Biomedicina Sperimentale e Neuroscienze Cliniche (attivo dal 01/01/2010 al 31/12/2018)
2014-02-19 Martinez, .
Evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo antineoplastic effects of Parthenolide on MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells
2012-01-01 Lauricella, M; Carlisi, D; D’Anneo, A; Di Bella, S; Emanuele, S; Martinez, R; Buttitta, G; Tesoriere, G
Il partenolide induce morte in cellule di osteosarcoma umano MG63 mediante un meccanismi caspasi-indipendente, mediato da AIF.
2012-01-01 Martinez, R; D'Anneo, A; Carlisi, D; Lauricella, M; Tesoriere, G
Il partenolide stimola la produzione di ROS e autofagia in cellule di carcinoma mammario MDA-MB231.Il suo analogo solubile DMAPT inibisce la crescita e le metastasi di xenotrapianti di tumori mammari.
2013-01-01 Carlisi D; D'Anneo A; Lauricella M; Martinez R; Emanuele S; Puleio R; Di Bella S; Di Marco P; Buttitta G; Di Fiore R; Guercio A; Vento R; Tesoriere G.
Parthenolide generates reactive oxygen species and autophagy in MDA-MB231 cells. A soluble parthenolide analogue inhibits tumour growth and metastasis in a xenograft model of breast cancer.
2013-01-01 D’Anneo, A; Carlisi, D; Lauricella, M; Puleio, R; Martinez, R; Di Bella, S; Di Marco, P; Emanuele, S; Di Fiore, R; Guercio, A; Vento, R; Tesoriere, G
Parthenolide induces caspase-independent and AIF mediated cell death in tumor cells
2012-01-01 Emanuele, S; D'Anneo, A; Carlisi, D; Lauricella, M; Martinez, R; Vento, R; Tesoriere, G
Parthenolide induces caspase-independent cell death in osteosarcoma, melanoma and breast cancer cells through the induction of oxidative stress.
2012-01-01 Carlisi, D; D'Anneo, A; Lauricella, M; Emanuele, S; Martinez, R; Vento, R; Tesoriere G.
Parthenolide induces caspase-independent cell death mediated by AIF in osteosarcoma and melanoma cells.
2012-01-01 D’Anneo, A; Carlisi, D; Lauricella, M; Emanuele, S; Martinez, R; Tesoriere, G
Parthenolide induces EGF receptor phosphorylation and superoxide anion production in MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells.
2013-01-01 Lauricella, M; D'Anneo, A; Carlisi, D; Emanuele, S; Buttitta, G; Martinez, R; Di Fiore, R; Vento, R; Tesoriere G.
Synergistic cytotoxic interaction of the HDAC inhibitor SAHA with the natural compound parthenolide in MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells.
2013-01-01 Carlisi, D; D'Anneo, A; Lauricella, M; Emanuele, S; Martinez, R; Buttitta, G; Vento, R; Tesoriere G
The HDAC inhibitor SAHA synergistically stimulates the cytotoxic effect induced by Parthenolide in MDA-MB231 cells
2014-01-01 Carlisi, D; D'Anneo, A; Lauricella, M; Buttitta, G; Emanuele, S; Martinez, R; Vento, R; Tesoriere, G
The mechanism of parthenolide-induced cell death in tumor cell lines.
2011-01-01 Emanuele, S; Carlisi, D; D'Anneo, A; Lauricella, M; Martinez, R; Vento, R; Tesoriere, G
The oxygen radicals involved in the toxicity induced by parthenolide in MDA-MB-231 cells
2014-01-01 Carlisi, D; D'Anneo, A; Martinez, R; Emanuele, S; Buttitta, G; Di Fiore, R; Vento, R; Tesoriere, G; Lauricella, M
The synergistic effect exerted by the HDAC inhibitor SAHA and the sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide on triple negative breast canc er cells
2014-01-01 Carlisi, D; D’Anneo, A; Lauricella, M; Buttitta, G; Emanuele, S; Martinez, R; Tesoriere, G
The Synergistic Effect of SAHA and Parthenolide in MDA-MB231 Breast Cancer Cells
2015-01-01 Carlisi, D.; Lauricella, M.; D'Anneo, A.; Buttitta, G.; Emanuele, S.; di Fiore, R.; Martinez, R.; Rolfo, C.; Vento, R.; Tesoriere, G.