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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2017 A comparison between seasonality indices deployed in evaluating unimodal and bimodal patterns Giovanni L. Lo MagnoMauro FerranteStefano De Cantis 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Giovanni L. Lo Magno, Mauro Ferrante, Stefano De Cantis
1-gen-2018 A composite indicator for maternity hospital classification Ferrante, Mauro + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Fantaci, Giovanna; Ferrante, Mauro*; Ettore, Giuseppe; Scondotto, Salvatore
1-gen-2018 A general framework for collecting and analysing the tracking data of cruise passengers at the destination FERRANTE, MauroDE CANTIS, Stefano + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Ferrante, M.; DE CANTIS, S.; Shoval, N.
1-gen-2010 A general framework to measure seasonal variations in tourism DE CANTIS, StefanoFERRANTE, Mauro 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista De Cantis, S; Ferrante, M
1-gen-2017 A new index for measuring seasonality: A transportation cost approach LO MAGNO, Giovanni LucaFERRANTE, MauroDE CANTIS, Stefano 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista LO MAGNO, G.; Ferrante, M.; DE CANTIS, S.
1-gen-2021 A pre-processing and network analysis of GPS tracking data Abbruzzo A.Ferrante M.De Cantis S. 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Abbruzzo A.; Ferrante M.; De Cantis S.
1-gen-2016 A survival approach for the analysis of cruise passengers’ behavior at the destination DE CANTIS, StefanoFERRANTE, MauroPARROCO, Anna Maria + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings De Cantis, S; Ferrante, M; Parroco, AM; Shoval, N.
1-gen-2016 Analisi dei determinanti di sovrappeso ed obesità in Italia FERRANTE, MauroImmordino, P + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Ferrante, M; Cernigliaro, A; Immordino, P; Marras, A; Scondotto, S
1-gen-2013 Analysing tourist mobility: current issues and future challenges DE CANTIS, StefanoFERRANTE, MauroCALO', Patrizia 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings De Cantis, S; Ferrante, M; Calò, P
1-gen-2012 Border surveys and Time Location Sampling (TLS): an application on incoming tourism in Sicily DE CANTIS, StefanoFERRANTE, Mauro 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio De Cantis, S; Ferrante, M
1-gen-2006 Comportamento di spesa del turista: un approccio micro-econometrico. FERRANTE, MauroNOTARSTEFANO, GiuseppePURPURA, AntonioSCUDERI, Raffaele 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio FERRANTE M; NOTARSTEFANO G; PURPURA A; SCUDERI R
1-gen-2010 Concentrazione della ricettività in Sicilia: un'analisi territoriale FERRANTE, Mauro 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio Ferrante, M
1-gen-2016 Cruise passengers' behavior at the destination: Investigation using GPS technology DE CANTIS, StefanoFERRANTE, Mauro + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista DE CANTIS, S.; Ferrante, M.; Kahani, A.; Shoval, N.
1-gen-2020 Cruise passengers' expenditure at destinations: Review of survey techniques and data collection Sciortino, CDe Cantis, SFerrante, M + 02 - Contributo in volume::2.07 Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Sciortino, C; De Cantis, S; Ferrante, M; Gyimóthy, S
1-gen-2015 Cruise passengers' trajectories at destination. A Dynamic Time Warping approach. FERRANTE, MauroBONGIORNO, Christian + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Ferrante, M.; Bongiorno, C.; Shoval, N.
1-gen-2007 Data Quality and Errors Correction in Italian Official Statistics on guests of accomodation establishments DE CANTIS, StefanoFERRANTE, Mauro 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings DE CANTIS S; FERRANTE M
1-gen-2019 Density-based Algorithm and Network Analysis for GPS Data Antonino AbbruzzoMauro FerranteStefano De Cantis 02 - Contributo in volume::2.07 Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Antonino Abbruzzo, Mauro Ferrante, Stefano De Cantis
1-gen-2021 Determinants of spatial intensity of stop locations on cruise passengers tracking data Nicoletta D'AngeloMauro FerranteAntonino AbbruzzoGiada Adelfio 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio Nicoletta D'Angelo; Mauro Ferrante; Antonino Abbruzzo; Giada Adelfio
1-gen-2017 Developing and validating a novel multisource comorbidity score from administrative data: a large population-based cohort study from Italy CORRAO, GIOVANNIFerrante, Mauro + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Corrao, G.; Rea, F.; Di Martino, M.; De Palma, R.; Scondotto, S.; Fusco, D.; Lallo, A.; Belotti, L.; Ferrante, M.; Pollina Addario, S.; Merlino, L.; Mancia, G.; Carle, F.
1-gen-2015 DIETA GLUTEN-FREE (DGF) IN SOGGETTI CELIACI E QUALITA' DELLA VITA Immordino, PFERRANTE, MauroCASUCCIO, Alessandra + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Immordino, P; Ferrante, M; Marras, A; Casuccio, A; Scondotto, S.