO', AndreaPERNICE, RiccardoCURCIO, LucianoSTIVALA, SalvatoreMANGIONE, StefanoGALLO, PierluigiCAMPANELLA, MatteoGARBO, GiovanniBUSACCA, Alessandro 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Andò, A; Pernice, R; Curcio, L; Stivala, S; Mangione, S; Gallo, P; Campanella, M; Garbo, G; Busacca, A
1-gen-2015 Indoor free space optics link under the weak turbulence regime: Measurements and model validation PERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaCURCIO, LucianoSTIVALA, SalvatorePARISI, AntoninoBUSACCA, Alessandro + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Pernice, R.; Ando', A.; Cardinale, M.; Curcio, L.; Stivala, S.; Parisi, A.; Busacca, A.; Ghassemlooy, Z.; Perez, J.
1-gen-2016 Light Soaking measurements on Ruthenium-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells PARISI, AntoninoPERNICE, RiccardoANDO', AndreaCINO, Alfonso CarmeloBUSACCA, Alessandro 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Parisi, A; Pernice, R; Andò, A; Cino, AC; Busacca, A
1-gen-2012 Luby Transform Performance Tests on Time-Correlated Channel Model for Geo Free Space Optics Downlinks ANDO', AndreaMANGIONE, StefanoCURCIO, LucianoBUSACCA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings ANDO', A; MANGIONE, S; CURCIO, L; ZEISS, L; BUSACCA, A