TSCHINKE, Francesco
TSCHINKE, Francesco
Matematica e Informatica
*-Algebre parziali di distribuzioni
2003-01-01 Francesco Tschinke
A note on *-derivations of partial *-algebras
2012-01-01 Tschinke, F
A note on partial*–algebras and spaces of distributions
2014-01-01 Tschinke, F
A short note on O*-algebras and quantum dynamics
2009-01-01 Bagarello, F; Tschinke, F
Biweights and *-homomorphisms of partial *-algebras.
Bounded elements in certain topological partial *-algebras
2011-01-01 Antoine,J-P; Trapani,C; Tschinke,F
C*-seminorms and representation on partial *-algebras
2008-01-01 Tschinke, F.
C*-seminorms generated by families of biweights on partial *-algebras
2011-01-01 Tschinke, F
Colombeau Algebras and convolutions generated by self-adjoint operators
2017-01-01 Francesco Tschinke
Continuous *-homomorphisms of Banach partial *-algebras
Convolutions generated by self-adjoint unbounded operators
2004-01-01 TSCHINKE F
Distribution Frames and Bases
2019-01-01 Trapani C.; Triolo S.; Tschinke F.
Faithfully representable topological *-algebras: some spectral properties
2018-01-01 Trapani, Camillo; Tschinke, Francesco
Lower bounds for Riesz-Fischer maps in rigged Hilbert spaces
2023-10-01 Francesco Tschinke
MR2677289 Takakura, Mayumi Noncommutative integration in partial O∗-algebras. Fukuoka Univ. Sci. Rep. 40 (2010), no. 1, 1–20. (Reviewer: Francesco Tschinke)
2011-01-01 Tschinke, F
MR2806473 (2012f:47002) Hirasawa, Go(J-IBARE) A metric for unbounded linear operators in a Hilbert space. (English summary) Integral Equations Operator Theory 70 (2011), no. 3, 363–378.
2012-01-01 Tschinke, F
MR2859703 Liu, Zhe On some mathematical aspects of the Heisenberg relation. Sci. China Math. 54 (2011), no. 11, 2427–2452. (Reviewer: Francesco Tschinke)
2012-01-01 Tschinke,F
MR2903153 Roch, Steffen; Santos, Pedro A. Two points, one limit: homogenization techniques for two-point local algebras. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 391 (2012), no. 2, 552–566. (Reviewer: Francesco Tschinke)
2013-01-01 Tschinke, F
MR2986428 Lebedev, Leonid P.(CL-UNC); Vorovich, Iosif I.; Cloud, Michael J. Functional analysis in mechanics. Second edition. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer, New York, 2013. x+308 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4614-5867-8; 978-1-4614-5868-5
2014-01-01 Tschinke, F
MR3037568 Argerami, Martín; Massey, Pedro Schur-Horn theorems in II∞-factors. Pacific J. Math. 261 (2013), no. 2, 283–310. (Reviewer: Francesco Tschinke)
2013-01-01 Tschinke, F