BAGNATO, Emanuela Rita

BAGNATO, Emanuela Rita  

Scienze della Terra e del Mare  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2008 Active volcanoes as emission point sources of atmospheric mercury BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, FrancescoVALENZA, MarianoCALABRESE, Sergio + 09 - Altro::9.1 Altro Bagnato, E; Aiuppa, A; Parello, F; Valenza, M; Calabrese, S; Witt, M; Mather, T; Pyle, D;
1-gen-2011 Atmospheric sources and sinks of volcanogenic elements in a basaltic volcano (Etna, Italy) CALABRESE, SergioAIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela RitaPARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Calabrese, S; Aiuppa, A; Allard, P; Bagnato, E; Bellomo, S; Brusca, L; D’Alessandro, W; Parello, F
1-gen-2007 Degassing of gaseous (elemental and reactive) and particulate mercury from Mount Etna volcano (Southern Italy). BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, FrancescoCALABRESE, Sergio + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista BAGNATO E; AIUPPA A; PARELLO F; CALABRESE S; DALESSANDRO W; MATHER TA; MCGONIGLE AJS; PYLE DM; WANGBERG I
1-gen-2019 Escalating CO2 degassing at the Pisciarelli fumarolic system, and implications for the ongoing Campi Flegrei unrest Tamburello G.Caliro S.Aiuppa A.Bitetto M.Francofonte V.Bagnato E. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Tamburello G.; Caliro S.; Chiodini G.; De Martino P.; Avino R.; Minopoli C.; Carandente A.; Rouwet D.; Aiuppa A.; Costa A.; Bitetto M.; Giudice G.; Francofonte V.; Ricci T.; Sciarra A.; Bagnato E.; Capecchiacci F.
1-gen-2007 Estimates of mercury emission rates in active volcanic systems BAGNATO, Emanuela Rita 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bagnato, E
1-gen-2014 First combined flux chamber survey of mercury and CO2 emissions from soil diffuse degassing at Solfatara of Pozzuoli crater, Campi Flegrei (Italy): Mapping and quantification of gas release BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaPARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bagnato, E; Barra, M; Cardellini, C; Chiodini, G; Parello, F; Sprovieri,M;
1-gen-2009 Full scale evaluation of atmospheric mercury budget from persistent volcanic degassing BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaPARELLO, FrancescoAIUPPA, AlessandroCALABRESE, Sergio 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Bagnato, ER; Parello, F; Aiuppa, A; Calabrese, S
1-gen-2017 Hydrochemical mercury distribution and air-sea exchange over the submarine hydrothermal vents off-shore Panarea Island (Aeolian arc, Tyrrhenian Sea) Bagnato E.Sprovieri M. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bagnato E.; Oliveri E.; Acquavita A.; Covelli S.; Petranich E.; Barra M.; Italiano F.; Parello F.; Sprovieri M.
1-gen-2012 Magmatic gas flux emissions from Gorelyi volcano, Kamchatka, and implications for volatile recycling in the NW Pacific AIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela RitaCALABRESE, SergioTAMBURELLO, Giancarlo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Aiuppa, A; Bagnato, E; Calabrese, S; Giudice, G; Liuzzo, M; Tamburello, G; Allard, P; Chaplygin, I; Taran, Y
1-gen-2008 Magmatic Volatile Emissions from Ambrym and Yasur Volcanoes (Vanuatu Arc) AIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, FrancescoBAGNATO, Emanuela Rita + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Allard, P; Aiuppa, A; Bani, P; Parello, F; Shinohara, H; Gauthier, PJ; Bagnato, E; Bertagnini, A; Metrhich, N
1-gen-2008 Mercury and halogen emissions from Masaya and Telica volcanoes, Nicaragua AIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela Rita + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Witt, MLI ; Mather,TA; Pyle,DM; Aiuppa,A; Bagnato, E; Tsanev, V;
1-gen-2008 Mercury concentration and speciation in volcanic aquifers: measurements in Italy and Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) PARELLO, FrancescoBAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroCALABRESE, Sergio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Parello, F; Bagnato, E; Aiuppa, A; D'Alessandro, W; Allard, P; Calabrese, S
1-gen-2009 Mercury concentration, speciation and budget in volcanic aquifers: Italy and Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroCALABRESE, SergioPARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bagnato, ER; Aiuppa, A; Parello, F; D’Alessandro, W; Allard, P; Calabrese, S
1-gen-2009 Mercury content and speciation in the Phlegrean Fields volcanic complex: evidence from hydrothermal system and fumaroles BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaPARELLO, FrancescoVALENZA, Mariano + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista BAGNATO, ER; PARELLO, F; VALENZA, M; CALIRO, S
1-gen-2009 Mercury Emissions Associated with Volcanoes and Geothermal Sources AIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela Rita + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Witt, MLI; Mather, TA; Pyle, DM; Aiuppa, A; Bagnato, ER
1-gen-2005 Mercury emissions from active volcanic areas of Italy BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, Francesco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Bagnato, E; Aiuppa, A; Mather, TA; Parello, F; Pyle, D; Franco, A
1-gen-2008 Mercury from volcanoes: fluxes and speciation AIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela Rita + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Mather, T; Pyle, D; Witt, M; Aiuppa, A; BAgnato, E
1-gen-2009 Mercury gas emissions from La Soufrière Volcano, Guadeloupe Island (Lesser Antilles) BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaPARELLO, FrancescoAIUPPA, AlessandroCALABRESE, Sergio + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bagnato, ER; Allard, P; Parello, F; Aiuppa, A; Calabrese, S; Hammouya, G
1-gen-2011 New clues on the contribution of Earth's volcanism to the global mercury cycle BAGNATO, Emanuela RitaAIUPPA, AlessandroPARELLO, Francesco + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bagnato, ER; Aiuppa, A; Parello, F; Allard, P; Shinohara, H; Liuzzo, M; Giudice, G
1-gen-2009 Plume chemistry and potential impacts of the plume from the recent activity at Halema’uma’u, Kilauea, USA. AIUPPA, AlessandroBAGNATO, Emanuela Rita + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Mather, TA; Witt, MLI; Martin, RS; Aiuppa, A; Bagnato, ER; Sutton, AJ