Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali
A Systematic Review and Characterization of the Major and Most Studied Urban Soil Threats in the European Union
2024-07-04 Binner, Hannah; Wojda, Piotr; Yunta, Felipe; Breure, Timo; Schievano, Andrea; Massaro, Emanuele; Jones, Arwyn; Newell, Jennifer; Paradelo, Remigio; Popescu Boajă, Iustina; Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, Edita; Tuttolomondo, Teresa; Iacuzzi, Nicolò; Bondi, Giulia; Zupanc, Vesna; Mamy, Laure; Pacini, Lorenza; De Feudis, Mauro; Cardelli, Valeria; Kicińska, Alicja; Stock, Michael J.; Liu, Hongdou; Demiraj, Erdona; Schillaci, Calogero
A Two-Year Evaluation of Biostimulant Effects on Yield and Quality Parameters of Tomato Landrace ‘Pizzutello Delle Valli Ericine’ Cultivated Without Irrigation
2024-12-02 Iacuzzi N.; Tuttolomondo T.; Farruggia D.; Tortorici N.; Alaimo F.; De Santis D.; Rossini F.; Di Miceli G.
Assessment of production and qualitative characteristics of different populations of Salvia sclarea L. found in Sicily (Italy)
2021-08-01 Teresa Tuttolomondo; Giuseppe Virga; Mario Licata; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Davide Farruggia; Salvatore La Bella
Assessment of Yield and Quality of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Fruits Improved by Biodegradable Mulching Film in Two Different Regions of Southern Italy
2024-04-20 Di Miceli G.; Iacuzzi N.; Leto C.; Cozzolino E.; Di Mola I.; Ottaiano L.; Mori M.; La Bella S.
Biodegradable mulching films affect soil temperature and agronomic performance of open field eggplant in hot-arid environments
2024-12-25 Iacuzzi, Nicolò; Tortorici, Noemi; Ida, Di Mola; Alaimo, Federica; Cozzolino, Eugenio; Sarno, Mauro; Mori, Mauro; Tuttolomondo, Teresa
Biostimulants Improve Plant Performance of Rosemary Growth in Agricultural Organic System
2024-01-10 Davide Farruggia; Noemi Tortorici; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Federica Alaimo; Claudio Leto; Teresa Tuttolomondo
Combined effects of biostimulants, N level and drought stress on yield, quality and physiology of greenhouse-grown basil
2023-01-01 Consentino, Beppe Benedetto; Vultaggio, Lorena; Sabatino, Leo; Ntatsi, Georgia; Rouphael, Youssef; Bondì, Cristina; De Pasquale, Claudio; Guarino, Vincenzo; Iacuzzi, Nicolò; Capodici, Gioacchino; Mauro, Rosario Paolo
Constructed wetlands as nature-based solution for sustainable wastewater management in urban areas: a critical assessment by experimental studies and literature
2022-01-01 Mario Licata; Giuseppe Virga; Claudio Leto; Davide Farruggia; Yuri Bellone; Nicolò Iacuzzi
Cytotoxic Effect Induced by Sicilian Oregano Essential Oil in Human Breast Cancer Cells
2023-11-29 Diana Di Liberto, Nicolò Iacuzzi, Giovanni Pratelli, Antonella Porrello, Antonella Maggio, Salvatore La Bella, Anna De Blasio, Antonietta Notaro, Antonella D'Anneo, Sonia Emanuele, Federica Affranchi, Michela Giuliano, Marianna Lauricella, Daniela Carlisi
Development of a New Micropropagation Protocol and Transfer of In Vitro Plants to In Vivo Conditions for Cascade Hop
2023-08-06 Nicolò Iacuzzi; Francesco Salamone; Davide Farruggia; Noemi Tortorici; Lorena Vultaggio; Teresa Tuttolomondo
Durum wheat irrigation research trends on essential scientific indicators: a bibliometric analysis
2024-12-30 Tortorici, Noemi; Iacuzzi, Nicolo; Alaimo, Federica; Schillaci, Calogero; Tuttolomondo, Teresa
Effect of Foliar Treatments with Calcium and Nitrogen on Oregano Yield
2023-02-28 Davide Farruggia; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Salvatore La Bella; Leo Sabatino; Beppe Benedetto Consentino; Teresa Tuttolomondo
Effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) production and soil characteristics and estimation of plant nutritional input
2022-07-15 Mario Licata; Davide Farruggia; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Claudio Leto; Teresa Tuttolomondo; Giuseppe Di Miceli
Effects of genotype and climate on productive performance of high oleic Carthamus tinctorius L. under rainfed conditions in a semi-arid environment of Sicily (Italy)
2023-04-22 Mario Licata; Davide Farruggia; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Roberto Matteo; Teresa Tuttolomondo; Giuseppe Di Miceli
Effects of irrigation, peat-alternative substrate and plant Habitus on the morphological and production characteristics of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes grown in pot
2021-01-01 Salvatore La Bella; Giuseppe Virga; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Mario Licata; Leo Sabatino; Beppe Benedetto Consentino; Claudio Leto; Teresa Tuttolomondo
Encapsulation of in vitro-derived propagules of two genotypes of Capparis spinosa (L.) from Pantelleria Island
2020-01-01 M.Germana', F. Lesto, F. Lo Bosco, N. Iacuzzi, E.A. Ozudogru
Establishment of a commercial organic hopyard in a Mediterranean environment: Production attributes and their relationship with soil texture
2023-02-15 Ruggeri R.; Tolomio M.; Muganu M.; Loreti P.; Virga G.; Iacuzzi N.; Rossini F.
Four-year study on the bio-agronomic response of biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. on the island of Linosa (Italy)
2021-04-07 Salvatore La Bella; Francesco Rossini; Mario Licata; Giuseppe Virga; Roberto Ruggeri; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Claudio Leto; Teresa Tuttolomondo
Grafting Eggplant Onto Underutilized Solanum Species and Biostimulatory Action of Azospirillum brasilense Modulate Growth, Yield, NUE and Nutritional and Functional Traits
2022-01-01 Consentino B.B.; Sabatino L.; Vultaggio L.; Rotino G.L.; La Placa G.G.; D'Anna F.; Leto C.; Iacuzzi N.; De Pasquale C.
Growth and development of succulent mixtures for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate
2022-06-03 Giuseppe Di Miceli; Nicolò Iacuzzi; Mario Licata; Salvatore La Bella; Teresa Tuttolomondo; Simona Aprile