MARTORANA, Adriana  

Biopatologia e Biotecnologie Mediche (attivo dal 01/01/2010 al 31/12/2018)  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2013 A novel B cell population revealed by a CD38/CD24 gating strategy: CD38(-)CD24 (-) B cells in centenarian offspring and elderly people BUFFA, SilvioBULATI, MatteoMARTORANA, AdrianaCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Buffa, S; Pellicanò, M; Bulati, M; Martorana, A; Goldeck, D; Caruso, C; Pawelec, G; Colonna-Romano, G
1-gen-2014 Are the leukocyte telomere length attrition and telomerase activity alteration potential predictor biomarkers for sporadic TAA in aged individuals? BALISTRERI, Carmela RitaPISANO, CalogeraMARTORANA, AdrianaTRIOLO, Oreste FabioLIO, DomenicoCANDORE, GiuseppinaRUVOLO, Giovanni 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Balistreri, CR; Pisano, C; Martorana, A; Triolo, OF; Lio, D; Candore, G; Ruvolo, G
27-feb-2014 B CELL CHANGES IN AGING MARTORANA, Adriana 04 - Tesi di dottorato::4.2 Tesi di dottorato Martorana, .
1-gen-2014 Centenarian Offspring: A Model for Understanding Longevity BALISTRERI, Carmela RitaCANDORE, GiuseppinaACCARDI, GiuliaBUFFA, SilvioBULATI, MatteoMARTORANA, AdrianaCOLONNA ROMANO, GiuseppinaLIO, DomenicoCARUSO, Calogero 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Balistreri, CR; Candore, G; Accardi, G; Buffa, S; Bulati, M; Martorana, A; Colonna-Romano, G; Lio, D; Caruso, C
1-gen-2014 Double negative (CD19(+)IgG(+)IgD(-)CD27(-)) B lymphocytes: A new insight from telomerase in healthy elderly, in centenarian offspring and in Alzheimer's disease patients. MARTORANA, AdrianaBALISTRERI, Carmela RitaBULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioCAMARDA, CeciliaMONASTERO, RobertoCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Martorana A; Balistreri CR; Bulati M; Buffa S; Azzarello DM; Camarda C; Monastero R; Caruso C; Colonna-Romano G
1-gen-2014 Double Negative (CD19+IgG+IgD-CD27-) B Lymphocytes: A New Insight from Telomerase in Healthy Elderly, in Centenarian Offspring, and in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients BUFFA, SilvioMARTORANA, AdrianaBALISTRERI, Carmela RitaCAMARDA, CeciliaMONASTERO, RobertoCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Buffa, S; Martorana, A; Balistreri, CR; Bulati, M; Azzarello, DM; Camarda, C; Monastero, R; Caruso, C; Colonna Romano, G
1-gen-2015 Double Negative (IgG+IgD-CD27-) B Cells are Increased in a Cohort of Moderate-Severe Alzheimer’s Disease Patients and Show a Pro-Inflammatory Trafficking Receptor Phenotype BULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioMARTORANA, AdrianaCAMARDA, CeciliaMONASTERO, RobertoCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bulati, M; Buffa, S; Martorana, A; Gervasi, F; Camarda, C; Azzarello, D; Monastero, R; Caruso, C; Colonna-Romano G
1-gen-2014 Evidence for less marked potential signs of T-cell immunosenescence in centenarian offspring than in the general age-matched population BUFFA, SilvioBULATI, MatteoMARTORANA, AdrianaCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Pellicanò M; Buffa S; Goldeck D; Bulati M; Martorana A; Caruso C; Colonna-Romano G; Pawelec G
1-gen-2013 Expression of calpain-calpastatin system (CCS) member proteins in human lymphocytes of young and elderly individuals; pilot baseline data for the CALPACENT project. COLONNA ROMANO, GiuseppinaBULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioMARTORANA, AdrianaCARUSO, Calogero + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Mikosik, A; Foerster, J; Jasiulewicz, A; Frąckowiak, J; Colonna-Romano, G; Bulati, M; Buffa, S; Martorana, A; Caruso, C; Bryl, E; Witkowski, JM
1-gen-2012 Genetics of longevity. Data from the studies on Sicilian centenarians BALISTRERI, Carmela RitaCANDORE, GiuseppinaACCARDI, GiuliaBOVA, ValentinaBUFFA, SilvioBULATI, MatteoFORTE, Giusi IrmaLISTI', FlorindaMARTORANA, AdrianaPALMERI, MarisaPELLICANO', MariavaleriaVACCARINO, LoredanaSCOLA, LetiziaLIO, DomenicoCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Balistreri, CR; Candore, G; Accardi, G; Bova, V; Buffa, S; Bulati, M; Forte, GI; Listì, F; Martorana, A; Palmeri, M; Pellicanò, M; Vaccarino, L; Scola, L; Lio, D; Colonna-Romano G
1-gen-2012 Immunosenescence, inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease MARTORANA, AdrianaBULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioCARUSO, CalogeroCANDORE, GiuseppinaCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Martorana, A; Bulati, M; Buffa, S; Pellicanò, M; Caruso, C; Candore, G; Colonna-Romano, G
1-gen-2014 Trafficking phenotype and production of granzyme B by double negative B cells (IgG(+)IgD(-)CD27(-)) in the elderly. BULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioMARTORANA, AdrianaCANDORE, GiuseppinaLIO, DomenicoCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Bulati M; Buffa S; Martorana A; Candore G; Lio D; Caruso C; Colonna-Romano G
1-gen-2012 TRafficking profile in naive and memory B cells in young and old subjects BULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioMARTORANA, AdrianaBALISTRERI, Carmela RitaPELLICANO', MariavaleriaCANDORE, GiuseppinaLIO, DomenicoCARUSO, CalogeroCOLONNA ROMANO, Giuseppina 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Bulati, M; Buffa, S; Martorana, A; Balistreri, CR; Pellicanò, M; Candore,G; Lio, D; Caruso,C; Colonna-Romano G
1-gen-2019 Transcriptome analysis and codominant markers development in caper, a drought tolerant orphan crop with medicinal value Francesco MercatiAlessandro Silvestre GristinaAdriana MartoranaSilvio Fici + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Francesco Mercati, Ignazio Fontana, Alessandro Silvestre Gristina, Adriana Martorana, Mahran El Nagar, Roberto De Michele, Silvio Fici, Francesco Carimi
1-gen-2012 Vascular Aging effect on Medial aorta degeneration: focus on blood keukocyte telomere lenght in Hypertensive and old patients with sporadic thoracic aortic aneurysm BALISTRERI, Carmela RitaPISANO, CalogeraMARTORANA, AdrianaBULATI, MatteoBUFFA, SilvioCANDORE, GiuseppinaCOLONNA ROMANO, GiuseppinaRUVOLO, GiovanniLIO, DomenicoCARUSO, Calogero 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Balistreri, CR; Pisano, C; Martorana, A; Bulati, M; Buffa, S; Candore, G; Colonna-Romano, G; Ruvolo, G; Lio, D; Caruso, C