COSENZ, Federico
COSENZ, Federico
Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali
A dynamic business modelling approach to design and experiment new business venture strategies
2018-01-01 Cosenz, F.; Noto, G.
A Dynamic Performance Management Approach to Evaluate and Support SMEs Competitiveness: Evidences from a Case Study
2013-01-01 Bianchi, C; Marinkovic, M; Cosenz, F
A dynamic simulation approach to frame drivers and implications of corruption practices on firm performance
2014-01-01 Cosenz, F.; Noto, G.
A Dynamic Viewpoint to Design Performance Management Systems in Academic Institutions: Theory and Practice
2014-01-01 Cosenz, F
A Physiological Approach to Analysing SME Growth Patterns and to Understanding the Distinctions and Similarities between Normal and Abnormal Growth
2010-01-01 Bianchi, C; Winch, G; Cosenz, F
A Physiological Approach to Analysing SME Growth Patterns and to Understanding the Distinctions and Similarities between Normal and Abnormal Growth
2012-01-01 Bianchi, C; Winch, G; Cosenz, F
A System Dynamics Approach to Analysing the Effect of Clientelism on Public Organizations Performance in Italy
2010-01-01 Cosenz, F
A System Dynamics Approach to Evaluate Incentive-based Policies, Human Resource Motivation and Performance of Public Sector Organizations
2014-01-01 Cosenz, F; Bianchi, C
A systemic support to business model innovation: enhancing resilience-building processes of SMEs in times of crisis
2024-04-15 Marcantonio Ruisi; Federico Cosenz; Rodolfo Damiano
Adopting a Dynamic Performance Governance Approach to Frame Interorganizational Value Generation Processes into a University Third Mission Setting
2022-01-01 Cosenz, Federico
Alternative energy policy for mitigating the asynchrony of the wind-power industry’s supply chain in Brazil
2018-01-01 Herrera, Milton M.; Dyner, Isaac; Cosenz, Federico
An exploration of digital ride-hailing multisided platforms' market dynamics: empirical evidence from the Uber case study
2020-01-01 Cosenz F.; Qorbani D.; Yamaguchi Y.
Analyzing Business Dynamics of Ride-Hailing Services: A DPM Approach Applied to Uber Inc.
2018-01-01 Qorbani, D.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Cosenz, F.
Applying System Dynamics Modelling to Strategic Management: A Literature Review
2016-01-01 Cosenz, F.; Noto, G.
Assessing the effect of transmission constraints on wind power expansion in northeast Brazil
2019-01-01 Herrera, Milton M.; Dyner, Isaac; Cosenz, Federico
Benefits from energy policy synchronisation of Brazil's North-Northeast interconnection
2020-01-01 Herrera, Milton M.; Dyner, Isaac; Cosenz, Federico
Blending Collaborative Governance and Dynamic Performance Management to Foster Policy Coordination in Renewable Energy Supply Chains
2020-01-01 Herrera Milton Mauricio; Cosenz Federico; Dyner Isaac
Building on Entrepreneurs’ Leadership through ‘Lean’ and Dynamic Performance Management Systems in Small and Micro Firms. Challenges and Missed Opportunities
2014-01-01 Bianchi, C; Winch, G; Cosenz, F
Business model innovation for the SDGs: Towards a performance measurement system
2019-01-01 Rosati, Francesco; Rodrigues, Vinicius Picanco; Cosenz, Federico; Li-Ying, Jason
Business model innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals
2023-01-01 Rosati, F; Rodrigues, VP; Cosenz, F; Li-Ying, J