BUTERA, Daniela

BUTERA, Daniela  

Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica avanzata  

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1-gen-2004 Absorption and distribution in erythrocytes and low density lipoproteins of betalains from cacus pear (Opuntia Ficus Indica) in healthy humans. Potential health effects of the dietary betalains TESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaALLEGRA, MarioLIVREA, Maria Antonia 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio TESORIERE L; BUTERA D; ALLEGRA M; LIVREA MA
1-gen-2004 Absorption and distribution in erytrocytes and low density lipoproteins of betalains from cactus pear (Opuntia ficus indica) in healthy humans. Potential health effects of the dietary betalains TESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaALLEGRA, MarioLIVREA, Maria Antonia 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings TESORIERE L; BUTERA D; ALLEGRA M; LIVREA MA
1-gen-2004 Absorption, excretion, and distribution of dietary antioxidant betalains in LDLs: potential health effects of betalains in humans TESORIERE, LuisaALLEGRA, MarioBUTERA, DanielaLIVREA, Maria Antonia 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista TESORIERE, L; ALLEGRA, M; BUTERA, D; LIVREA, MA
1-gen-2002 Antioxidant activities of sicilian prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) fruit extracts and reducing properties of its betalains: betanin and indicaxanthin. BUTERA, DanielaTESORIERE, LuisaDI GAUDIO, FrancescaBONGIORNO, AntoninoPINTAUDI, Anna MariaLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Butera, D; Tesoriere, L; Di Gaudio, F; Bongiorno, A; Allegra, M; Pintaudi, AM; Kohen, R; Livrea, MA
1-gen-2008 Antioxidant activity in solution and biological membranes of seven cultivars of Sicilian peach (Prunus Persica, L. Mill). FAZZARI, MarcoBUTERA, DanielaSCAZZONE, ConcettaVOLPE, GiorgioPINTAUDI, Anna MariaDI MARCO, LuigiTESORIERE, LuisaLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings FAZZARI, M; BUTERA D; SCAZZONE, C; VOLPE, G; PINTAUDI, AM; DI MARCO, L; BONO, A; TESORIERE, L; LIVREA, MA
1-gen-2007 Antioxidant activity of sicilian caper (Capparis spinosa L.) and its bioactive compounds TESORIERE, LuisaALLEGRA, MarioGENTILE, CarlaBUTERA, DanielaLIVREA, Maria Antonia 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings TESORIERE L; ALLEGRA M; GENTILE C; BUTERA D; LIVREA MA
1-gen-2007 Antioxidant activity of Sicilian Pistachio (Pistacia vera, L. var. Bronte) nut extracts and its bioactive components GENTILE, CarlaTESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaFAZZARI, MarcoALLEGRA, MarioLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista GENTILE C; TESORIERE L; BUTERA D; FAZZARI M; MONASTERO M; ALLEGRA M; LIVREA MA
1-gen-2004 Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of human low density lipoprotein TESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaPINTAUDI, Anna MariaLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings ALLEGRA, M; TESORIERE, L; BUTERA, D; PINTAUDI, AM; LIVREA, MA
1-gen-2004 Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of human low-density lipoprotein TESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaPINTAUDI, Anna MariaLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Allegra, M; Tesoriere, L; Butera, D; Pintaudi, AM; Livrea, MA
1-gen-2004 Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of human low-density lipoprotein ALLEGRA, MarioTESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaPINTAUDI, Anna MariaLIVREA, Maria Antonia 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Allegra, M; Tesoriere, L; Butera, D; Pintaudi, AM; Livrea, MA
1-gen-2004 Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of human low-density lipoprotein. ALLEGRA, MarioTESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaPINTAUDI, Anna MariaLIVREA, Maria Antonia 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings ALLEGRA, M; TESORIERE, L; BUTERA, D; PINTAUDI, AM; LIVREA, MA
1-gen-2005 Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of human low-density lipoprotein. ALLEGRA, MarioTESORIERE, LuisaFAZZARI, MarcoBUTERA, DanielaLIVREA, Maria Antonia 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings ALLEGRA, M; TESORIERE, L; FAZZARI, M; BUTERA, D; LIVREA, MA
1-gen-2004 Betanin inhibits myeloperoxidase/nitrite-mediated peroxidation of low density lipoprotein. TESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaPINTAUDI, Anna MariaLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings ALLEGRA M; TESORIERE L; BUTERA D; PINTAUDI AM; LIVREA MA
1-gen-2005 Betanin protects endothelial cell dysfunction produced by activated HL-60 ALLEGRA, MarioTESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaGENTILE, CarlaLIVREA, Maria Antonia + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings ALLEGRA M; TESORIERE L; BUTERA D; GENTILE C; PERRETTI M; LIVREA M
1-gen-2007 Bioactive components of caper (Capperis spinosa L.) from Sicily and antioxidant effects in a red meat simulated gastric digestion TESORIERE, LuisaBUTERA, DanielaGENTILE, CarlaLIVREA, Maria Antonia 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista TESORIERE, L; BUTERA, D; GENTILE, C; LIVREA, MA
1-gen-2006 Bone metabolism and oxidative stress in post-menopausal women GUGLIELMINI, EgidioBUTERA, DanielaBIVONA, GiuliaCARUBIA, LeonardaBONO, AntoninoCIACCIO, Marcello + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings GUGLIELMINI, E; BUTERA, D; BIVONA, G; CARUBIA, L; DI SALVO, G; LETIZIA, C; MICCICHE', S; BONO, A; CIACCIO, M
1-gen-2007 bone metabolism and oxidative stress in post-menopausal women GUGLIELMINI, EgidioBUTERA, DanielaBIVONA, GiuliaCARUBIA, LeonardaBONO, AntoninoCIACCIO, Marcello + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings GUGLIELMINI, E; BUTERA, D; BIVONA, G; CARUBIA, L; MICCICHE', S; BONO, A; CIACCIO, M
1-gen-2018 Clinical utility of HFABP in myocardial infarction Giulia BivonaLuisa AgnelloDaniela ButeraMarcello Ciaccio 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Giulia Bivona, Luisa Agnello, Daniela Butera, Marcello Ciaccio
1-gen-2008 Comparison of two assays for serum homocysteine measurement BELLIA, ChiaraBIVONA, GiuliaBUTERA, DanielaFAZZARI, MarcoCIACCIO, Marcello 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings BELLIA, C; BIVONA, G; BUTERA, D; FAZZARI, M; CIACCIO M