The marriage between Isabel, daughter of James I of Aragon, and Philip III, son of Louis IX of France, marked a significant pause in the dispute between the two kingdoms. Isabel gave birth to four sons, whom she left in Paris in 1270 to follow her husband on the Carthage crusade. In 1271 she fell from her horse while crossing a swollen stream; she died shortly afterwards in Cosenza, together with the child she was carrying. From her last will it emerges that the most important people were all women: the wet-nurses and nannies of her children, the servants and the ladies-in-waiting; in the final part, Isabel begged her husband to build a chapel for the salvation of her soul. Although Philip III had not yet been anointed king, Isabella's queenship was recognized by chroniclers and sublimated by the erection of two funerary monuments, one commissioned by her husband in the cathedral of Cosenza, another by her son Philip IV in Saint-Denis, pantheon of the French monarchy. Due to her early death, Isabella couldn’t play an important role on the international stage alongside her husband; however, the insistent prayers she addressed to Charles I of Anjou to leave Henry of Castile, a supporter of Conradin of Swabia, in prison for life, accepted by the Angevin king, are an indication of her ability to intercede.
Il matrimonio tra Isabella, figlia di Giacomo I d’Aragona, e Filippo III, figlio di Luigi IX di Francia, segnò una significatica pausa nella contesa tra i due regni. Isabella partorì quattro maschi, che nel 1270 lasciò a Parigi per seguire il marito nella crociata di Cartagine. Nel 1271 Isabella cadde da cavallo mentre attraversava un torrente in piena; morì poco dopo a Cosenza con il bimbo che portava in grembo. Dal testamento emerge che le persone più importanti erano tutte donne: le balie e le bambinaie dei figli, le inservienti e le dame di compagnia; nella parte finale, Isabella pregò il marito di fare costruire una cappella per la salvezza della sua anima. Sebbene Filippo III non fosse stato ancora unto re, la “reginalità” di Isabella fu riconosciuta dai cronisti e sublimata dall’erezione di due monumenti funebri commissionati uno dal marito nella cattedrale di Cosenza, l’altro dal figlio Filippo IV a Saint-Denis, pantheon della monarchia francese. A causa della morte precoce, non poté giocare un ruolo importante nello scacchiere internazionale al fianco del marito, tuttavia, le insistenti preghiere rivolte a Carlo I d’Angiò affinché lasciasse in carcere a vita Enrico di Castiglia, sostenitore di Corradino di Svevia, accolte dal re angioino, sono un indizio della sua capacità di intercessione.
Sardina, P. (2024). La “reginalità” d’Isabella d’Aragona, moglie di Filippo III di Francia. MEDIAEVAL SOPHIA, 26, 35-55.
La “reginalità” d’Isabella d’Aragona, moglie di Filippo III di Francia
Sardina, Patrizia
The marriage between Isabel, daughter of James I of Aragon, and Philip III, son of Louis IX of France, marked a significant pause in the dispute between the two kingdoms. Isabel gave birth to four sons, whom she left in Paris in 1270 to follow her husband on the Carthage crusade. In 1271 she fell from her horse while crossing a swollen stream; she died shortly afterwards in Cosenza, together with the child she was carrying. From her last will it emerges that the most important people were all women: the wet-nurses and nannies of her children, the servants and the ladies-in-waiting; in the final part, Isabel begged her husband to build a chapel for the salvation of her soul. Although Philip III had not yet been anointed king, Isabella's queenship was recognized by chroniclers and sublimated by the erection of two funerary monuments, one commissioned by her husband in the cathedral of Cosenza, another by her son Philip IV in Saint-Denis, pantheon of the French monarchy. Due to her early death, Isabella couldn’t play an important role on the international stage alongside her husband; however, the insistent prayers she addressed to Charles I of Anjou to leave Henry of Castile, a supporter of Conradin of Swabia, in prison for life, accepted by the Angevin king, are an indication of her ability to intercede.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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