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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autori Tipologia Autore(i) File
1-gen-2010 A critical analysis of three remote sensing-based actual evapotranspiration assessment methods over sparse crops agricultural areas CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeLA LOGGIA, GoffredoMINACAPILLI, Mario 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Cammalleri, C; Ciraolo, G; La Loggia, G; Minacapilli, M
1-gen-2013 A simple method to directly retrieve reference evapotranspiration from geostationary satellite images CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, Giuseppe 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Cammalleri, C; Ciraolo, G
1-gen-2010 A thermal inertia model for soil water content retrieval using thermal and multispectral images MALTESE, AntoninoMINACAPILLI, MarioCAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeD'ASARO, Francesco 02 - Contributo in volume::2.07 Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume MALTESE, A; MINACAPILLI, M; CAMMALLERI, C; CIRAOLO, G; D'ASARO, F
1-gen-2012 About time of occurrence of rainy days for Mediterranean and (sub)-Alpine areas AGNESE, CarmeloBAIAMONTE, GiorgioCAMMALLERI, Carmelo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Agnese, C; Baiamonte, G; Cammalleri, C; Cat Berro, D; Ferraris, S; Mercalli, L
1-gen-2010 Actual evapotranspiration assessment by means of a coupled energy/hydrologic balance model: validation over an olive grove by means of scintillometry and measurements of soil water contents CAMMALLERI, CarmeloAGNESE, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeMINACAPILLI, MarioPROVENZANO, Giuseppe + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista CAMMALLERI, C; AGNESE, C; CIRAOLO, G; MINACAPILLI, M; PROVENZANO, G; RALLO, G
1-gen-2010 Actual evapotranspiration assessment in a sparse tall Mediterranean crops CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeLA LOGGIA, GoffredoMINACAPILLI, Mario + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Cammalleri, C; Anderson, MC; Ciraolo, G; D’Urso, G; Kustas, WP; La Loggia, G; Minacapilli, M
1-gen-2008 An automatic system for water quality assessment through MODIS L1B images CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCAPODICI, FulvioMALTESE, AntoninoTULONE, Mario 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CAMMALLERI C; CAPODICI F; MALTESE A; TULONE M
1-gen-2012 An integrated approach for high spatial resolution mapping of water and carbon fluxes using multi-sensor satellite data CAMMALLERI, Carmelo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Cammalleri, C; Anderson, MC; Houborg, R; Gao, F; Kustas, WP; Schull, M
1-gen-2012 Analysis of energy fluxes estimations over Italy using time-differencing models based on thermal remote sensing data CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeD'URSO, GUIDO + 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio Cammalleri, C; Anderson, MC; Ciraolo, G; D’Urso, G; Kustas, WP; Hain, C; Schultz, L; Mecikalski, JR
1-gen-2009 Applicability of a displaced-beam laser scintillometer in a sparse tall Mediterranean vegetation CAMMALLERI, CarmeloAGNESE, CarmeloLA LOGGIA, Goffredo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Cammalleri, C; Agnese, C; D'Urso, G; Georgiadis, T; La Loggia, G; Sciortino, M; de Bruin, HAR
1-gen-2008 Application of energy balance models for actual evapotranspiration assessment by means of airborne and satellite remote sensing data CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeMINACAPILLI, Mario + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CAMMALLERI C; CIRAOLO G; D'URSO G; MINACAPILLI M
1-gen-2012 Applications of a remote sensing-based two-source energy balance algorithm for mapping surface fluxes without in-situ air temperature observations CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeLA LOGGIA, GoffredoMINACAPILLI, Mario + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Cammalleri, C; Anderson, MC; Ciraolo, G; D'Urso, G; Kustas, WP; La Loggia, G; Minacapilli, M
1-gen-2009 Applicazione di tecniche di Remote Sensing: stima di parametri biofisici della vegetazione e dell’evapotraspirazione effettiva MINACAPILLI, MarioCAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeIOVINO, Massimo + 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio MINACAPILLI, M; CAMMALLERI, C; CIRAOLO, G; D'URSO, G; IOVINO, M
1-gen-2014 Applying a probabilistic model of rainfall and snow days occurrence to daily series recorded in NW Italy. AGNESE, CarmeloBAIAMONTE, GiorgioCAMMALLERI, Carmelo + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Ferraris, S; Agnese, C; Baiamonte, G; Cammalleri, C; Cat Berro, D; Mercalli, L; Canone, D; Previati, M
1-gen-2009 Assessment of actual transpiration rate in olive tree field combining sap-flow, leaf area index and scintillometer measurements AGNESE, CarmeloCAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeMINACAPILLI, MarioPROVENZANO, GiuseppeRALLO, Giovanni + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Agnese, C; Cammalleri, C; Ciraolo, G; Minacapilli, M; Provenzano, G; Rallo, G; de Bruin, H
1-gen-2010 Caratterizzazione della rugosità e dell’umidità del suolo tramite dati radar multifrequenza e multipolarizzazione CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCAPODICI, FulvioCIRAOLO, GiuseppeLA LOGGIA, GoffredoMALTESE, Antonino + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CAMMALLERI, C; CAPODICI, F; CIRAOLO, G; D’URSO, G; LA LOGGIA, G; MALTESE, A
1-gen-2013 Combined use of eddy covariance and sap flow techniques for partition of ET fluxes and water stress assessment in an irrigated olive orchard CAMMALLERI, CarmeloAGNESE, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeMINACAPILLI, MarioPROVENZANO, Giuseppe + 01 - Contributo in rivista::1.01 Articolo in rivista Cammalleri, C.; Rallo, G.; Agnese, C.; Ciraolo, G.; Minacapilli, M.; Provenzano, G.
1-gen-2009 Comparative Analysis Between Actual and Potential Evapotranspiration in a Sicilian Semi-Arid Catchment CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeLA LOGGIA, GoffredoMALTESE, Antonino 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings CAMMALLERI, C; CIRAOLO, G; LA LOGGIA, G; MALTESE, A
1-gen-2012 Comparative analysis of surface energy balance models for actual evapotranspiration estimation through remotely sensed images CAMMALLERI, CarmeloCIRAOLO, GiuseppeMALTESE, AntoninoMINACAPILLI, Mario 02 - Contributo in volume::2.01 Capitolo o Saggio Cammalleri, C; Ciraolo, G; Maltese, A; Minacapilli, M
1-gen-2011 Comparing actual evapotranspiration and plant water potential on a vineyard MALTESE, AntoninoCAMMALLERI, CarmeloCAPODICI, FulvioCIRAOLO, GiuseppeLA LOGGIA, GoffredoSANTANGELO, Tanino + 10 - Proceedings::Proceedings Maltese, A; Cammalleri, C; Capodici, F; Ciraolo, G; Colletti, F; La Loggia, G; Santangelo, T