PARELLO, Francesco

PARELLO, Francesco  

Scienze della Terra e del Mare  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2011 3He/4He Ratio in Olivines from Linosa, Ustica, and Pantelleria Islands (Southern Italy) PARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Fourrè,E; Allard,P; Jean-Baptiste,P; Cellura,D; Parello,F
1-gen-2010 A biomonitoring study using endemic plants for the evaluation of volcanogenic deposition on Mt. Etna (Italy) CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, FrancescoSAIANO, Filippo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Calabrese, S; Parello, F; D'Alessandro, W; Saiano, F; Di Maio, G; Brusca, L; Bellomo, S
1-gen-2020 A Christmas gift: Signature of the 24th December 2018 eruption of Mt. Etna on the chemical composition of bulk deposition in eastern Sicily Brugnone F.Calabrese S.Li Vigni L.Bellomo S.Saiano F.Parello F. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Brugnone F.; D'Alessandro W.; Calabrese S.; Li Vigni L.; Bellomo S.; Brusca L.; Prano V.; Saiano F.; Parello F.
1-gen-2004 A coupled geophysical and geochemical approach to the study of buried degassing structures on mt. Etna GIAMMANCO, SantoLUZIO, DarioPARELLO, FrancescoSCHIFANO, RobertoDE LUCA, Luciana + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DALESSANDRO W; GIAMMANCO S; LUZIO D; PARELLO F; SCHIFANO R; DE LUCA L
1-gen-2004 A landscape approach in the isotopic modeling of natural precipitations: two cases in Mediterranean mountain areas. MADONIA, PietroPARELLO, FrancescoVALENZA, Mariano + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista MADONIA P; FAVARA R; MELI G; PARELLO F; VALENZA M
1-gen-2012 A literature review and new data of trace metals fluxes from worldwide active volcanoes CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, Francesco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Calabrese, S; Scaglione, S; D’Alessandro, W; Brusca, L; Bellomo, S; Parello, F
1-gen-2011 Active biomonitoring (moss-bags) of volcanic emissions on Mt. Etna CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, Francesco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Calabrese, S; D’Alessandro, W; Parello, F; Bellomo, S; Brusca, L
1-gen-2015 Active Moss biomonitoring of mercury in the mine-polluted area of Mt. Amiata (Central Italy) CALABRESE, SergioDaskalopoulou, KyriakiPARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.05 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Calabrese, S; Cabassi, J; Tassi, F; Vaselli, O; Capecchiacci, F; Brusca, L; Bellomo, S; Daskalopoulou, K; D’Alessandro, W; Parello, F; Niccolini, M; Rappuoli, D
1-gen-2008 Active volcanoes as emission point sources of atmospheric mercury BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, FrancescoVALENZA, MarianoCALABRESE, Sergio + 09 - Altro::9.1 Altro Bagnato, E; Aiuppa, A; Parello, F; Valenza, M; Calabrese, S; Witt, M; Mather, T; Pyle, D;
1-gen-2012 Another kind of “volcanic risk”: the acidification of sea-water. Vulcano Island (Italy) a natural laboratory for ocean acidification studies BOATTA, FulvioGAGLIANO, Antonina LisaCALABRESE, SergioMILAZZO, MarcoPARELLO, Francesco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Boatta, F; D’Alessandro, W; Gagliano, AL; Calabrese, S; Liotta, M; Milazzo, M; Parello, F
1-gen-2011 Application of the moss bag biomonitoring technique in an active volcanic environment (Mt. Etna, Italy). CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, Francesco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Calabrese, S; D’Alessandro, W; Parello, F; Bellomo, S; Brusca, L
1-gen-2023 Atmospheric Deposition around the Industrial Areas of Milazzo and Priolo Gargallo (Sicily–Italy)—Part A: Major Ions Brugnone F.Parello F.Liotta M.Bellomo S.Li Vigni L.Sprovieri M.Calabrese S. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Brugnone F.; D’Alessandro W.; Parello F.; Liotta M.; Bellomo S.; Prano V.; Li Vigni L.; Sprovieri M.; Calabrese S.
1-gen-2023 Atmospheric Deposition around the Industrial Areas of Milazzo and Priolo Gargallo (Sicily–Italy)—Part B: Trace Elements Brugnone F.Parello F.Saiano F.Li Vigni L.Sprovieri M.Calabrese S. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Brugnone F.; D'Alessandro W.; Parello F.; Brusca L.; Saiano F.; Li Vigni L.; Sprovieri M.; Calabrese S.
1-gen-2008 Atmospheric Impacts of Volcanic Volatiles: Trace Elements in Bulk Deposition at Mount Etna (Italy) CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, FrancescoAIUPPA, Alessandro + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CALABRESE S; PARELLO F; DALESSANDRO W; AIUPPA A
1-gen-2011 Atmospheric sources and sinks of volcanogenic elements in a basaltic volcano (Etna, Italy) CALABRESE, SergioAIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela RitaPARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Calabrese, S; Aiuppa, A; Allard, P; Bagnato, E; Bellomo, S; Brusca, L; D’Alessandro, W; Parello, F
1-gen-2009 Biomonitoring of volcanogenic trace elements using two endemic species (Senecio aethnensis and Rumex aethnensis) on Mt. Etna. CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, FrancescoSAIANO, Filippo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CALABRESE, S; BELLOMO, S; BRUSCA, L; D’ALESSANDRO, W; DI MAIO, G; PARELLO, F; SAIANO, F
1-gen-2009 Bulk deposition at the industrial area of Gela (southern Sicily, Italy): preliminary results CALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, Francesco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Calabrese, S; Boatta, F; D'Alessandro, W; Parello, F
1-gen-2007 Caratterizzazione Geochimica ed Isotopica e valutazione della qualità delle acque superficiali e sotterranee campionate nel foglio 549 MURAVERA. AIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, FrancescoVALENZA, Mariano + 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio CIDU R; CABOI R; BIDDAU R; SLEJCO F; FLORA O; STENNI B; AIUPPA A; PARELLO F; VALENZA M
1-gen-2022 Carbon degassing through karst hydrosystems of Greece Lorenza Li VigniKyriaki DaskalopoulouSergio CalabreseFrancesco ParelloCarlo CardelliniStefano Caliro + 02 - Contributo in volume::2.08 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Lorenza Li Vigni, Kyriaki Daskalopoulou, Sergio Calabrese, Francesco Parello, Carlo Cardellini, Stefano Caliro, Giovanni Chiodini, Walter D'Alessandro
1-gen-2008 Carbon dioxide degassing from Tuscany and Northern Latium (Italy) PARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista FRONDINI F; CALIRO S; CARDELLINI C; GIOVANNI CHIODINI G; MORGANTINI N; PARELLO F