GULOTTA, Gaspare

GULOTTA, Gaspare  

Medicina di Precisione in Area Medica, Chirurgica e Critica  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2017 23-hour observation endocrine neck surgery: lessons learned from a case series of over 1700 patients Raspanti CDafnomili ARotolo GRANDAZZO, AngeloFalco NFontana TTutino RGulotta G. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Raspanti C, Porrello C, Augello G, Dafnomili A, Rotolo G, Randazzo A, Falco N, Fontana T, Tutino R, Gulotta G.
1-gen-2018 3D laparoscopic surgery: A prospective clinical trial Agrusa, AntoninoDi Buono, GiuseppeBuscemi, SalvatoreCucinella, GaspareRomano, GiorgioGulotta, Gaspare 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Agrusa, Antonino*; Di Buono, Giuseppe; Buscemi, Salvatore; Cucinella, Gaspare; Romano, Giorgio; Gulotta, Gaspare
1-gen-2007 4843delC of the BRCA1 gene is a possible founder mutation in Southern Italy (Sicily). RUSSO, AntonioCALO', ValentinaAUGELLO, ClaudiaBRUNO, LoredanaAGNESE, ValentinaSCHIRO', ValentinaBARBERA, FlorianaCASCIO, SandraFODDAI, ElenaBADALAMENTI, GiuseppeINTRIVICI, ChiaraCAJOZZO, MassimoGULOTTA, GaspareGEBBIA, Nicolo'BAZAN, Viviana + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista RUSSO A; CALO V; AUGELLO C; BRUNO L; AGNESE V; SCHIRO V; BARBERA F; CASCIO S; FODDAI E; BADALAMENTI G; INTRIVICI C; CAJOZZO M; GULOTTA G; SURMACZ E; COLUCCI G; GEBBIA N; BAZAN V
1-gen-2015 A 3D totally absorbable synthetic mesh in antireflux surgery: Gore Bio-A tissue reinforcement for hiatal hernia repairing AGRUSA, AntoninoROMANO, GiorgioFRAZZETTA, GiuseppeINVIATI, AngelaDE VITA, GiovanniDI GIOVANNI, SilviaCHIANETTA, DanielaDI BUONO, GiuseppeBONVENTRE, SebastianoGULOTTA, Gaspare 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.13 Abstract in rivista Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Frazzetta, G; Inviati, A; De Vita, G; Di Giovanni, S; Chianetta, D; Di Buono, G; Bonventre, S; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2015 A functional study of the esophagus in patients with non-cardiac chest pain and dysphagia GULLO, RobertoINVIATI, AngelaALMASIO, Pier LuigiDI PAOLA, ValentinaDI GIOVANNI, SilviaGULOTTA, GaspareBONVENTRE, Sebastiano + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Gullo, R.; Inviati, A.; Almasio, P.; Di Paola, V.; Di Giovanni, S.; Scerrino, G.; Gulotta, G.; Bonventre, S
1-gen-2016 A gelatin-thrombin matrix topical hemostatic agent (Floseal) in combination with harmonic scalpel is effective in patients undergoing total thyroidectomy: A prospective, multicenter, single-blind, randomized controlled trial Gulotta G. + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Docimo G.; Tolone S.; Conzo G.; Limongelli P.; Del Genio G.; Parmeggiani D.; De Palma M.; Lupone G.; Avenia N.; Lucchini R.; Monacelli M.; Gulotta G.; Scerrino G.; Pasquali D.; Bellastella G.; Esposito K.; De Bellis A.; Pezzolla A.; Ruggiero R.; Docimo L.
