Hilario Pascoal, Rafaela da Conceição
Hilario Pascoal, Rafaela da Conceição
Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio Fisico e della Formazione
Abbagli e abusi: esperienze plurime di violenza di prossimità fra le migranti in Sicilia
2018-01-01 Bartholini, Ignazia Maria; Pascoal, Rafaela
Are Romanian children Left behind a vulnerable group to Human Trafficking?
2018-01-01 Pascoal, Rafaela
Deception and abuse: Manifold Instances of Proxemic Violence against Sub-Saharan and Eastern-European Women-Immigrants In Sicily
2019-01-01 Bartholini, I; Pascoal R.
Fra endowment e entitlement: il confine dei diritti delle donne nigeriane nello sfruttamento sessuale in Italia
2021-09-01 Pascoal, Rafaela
How Family and Emotional Ties Are Used As Coercive Instruments by the Exploiters on the Romanian Feminine Migration. The Study Case of Italy
2016-01-01 Pascoal, R
How Nigerian human trafficking networks use motherhood to maintain and introduce their victims into sexual exploitation
2017-01-01 Rafaela Hilário Pascoal
Il cibo come mezzo per una convivenza ostipitale. Gli equilibri fragili del cotto e del crudo fra migranti e popolazione autoctona in un mercato di Palermo
2021-09-01 Bartholini, Ignazia Maria; Pascoal, Rafaela
La tratta degli esseri umani. Nessi vischiosi fra vulnerabilità e violenza di prossimità
2021-01-01 Bartholini, Ignazia Maria; Pascoal, Rafaela
Motherhood in the Context of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Studies on Nigerian and Romanian Women
2020-01-01 Pascoal, Rafaela
Processing the questionnaire: from the objectives to the formulation of the items to be included
2020-01-01 Gaetano Gucciardo; Lia Lombardi; Matteo Moscatelli; Rafaela Pascoal;
Romania: Trendstetter in European Human Trafficking?
2024-03-01 Rafaela Hilario Pascoal
Sham marriages as a new exploitative form of human trafficking
2024-01-01 Rafaela Pascoal
The analysis of the concept of vulnerability on the International legal framework on Human Trade
2017-01-01 Pascoal, Rafaela
The aporia of the European myth. How LGBTI+ migrants are stranded in the Italian reception system
2021-01-01 Pascoal, Rafaela da Conceição
The EU’s legislative framework and the issue of violence perpetrated against migrant women
2019-01-01 Pascoal, Rafaela
The Influence of Patriarchy in the New Exploitative Forms of Human Trafficking in Europe
2022-12-01 Rafaela Hilario Pascoal
The relevance of multi-level governance on contrasting the social inequity health determinants of exploited migrant workers: A comparison between the Project P.I.U. Su.Pr.Eme. in the Region of Sicily and the Project Common Ground in the Veneto Region
2024-09-27 Francesca Cimino; Rafaela Pascoal
The vulnerability of Nigerian and Romanian women in sexual exploitation. Motherhood as being a double vulnerability.
2018-01-01 Hilario Pascoal, R.
“Minding the gap” in the research on human trafficking for sexual purposes
2017-01-01 Pascoal, Rafaela