A 3D totally absorbable synthetic mesh in antireflux surgery: Gore Bio-A tissue reinforcement for hiatal hernia repairing
2015-01-01 Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Frazzetta, G; Inviati, A; De Vita, G; Di Giovanni, S; Chianetta, D; Di Buono, G; Bonventre, S; Gulotta, G
A functional study of the esophagus in patients with non-cardiac chest pain and dysphagia
2015-01-01 Gullo, R.; Inviati, A.; Almasio, P.; Di Paola, V.; Di Giovanni, S.; Scerrino, G.; Gulotta, G.; Bonventre, S
Achalasia Secondary to Submucosal Invasion by Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the Cardia, Siewert II: Consideration on Preoperative Workup.
2014-01-01 Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Frazzetta, G; De Vita, G; Chianetta, D; Di Buono, G; Di Giovanni, S; Sorce, V; Gulotta, G
Can the balloon expulsion test be used to exclude the diagnosis of'"dyssynergic defecation"?
2016-01-01 Inviati, A.; Scerrino, G.; Schifano, D.; Di Giovanni, S.; Greco, V.; Bonventre, S.
Corrigendum to "Hiatal Hernia Repair with Gore Bio-A Tissue Reinforcement: Our Experience"
2015-01-01 Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Frazzetta, G; Chianetta, D; De Vita, G; Di Buono, G; Sorce, V; Di Giovanni, S; Gulotta, G
Esophageal motility changes after thyroidectomy: possible associations with postoperative voice and swallowing disorders
2012-01-01 Scerrino,G; Paladino,NC; Inviati,A; Di Paola,V; Di Giovanni,S; Gullo,R; Cupido,F; Almasio,P; Bonventre,S
Esophageal motility changes after thyroidectomy; possible associations with postoperative voice and swallowing disorders: preliminary results.
2013-06-01 Sterrino, G; Inviati A; Di Giovanni, S; Paladino, NC; Di Paola, V; Lo Re, G; Almasio, PL; Cupido, F; Gulotta, G; Bonventre S
Evaluating the efficacy of current treatments for reducing postoperative ileus: a randomized clinical trial in a single center.
2014-01-01 Bonventre S; Inviati A; Di Paola V; Morreale P; Di Giovanni S; Di Carlo P; Schifano D; Frazzetta G; Gulotta G; Scerrino G
Hiatal Hernia Repair with Gore Bio-A Tissue Reinforcement: Our Experience
2014-01-01 Agrusa, A; Romano, G; Frazzetta, G; De Vita, G; Di Giovanni, S; Chianetta, D; Di Buono, G; Sorce, V; Gulotta, G
Long-term esophageal motility changes after thyroidectomy: associations with aerodigestive disorders.
2017-01-01 Scerrino, G.; Inviati, A.; Di Giovanni, S.; Paladino, N.; Di Giovanni, S.; Paladino, N.; Di Paola, V.; Raspanti, C.; Melfa, G.; Cupido, F.; Mazzola, S.; Porrello, C.; Bonventre, S.; Gulotta, G
Role of prophylactic central neck dissection in cN0-papillary thyroid carcinoma: Results from a high-prevalence area
2016-01-01 Scerrino, G.; Attard, A.; Melfa, G.; Raspanti, C.; Di Giovanni, S.; Attard, M.; Inviati, A.; Mazzola, S.; Modica, G.; Gulotta, G.; Bonventre, S
“Relaparoscopic” management of surgical complications: The experience of an Emergency Center
2016-01-01 Agrusa, A; Frazzetta, G; Chianetta, D; Di Giovanni, S; Gulotta, L; Di Buono, G; Sorce, V; Romano, G; Gulotta, G