1-gen-2016 A method of reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic malignancies in very young children: Two cases reports INVIATI, AngelaGULOTTA, GaspareBONVENTRE, Sebastiano + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Inviati, A.; Martino Marino, M.; Kolesnik, O.; Klimnuk, G.; Shabat, G.; Lukashenko, A.; Gulotta, G.; Bonventre, S
1-gen-2004 A phase 2 study of oxaliplatin (o) – Capecitabine (X) chemiotherapy in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients pretreated whit anthracyclines an taxanes. GULOTTA, Gaspare + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings GEBBIA NICOLA; GULOTTA G
1-gen-2004 A phase II study of capecitabine oxaliplatin chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer patients pretreated with anthracyclines and taxanes VALERIO MRBADALAMENTI, GiuseppeARCARA, Carmelo CarloSORTINO, CettinaSPINNATO, FrancescaMAIORANA, OrianaRUSSO, AntonioGULOTTA, GaspareGEBBIA, Nicolo'FULFARO, Fabio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings VALERIO MR; RINALDI G; BADALAMENTI G; ARCARA C; CICERO G; SORTINO C; SPINNATO F; MAIORANA O; COCCHIARA A; RUSSO A; GULOTTA G; GEBBIA N; FULFARO F
1-gen-2016 A primary subcutaneous hydatid cyst in the thigh. A case report SALAMONE, GiuseppeLICARI, LeoDI CARLO, PaolaTUTINO, RobertaFALCO, Nicolo'AUGELLO, GiuseppeRASPANTI, CristinaCOCORULLO, GianfrancoGULOTTA, Gaspare + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Salamone, G.; Licari, L.; Randisi, B.; Di Carlo, P.; Tutino, R.; Falco, N.; Augello, G.; Raspanti, C.; Cocorullo, G.; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2013 A rare case of abdominal cocoon SALAMONE, GiuseppeAGRUSA, AntoninoGULOTTA, Gaspare + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Salamone, G; Atzeni, J; Agrusa, A; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2014 Achalasia Secondary to Submucosal Invasion by Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the Cardia, Siewert II: Consideration on Preoperative Workup. AGRUSA, AntoninoROMANO, GiorgioFRAZZETTA, GiuseppeDE VITA, GiovanniCHIANETTA, DanielaDI BUONO, GiuseppeDI GIOVANNI, SilviaSORCE, VincenzoGULOTTA, Gaspare 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Frazzetta, G; De Vita, G; Chianetta, D; Di Buono, G; Di Giovanni, S; Sorce, V; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2013 Acute appendicitis and endometriosis: Retrospective analysis in emergency setting AGRUSA, AntoninoROMANO, GiorgioDI BUONO, GiuseppeFRAZZETTA, GiuseppeCHIANETTA, DanielaSORCE, VincenzoBILLONE, ValentinaCUCINELLA, GaspareGULOTTA, Gaspare 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Di Buono, G; Frazzetta, G; Chianetta, D; Sorce, V; Billone, V; Cucinella, G; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2016 Acute appendicitis: should the laparoscopic approach be proposed as the gold standard? Six-year experience in an Emergency Surgery Unit Guercio, GAugello, GLicari, LDafnomili, ARaspanti, CBagarella, NFalco, NRotolo, GFontana, TGulotta, G + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Guercio, G; Augello, G; Licari, L; Dafnomili, A; Raspanti, C; Bagarella, N; Falco, N; Rotolo, G; Fontana, T; Porello, C; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2016 Adrenal cavernous hemangioma: which correct decision making process? AGRUSA, AntoninoROMANO, GiorgioDOMINGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Ligia JulianaCITARRELLA, RobertoVERNUCCIO, LauraDI BUONO, GiuseppeSORCE, VincenzoGALIA, MassimoMANSUETO, PasqualeGULOTTA, Gaspare + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Dominguez Rodriguez, LJ; Amato, G; Citarrella, R; Vernuccio, L; Di Buono, G; Sorce, V; Gulotta, L; Galia, M; Mansueto, P; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2014 Adrenal gunshot wound: Laparoscopic approach. Report of a case. AGRUSA, AntoninoROMANO, GiorgioDE VITA, GiovanniFRAZZETTA, GiuseppeCHIANETTA, DanielaDI BUONO, GiuseppeGULOTTA, Gaspare 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Agrusa, A; Romano, G; De Vita, G; Frazzetta, G; Chianetta, D; Di Buono, G; Gulotta, G
1-gen-2008 Aminobisphosphonates as New Weapons for gammaDelta T Cell-Based Immunotherapy of Cancer CACCAMO, Nadia RosaliaMERAVIGLIA, SerenaCICERO, GiuseppeGULOTTA, GaspareMOSCHELLA, FrancescoCORDOVA, AdrianaGULOTTA, ElianaSALERNO, AlfredoDIELI, Francesco 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista CACCAMO, N; MERAVIGLIA, S; CICERO, G; GULOTTA, G; MOSCHELLA, F; CORDOVA, A; GULOTTA, E; SALERNO, A; DIELI, F
1-gen-2018 An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) R. TutinoG. salamoneL. LicariG. CocorulloG. Gulotta 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista R. Tutino; G. salamone; L. Licari; G. Cocorullo; G. Gulotta
1-gen-2017 An investigation of bedside laparoscopy in the ICU for cases of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia COCORULLO, GianfrancoFALCO, Nicolo'FONTANA, TommasoTUTINO, RobertaLICARI, LeoSALAMONE, GiuseppeGULOTTA, Gaspare + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Cocorullo, G.; Mirabella, A.; Falco, N.; Fontana, T.; Tutino, R.; Licari, L.; Salamone, G.; Scerrino, G.; Gulotta, G.
1-gen-2007 Analysis of coding and non-coding regions of thymidylate syntetase gene in colorectal cancer patients and its possible relationship with 5-fluorouracil drug response CALASCIBETTA, AnnaGULOTTA, GaspareCAJOZZO, MassimoFEO, SalvatoreAGRUSA, AntoninoSANGUEDOLCE, Rosario + 09 - Altro::9.1 Altro CALASCIBETTA A; GULOTTA G; CAJOZZO M; FEO S; AGRUSA A; GANGUEDOLCE G; SANGUEDOLCE R