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1-gen-2008 Effect of Acetaldehyde on CRF release form incubated hypothalamic explants CANNIZZARO, CarlaBARRILE, VitaDILIBERTO, IreneLA BARBERA, MarcoPLESCIA, FulvioPROVENZANO, Giuseppa + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO, C; BARRILE, V; DI LIBERTO, I; LA BARBERA, M; PLESCIA, F; PROVENZANO, G; TRINGALI, G
1-gen-2007 Gender-related affects of pregs on emotional, learning and memory performance in adult rats DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioMANTIA, GiacomaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DILIBERTO I; PLESCIA F; CANNIZZARO G; MANTIA G; PROVENZANO G; CANNIZZARO C
1-gen-2007 Gender-related effects of PREGS on emotionality, learning and memory performance in adult rats. DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioMANTIA, GiacomaPROVENZANO, MariaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DILIBERTO IRENE; PLESCIA F; CANNIZZARO GASPARE; MANTIA GIACOMA; PROVENZANO MARIA; CANNIZZARO CARLA
1-gen-2007 Gender-related effects on emotionality, learning and memory performance in adult rats DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, GaspareMANTIA, GiacomaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings I DILIBERTO; F PLESCIA; CANNIZZARO G; G MANTIA; G PROVENZANO; C CANNIZZARO
1-gen-2007 Gender-related effects on emotionality, learning and memory performance in adult rats. 33° Congresso Società Italiana Farmacologia. DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioMANTIA, GiacomaPROVENZANO, GiuseppaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings I DILIBERTO; F PLESCIA; CANNIZZARO G; G MANTIA; PROVENZANO GM; C CANNIZZARO
1-gen-2007 Neurosteroid PREGS differently affects learning and memory performance by altering emotionality in a gender-related manner CANNIZZARO, CarlaPLESCIA, FulvioBARRILE, VitaDILIBERTO, IreneLA BARBERA, MarcoMANTIA, Giacoma + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO C; PLESCIA F; BARRILE V; DILIBERTO I; LA BARBERA M; NOTO G; MANTIA G
1-gen-2007 Neurosteroid PREGS differently affects learning and memory performance by altering emotionality in a gender-related manner. 4th International Meeting Steroids and Nervous System, Torino, Italy. Febbrary 17-21 (2007) CANNIZZARO, CarlaPLESCIA, FulvioBARRILE, VitaDILIBERTO, IreneLA BARBERA, Marco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO C; PLESCIA F; BARRILE V; DILIBERTO I; LA BARBERA M; NOTO G
1-gen-2007 Pregnenolone sulphate facilitates object recognition and reduces depressive-like behaviour in male adult rats CANNIZZARO, CarlaPLESCIA, FulvioLA BARBERA, MarcoBARRILE, VitaDILIBERTO, IreneMANTIA, Giacoma + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO C; F PLESCIA; M LA BARBERA; V BARRILE; I DILIBERTO; G NOTO; G MANTIA; G CANNIZZARO
1-gen-2007 Pregnenolone sulphate faciltates object recognition and reduces depressive-like behaviour in male adult rats CANNIZZARO, CarlaBARRILE, VitaDILIBERTO, IreneMANTIA, GiacomaCANNIZZARO, Gaspare + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CANNIZZARO C; PLESCIA L; LA BARBERA M; BARRILE V; DILIBERTO I; NOTO I; MANTIA G; CANNIZZARO G
1-gen-2005 The neurosteroids DHEAS and PREGS may affect learning performance by altering affective state PLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, EmanueleLA BARBERA, MarcoDILIBERTO, IreneBARRILE, VitaCANNIZZARO, Carla 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings PLESCIA F; CANNIZZARO E; LA BARBERA M; DILIBERTO I; BARRILE V; CANNIZZARO C
1-gen-2006 The neurosteroids PREGS and DHEAS selectively improve memory retention in adult female rats. BARRILE, VitaPLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, CarlaMANTIA, GiacomaDILIBERTO, Irene + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings BARRILE V; PLESCIA F; CANNIZZARO G; MANTIA G; DILIBERTO I; NAVARRA M CANNIZZARO C
1-gen-2006 The neurosteroids sulfate PREGS and DHEAS exert a facilitative role in learning performance in adult male rats DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioBARRILE, VitaCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DILIBERTO I; PLESCIA F; PROPVENZANO G; BARRILE V; CANNIZZARO C
1-gen-2006 The neurosteroids sulfate PREGS and DHEAS exert a facilitative role in learning performance in male rats. DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioBARRILE, VitaLA BARBERA, Marco + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DILIBERTO I; PLESCIA F; PROPVENZANO G; BARRILE V; LA BARBERA M CANNIZZARO C
1-gen-2006 The neurosteroids sulfate pregs and DHEAS selectively improve memory retention in adult female rats BARRILE, VitaPLESCIA, FulvioCANNIZZARO, GaspareMANTIA, GiacomaDILIBERTO, IreneCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings BARRILE F; PLESCIA F; CANNIZZARO G; MANTIA G; DILIBERTO I; NAVARRA M; CANNIZZARO C
1-gen-2006 The neurosteroids sulphate PREGS and DHEAS exert a facilitative role on learning performance in adult male rats DILIBERTO, IrenePLESCIA, FulvioPROVENZANO, GiuseppaBARRILE, VitaLA BARBERA, MarcoCANNIZZARO, Carla + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DILIBERTO I; PLESCIA F; PROVENZANO GM; BARRILE V; NOTO G; LA BARBERA M; CANNIZZARO C