PROVENZANO, Giuseppa  

Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 31/12/2010)  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2001 Behavioural stress reactivity in handling naive and handling-habituated adult male rats prenatally exposed to different benzodiazepine receptor agonists CANNIZZARO, CarlaCANNIZZARO, EmanuelePROVENZANO, GiuseppaBIONDI, FilippoSTEARDO, Luca + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO, C; MARTIRE, M; CANNIZZARO, E; PROVENZANO, G; GAGLIANO, M; BIONDI, F; CAROLLO, A; STEARDO, L
1-gen-2005 Chronic perinatal treatment with 5-methoxytryptamine reduces depressive-like behaviour induced by forced swim in mature male rats PLESCIA, FulvioPROVENZANO, GiuseppaMANTIA, GiacomaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings E CANNIZZARO; F PLESCIA; M GAGLIANO; PROVENZANO G; S IPSARO PASSIONE; M LA BARBERA; MANTIA G; C CANNIZZARO
1-gen-2008 Effect of Acetaldehyde on CRF release form incubated hypothalamic explants CANNIZZARO, CarlaBARRILE, VitaDILIBERTO, IreneLA BARBERA, MarcoPLESCIA, FulvioPROVENZANO, Giuseppa + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO, C; BARRILE, V; DI LIBERTO, I; LA BARBERA, M; PLESCIA, F; PROVENZANO, G; TRINGALI, G
1-gen-2003 Effects of 8-OH-DPAT on open field performance of young and aged rats prenatally exposed to diazepam: a tool to rveal 5-HT1a receptor function CANNIZZARO, CarlaPROVENZANO, GiuseppaMONASTERO, RPLESCIA, FulvioMINEO, AngeloCANNIZZARO, Emanuele + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista CANNIZZARO, C; MARTIRE, M; PROVENZANO, G; MONASTERO, R; GAGLIANO, M; PLESCIA, F; MINEO, A; CANNIZZARO, E
1-gen-2005 Effects of a single intense prenatal stress on emotionality and learning performance in adolescent male rat progeny.Influence of a daily short-term maternal separation. CANNIZZARO, CarlaPLESCIA, FulvioLA BARBERA, MarcoPROVENZANO, GiuseppaCANNIZZARO, Gaspare + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO C; PLESCIA F; LA BARBERA M; GAGLIANO M; PROVENZANO GM; CANNIZZARO G
1-gen-2007 Effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to 5-methoxytryptamine and early handling on an object-place association learning task in adolescent rat offspring. CANNIZZARO, CarlaPLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, GasparePROVENZANO, GiuseppaMANTIA, GiacomaCANNIZZARO, Emanuele + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista CANNIZZARO, C; PLESCIA, F; GAGLIANO, M; CANNIZZARO, G; G PROVENZANO; MANTIA, G; CANNIZZARO, E
1-gen-2001 Farmacologia Generale CANNIZZARO, GasparePROVENZANO, GiuseppaCANNIZZARO, CarlaCANNIZZARO, Emanuele + 03 - Monografia::3.1 Monografia CANNIZZARO, G; GIAMMONA, G; MARTIRE, M; PROVENZANO, G; CANNIZZARO, C; CANNIZZARO, E; GAGLIANO, M
1-gen-2007 Gender-related effects on emotionality, learning and memory performance in adult rats. 33° Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia. DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioMANTIA, GiacomaPROVENZANO, GiuseppaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings I DILIBERTO; F PLESCIA; CANNIZZARO G; G MANTIA; PROVENZANO GM; C CANNIZZARO
1-gen-2008 I disturbi d'ansia: meccanismi neurobiologici ed approccio terapeutico PROVENZANO, Giuseppa 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista PROVENZANO GM
1-gen-2008 La psicofarmacologia nei bambini in età scolare e pre-scolare PROVENZANO, GiuseppaMANTIA, Giacoma 09 - Altro::9.1 Altro PROVENZANO GM; G MANTIA
1-gen-2001 Long-lasting handling affects behavioural reactivity in adult rats of both sexes prenatally exposed to diazepam CANNIZZARO, CarlaCANNIZZARO, EmanuelePROVENZANO, GiuseppaCAROLLO, AnnaMINEO, AngeloSTEARDO, Luca + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Cannizzaro,C; Martire, M;Cannizzaro, E; Provenzano, G; Gagliano, M; Carollo, A; Mineo, A; Steardo, L
1-gen-2008 Perinatal exposure to 5-metoxytryptamine, behavioural-stress reactivity and functional response of 5-HT1A receptors in the adolescent rat CANNIZZARO, CarlaPLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, GaspareMANTIA, GiacomaLA BARBERA, MarcoPROVENZANO, GiuseppaCANNIZZARO, Emanuele + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista CCANNIZZARO; PLESCIA F; M GAGLIANO; G CANNIZZARO; G MANTIA; M LA BARBERA; G PROVENZANO; E CANNIZZARO
1-gen-2002 Prenatal exposure to diazepam and alprazolam, but not to zolpidem, affects behavioural stress reactivity in handling-naive and handling-habituated adult male rat progeny CANNIZZARO, CarlaSTEARDO, LucaCANNIZZARO, EmanueleMINEO, AngeloPROVENZANO, Giuseppa + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista CANNIZZARO, C; MARTIRE, M; STEARDO, L; CANNIZZARO, E; GAGLIANO, M; MINEO, A; PROVENZANO, G
1-gen-2008 Rilevanza clinica delle interazioni farmacologiche di tipo farmacocinetico [Clinical significance of pharmacokinetic interactions] MANTIA, GiacomaPROVENZANO, Giuseppa 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista MANTIA G; G PROVENZANO
1-gen-2007 Single intense prenatal stress can differently affect emotional behavior according to the nature of the task. Influence of metyrapone Noto, GiovannaPLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, EmanuelePROVENZANO, GiuseppaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings NOTO, G; PLESCIA, F; CANNIZZARO, E; GAGLIANO, M; PROVENZANO, G; CANNIZZARO, C
1-gen-2006 The neurosteroids sulphate PREGS and DHEAS exert a facilitative role on learning performance in adult male rats DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioPROVENZANO, GiuseppaBARRILE, VitaLA BARBERA, MarcoCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DILIBERTO I; PLESCIA F; PROVENZANO GM; BARRILE V; NOTO G; LA BARBERA M; CANNIZZARO C