TEDESCO, Michele Alessandro
TEDESCO, Michele Alessandro
Innovazione Industriale e Digitale (DIID) - Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica (attivo dal 01/11/2010 al 31/12/2018)
A multi-scale model for the reverse electrodialysis process with seawater and concentrated brines
2012-01-01 Tedesco, M; Cipollina, A; Tamburini, A; van Baak, W; Micale, G
A simulation tool for analysis and design of reverse electrodialysis using concentrated brines
2015-01-01 Tedesco, M; Cipollina, A; Tamburini, A; Bogle, IDL; Micale, G
Analysis and simulation of scale-up potentials in reverse electrodialysis
2015-01-01 Tedesco, M; Mazzola, P; Tamburini, A; Micale, G; Bogle, IDL; Papapetrou, M; Cipollina, A
Modelling the Reverse ElectroDialysis process with seawater and concentrated brines
2012-01-01 Tedesco, M; Cipollina, A; Tamburini, A; van Baak, W; Micale, G
Optimisation analysis of Reverse Electrodialysis systems for power production from concentrated brines
2016-01-01 Santoro, F; Tedesco, M; Cipollina, A; Tamburini, A; Bogle I.D.L.; Micale, G
2015-01-01 Tedesco, M; Cipollina, A; Tamburini, A; Micale, G; Helsen, J; Papapetrou, M
Reverse Electrodialysis Process: Analysis of Optimal Conditions for Process Scale-up
2014-01-01 Tedesco, M; Mazzola, P; Tamburini, A; Micale, GDM; Bogle, I. D. L.; Papapetrou, M; Cipollina, A
Reverse Electrodialysis with saline waters and concentrated brines: a laboratory investigation towards technology scale-up
2015-10-01 Tedesco, M; Brauns, E; Cipollina, A; Micale, G; Modica, P; Russo, G; Helsen, J.
Reverse Electrodialysis with seawater and concentrated brine: a comprehensive process modelling
2012-01-01 Cipollina, A; Tedesco, M; Tamburini, A; van Baak, W; Veerman, J; Micale, G
Reverse electrodialysis: advanced modelling and scale-up
Tedesco, M.
Reverse electrodialysis: Applications
2016-01-01 Cipollina, A.; Micale, G.; Tamburini, A.; Tedesco, M.; Gurreri, L.; Veerman, J.; Grasman, S.
Sustainable water and energy: the EU-FP7 MEDIRAS and REAPOWER research projects
2014-01-01 Tamburini, A; Cipollina, A; Micale, G; Tedesco, M; Gurreri, L;