Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.828
EU - Europa 1.041
AS - Asia 354
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
SA - Sud America 3
AF - Africa 2
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 3.237
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.827
IT - Italia 274
CN - Cina 213
UA - Ucraina 211
FI - Finlandia 189
DE - Germania 128
SG - Singapore 88
IE - Irlanda 67
SE - Svezia 46
GB - Regno Unito 44
RU - Federazione Russa 29
FR - Francia 25
IN - India 13
BE - Belgio 12
IR - Iran 11
KR - Corea 10
EU - Europa 8
NL - Olanda 7
TR - Turchia 7
HK - Hong Kong 5
ID - Indonesia 3
BR - Brasile 2
MK - Macedonia 2
RO - Romania 2
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CA - Canada 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
ES - Italia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
OM - Oman 1
PH - Filippine 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 3.237
Città #
Chandler 200
Fairfield 184
Ashburn 176
Ann Arbor 154
Woodbridge 140
Jacksonville 116
Houston 101
Wilmington 101
Seattle 84
Dublin 67
Cambridge 66
Singapore 66
Medford 53
Nanjing 52
Palermo 35
New York 33
Princeton 33
Tulsa 32
Des Moines 23
Dearborn 20
Shenyang 20
Altamura 19
Boardman 18
Nanchang 18
Changsha 16
Lawrence 14
Milan 14
Beijing 13
Hebei 13
Jinan 12
Tianjin 12
Brussels 11
Kumar 11
San Diego 11
Helsinki 10
Seongnam 10
Saint Petersburg 9
Washington 9
Guangzhou 8
Hangzhou 8
Izmir 7
Jiaxing 7
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 7
San Mateo 7
Ningbo 6
Santa Clara 6
Verona 6
Zhengzhou 6
Bremen 5
Central District 5
Columbus 5
Rome 5
San Paolo di Civitate 5
Haikou 4
Kunming 4
Los Angeles 4
Lanzhou 3
Munich 3
Taizhou 3
Arzano 2
Bergamo 2
Bologna 2
Casavatore 2
Council Bluffs 2
Den Haag 2
Florence 2
Forest City 2
Fort Worth 2
Indiana 2
Jakarta 2
Lappeenranta 2
Montorso Vicentino 2
Norwalk 2
Paris 2
Skopje 2
Taranto 2
Tehran 2
Abidjan 1
Amsterdam 1
Andover 1
Asti 1
Auburn Hills 1
Bezons 1
Boston 1
Camporeale 1
Chicago 1
Chiswick 1
Cincinnati 1
Cislago 1
Durham 1
Easton 1
Enna 1
Ferrara 1
Formello 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Fuzhou 1
Groningen 1
Guidonia 1
Hanover 1
Henderson 1
Totale 2.149
Nome #
FokI polymorphism of the vitamin D receptor gene correlates with parameters of bone mass and turnover in a female population of the Italian island of Lampedusa 161
GRB 070311: a direct link between the prompt emission and the afterglow 152
"The Linosa Study": Epidemiological and heritability data of the metabolic syndrome in a Caucasian genetic isolate 149
Studio di Fase II con Gemcitabina + oxaliplatino in combinazione nel trattamento delle neoplasie delle vie biliari, pancreas e colecisti in fase metastatica. 148
The exceptionally extended flaring activity in the X-ray afterglow of GRB 050730 observed with Swift and XMM-Newton 147
Swift observations of GRB 060614: an anomalous burst with a well behaved afterglow 144
Swift observations of GRB 070110: an extraordinary X-ray afterglow powered by the central engine 140
GRB 061121: Broadband Spectral Evolution through the Prompt and Afterglow Phases of a Bright Burst 131
GRB 050410 and GRB 050412: are they really dark gamma-ray bursts? 113
Layout and performances of RPCs used in the ARGO-YBJ experiment. 103
Effetto del polimorfismo genico del gene CYP1B1 sul metabolismo estrogenino e sulla densità ossea 102
-Correlation between deficiency of 25 (OH) vitamin D and liver damage in adult talassemic subjects 93
Is reduced baroreflex gain a component of the metabolic syndrome? Insights from the LINOSA study. 93
Le ipocolesterolemie primitive 93
Chemioterapia di II linea nel carcinoma epiteliale dell'ovaio. Studio di Fase II 91
L'encefalopatia epatica nella cirrosi epatica 87
Studio di fase II con Gemcitabine + Oxaliplatino in combinazione nel trattamento delle neoplasie delle vie biliari, pancreas e colecisti in fase metastatica. 86
Correlation between deficiency of 25 (OH)-vitamin D, bone mineral density and markers of bone turnover in sicilian postmenopausal womens 84
Bisphosphonate-associated femoral fracture: implication for management 84
Heterogenous forms of dyslipidemiain women with polycystic ovary syndrome 80
EDGE: explorer of diffuse emission and gamma-ray burst explosions 77
Body composition of individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome 76
Correlation between deficiency of 25 (OH) vitamin D, bone mineral density and markers of bone turnover in sicialian postmenopausal womens 73
The flaring afterglow of GRB 050730 73
Pile-up correction for the Swift-XRT observations in WT mode 70
Swift observations of GRB 051109B 69
Attributes of flares in gamma-ray bursts: Sample I 68
Swift GRBs: The early afterglow spectral energy distribution 64
Heritabilities of the metabolic syndrome and its component traits in a caucasian genetic isolate 58
The short GRB 051210 observed by Swift 58
Rest frame light curves of Swift GRBs 55
Totale 3.293
Categoria #
all - tutte 11.358
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 11.358

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020445 0 0 0 0 0 96 88 36 75 25 85 40
2020/2021398 13 44 10 41 47 26 30 19 53 26 39 50
2021/2022311 8 78 3 19 9 13 10 6 49 39 5 72
2022/2023476 55 79 5 64 45 93 19 41 51 1 18 5
2023/2024266 10 28 17 68 20 73 10 7 2 4 4 23
2024/2025119 11 26 5 42 14 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.293