A Comparison between Heuristic, Statistical and Data-driven Methods in Landslide Susceptibility Assessment: an Application to the Briga and Giampilieri Catchments
2014-01-01 Francipane, A; Arnone, E; Lo Conti, F; Puglisi, C; Noto, L; La Loggia, G
A coupled stability and eco-hydrological model to predict shallow landslides
2011-01-01 Arnone, E; Noto, L; Lepore, C; Bras RL
A physically-based and distributed approach to analyze rainfall-triggered landslides at a watershed scale
2009-01-01 Arnone, E; Noto, L; Bras, RL
A physically-based and distributed tool for modeling the hydrological and mechanical processes of shallow landslides
2015-01-01 Arnone, E.; Noto, L.; Dialynas, Y.; Caracciolo, D.; Bras, R.
A simple scaling procedure to assess the impact of climate change on extreme precipitation
2017-01-01 Forestieri, A.; Arnone, E.; Noto, L.
A spatially distributed and physically based tool to modelling rainfall-triggered landslides
2009-01-01 Arnone, E; Noto, L; Lepore, C; Bras, RL
Accounting for soil parameter uncertainty in a physically based and distributed approach for rainfall-triggered landslides
2016-01-01 Arnone, E; Dialynas, YG; Noto, L; Bras, RL
2011-04-01 Arnone, E.
An integrated information system for the acquisition, management and sharing of environmental data aimed to decision making
2012-01-01 La Loggia,G; Arnone,E; Ciraolo,G; Maltese,A; Noto,L; Pernice,U
Analisi comparativa di modelli euristici e statistici spaziali nella derivazione della suscettibilità da colate rapide di fango e detrito.
2013-01-01 Francipane, A; Iotti, M; Lo Conti, F; Arnone, E; Noto, L; La Loggia, G
Analisi dell’influenza della risoluzione spaziale di un TIN sulla risposta idrologica a scala di bacino
2007-01-01 E ARNONE; NOTO LV
Analisi di storm tracking nell’area urbana di Palermo attraverso dati di pioggia ad alta risoluzione
2010-01-01 Lo Conti, F; Pumo, D; Arnone, E; Noto, L; La Loggia, G
Analitical deriving of the field capacity through soil bundle model
2015-01-01 Arnone, E.; Viola, F.; Antinoro, C.; Noto, L.
Analysis of high-resolution rain records in FVG, northeastern Italy
2024-04-18 Arnone, Elisa; Treppiedi, Dario; Noto, Leonardo
Analyzing the role of soil water retention curve in slope stability for differently structured soils
2016-01-01 Arnone, E; Antinoro, C; Noto, L
Assessing the hydrological changes due to land use alterations
2016-01-01 Arnone, E; Pumo, D; Francipane, A; Caracciolo, D; Noto, L
Basin-scale water resources assessment in a sicilian basin under climate change scenarios using the conceptual model TOPDM
2011-01-01 Liuzzo, L; Arnone, E; Noto, L; Viola, F; La Loggia, G
Coupled stability and eco-hydrological model to predict shallow landslides
2012-01-01 Arnone, E; Noto, L; Lepore, C; Bras, RL
Creazione di un database per l’applicazione di modelli empirici di analisi di dissesto idrogeologico da precipitazione nel territorio Siciliano.
2013-01-01 Arnone, E; Lo Bianco, L; Francipane, A; Lo Conti, F; Noto, L; La Loggia, G
Derivation of critical rainfall thresholds for landslide
2016-01-01 Caracciolo, D; Arnone, E; Noto, L