PACE, Enrico

PACE, Enrico  

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1-gen-2006 Alterated expression of leptin and its receptor in the epithelium of asthmatic patients PACE, EnricoMERENDINO, Anna MariaLA GUARDIA, MaurizioBELLIA, Vincenzo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings A BRUNO; E PACE; P CHANEZ; A MERENDINO; M LA GUARDIA; G CHIAPPARA; G BONSIGNORE; BELLIA V; M GJOMARKAJ
1-gen-2006 Altered expression of TLR4 and beta 2 defensin in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, Liboria + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; MINERVINI MI; CHIAPPARA G; MONTALBANO AM; SIENA L; PIPITONE L; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2005 Cigaretta smoke up-regulates toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression and enhances TLR4 mediated responses PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaBONSIGNORE, Maria RosariaBELLIA, Vincenzo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; MELIS MR; SIENA L; MONTALBANO AM; CHIAPPARA G; BONSIGNORE MR; BELLIA V; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2007 Cigarette smoke increases TLR4 expression and modifies LPS mediated responses in airway epithelial cells. PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaBONSIGNORE, Maria Rosaria + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; SIENA L; MELIS M; MONTALBANO AM; JOHNSON M; BONSIGNORE MR; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2005 Cigarette smoke up-regulates toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression and enhances TLR4 mediated responses PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaBONSIGNORE, Maria RosariaBELLIA, Vincenzo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; MELIS MR; SIENA L; MONTALBANO AM; CHIAPPARA G; BONSIGNORE MR; BELLIA V; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2006 Cigarette smoke upregulates TLR4 expression and enhances TLR4 mediated responses PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaBONSIGNORE, Maria RosariaBELLIA, Vincenzo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; MINERVINI MI; CHIAPPARA G; SIENA L; PIPITONE L; MELIS MR; MONTALBANO AM; BONSIGNORE MR; BELLIA V; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2007 Counteracting effects of apigenin and leptin on lung adenocarcinoma cells. SIENA, LiboriaPACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaGIAMMANCO, MarcoBELLIA, Vincenzo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings A BRUNO; L SIENA; E PACE; S GERBINO; P CHANEZ; M FERRARO; M PROFITA; M GIAMMANCO; BELLIA V; G BONSIGNORE; M GJOMARKAJ
1-gen-2007 Elevated expression of prostaglandin receptor and increased release of prostaglandin E maintain the survival of CD45RO T cells in the inflamed human pleural space. PACE, EnricoBRUNO, TommasoFERRARO, Maria + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista PACE E; BRUNO TF; BERENGER B; MODY CH; MELIS M; FERRARO M; TIPA A; BRUNO A; PROFITA M; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2006 Hypoallergenic fragment of Parj 2 increases functional expression of toll like receptor in atopic children PACE, EnricoFERRARO, Maria + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista PACE E; DURO G; FERRARO M; BRUNO A; BOUSQUET J; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2005 In vivo and in vitro effects of variants Parj2 in asthmatic children PACE, EnricoFERRARO, Maria + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; DURO G; FERRARO M; DI FIORE R; CHIAPPARA G; MONTALBANO AM BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2005 In vivo and in vitro effects of variants Parj2 in asthmatic children PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaVIGNOLA, Antonio Maurizio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; GJOMARKAJ M; DURO G; FERRARO M; DI FIORE R; BONSIGNORE G; VIGNOLA AM
1-gen-2006 La risposta immune neella insufficienza respiratoria acuta in terapia intensiva: correlazione tra scores clinici e markers bioumorali BUSCEMI, Calogero RiccardoRAINERI, Santi MaurizioCIANCIMINO, ClaudiaCAPODICASA, EmanueleFERRARO, MariaPACE, EnricoGIARRATANO, Antonino 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings C BUSCEMI; S RAINERI; C CIANCIMINO; E CAPODICASA; M FERRARO; E PACE; GIARRATANO A
1-gen-2007 Leptin and Apigenin: Antagonists in the Apoptotic Pathway of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line SIENA, LiboriaPACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaDI MAJO, DanilaGIAMMANCO, MarcoBELLIA, Vincenzo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings BRUNO A; SIENA L; PACE E; GERBINO S; CHANEZ P; FERRARO M; DI MAJO D; GIAMMANCO M; BELLIA V; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2004 LTB4 is present in exudative pleural effusions and contributes actively to neutrophil recruitment in the inflamed pleural space PACE, EnricoPATERNO', AlessandraSPATAFORA, MarioFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaVIGNOLA, Antonio Maurizio + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista PACE; E; M PROFITA; M MELIS; A BONANNO; A PATERNO; C H MODY; SPATAFORA M; M FERRARO; L SIENA; A M VIGNOLA; G BONSIGNORE; M GJOMARKAJ
1-gen-2008 Lung Immune and Coagulative Host Response in Patients With Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (aeocpd). GIARRATANO, AntoninoPACE, EnricoPIRRI, SalvatoreRAINERI, Santi MaurizioFERRARO, MariaLO COCO, LucioSIRAGUSA, Sergio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings A GIARRATANO; E PACE; S PIRRI; RAINERI SM; D CANZIO; M FERRARO; L LO COCO; S SIRAGUSA; M GJOMARKAJ
1-gen-2004 Multiple synergystic effects of fluticasone propionate and salmeterol on T lymphocyte activation in asthma PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaVIGNOLA, Antonio Maurizio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; MELIS MR; SIENA L; BONSIGNORE G; BOUSQUET J; GJOMARKAJ M; VIGNOLA AM
1-gen-2004 Pleural LTB4 upregulates ICAM-1 molecules via STAT-1 activation on pleural mesothelial cells PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaVIGNOLA, Antonio Maurizio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; PROFITA M; MELIS MR; DI GIORGI R; MODY CH; VIGNOLA AM; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2005 Pleural mesothelial cells express both BLT2 and PPARa and mount an integrated response to pleural LTB4 PACE, EnricoFERRARO, MariaSIENA, LiboriaBRUNO, TommasoVIGNOLA, Antonio Maurizio + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PACE E; FERRARO M; PROFITA M; MELIS MR; SIENA L; DI GIORGI R; MODY CH; BRUNO TF; VIGNOLA AM; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M
1-gen-2008 Reduced apoptosis of CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the airways of mild COPD patients. SIENA, LiboriaPACE, EnricoBONSIGNORE, Maria Rosaria + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings SIENA L; PACE E; ELLIOTT J; GJOMARKAJ M; SAETTA M; BONSIGNORE MR; JAMES A
1-gen-2006 Role of PGE2 in the invasiveness, growth and protection of cancer cells in malignant pleuritis PACE, EnricoSIENA, LiboriaFERRARO, MariaGIARRATANO, Antonino + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista PACE E; SIENA L; FERRARO M; PROFITA M; MONDELLO P; CHIAPPARA G; MONTALBANO AM; GIARRATANO A; BONSIGNORE G; GJOMARKAJ M