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Archivio istituzionale della ricerca dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo
Aims To describe atrial fibrillation (AF) management in member countries of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and to verify cardiology practices against guidelines. Methods and results Among 182 hospitals in 35 countries, 5333 ambulant and hospitalized AF patients were enrolled, in 2003 and 2004. AF was primary or secondary diagnosis, and was confirmed on ECG in the preceding 12 months. Clinical type of AF was reported to be first detected in 978, paroxysmal in 1517, persistent in 1167, and permanent in 1547 patients. Concomitant diseases were present in 90% of all patients, causing risk factors for stroke to be also highly prevalent (86%). As many as 69% of patients were symptomatic at the time of the survey; among asymptomatic patients, 54% were previously experienced symptoms. Oral anticoagulation was prescribed in 67 and 49% of eligible and ineligible patients, respectively. A rhythm control strategy was applied in 67% of currently symptomatic patients and in 44% of patients who never experienced symptoms. Conclusion This survey provides a unique snapshot of current AF management in ESC member countries. Discordance between guidelines and practice was found regarding several issues on stroke prevention and antiarrhythmic therapy.
Nieuwlaat R., Capucci A., Camm A.J., Olsson S.B., Andresen D., Davies D.W., et al. (2005). Atrial fibrillation management: A prospective survey in ESC Member Countries - The Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 26(22), 2422-2434 [10.1093/eurheartj/ehi505].
Atrial fibrillation management: A prospective survey in ESC Member Countries - The Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation
Nieuwlaat R.;Capucci A.;Camm A. J.;Olsson S. B.;Andresen D.;Davies D. W.;Cobbe S.;Breithardt G.;Le Heuzey J. -Y.;Prins M. H.;Levy S.;Crijns H. J. G. M.;Aliot E.;Santini M.;Vardas P.;Manini M.;Bramley C.;Laforest V.;Taylor C.;Del Gaiso S.;Huber K.;De Backer G.;Sirakova V.;Cerbak R.;Thayssen P.;Lehto S.;Blanc J. -J.;Delahaye F.;Kobulia B.;Zeymer U.;Cokkinos D.;Karlocai K.;Graham I.;Shelley E.;Behar S.;Maggioni A.;Grabauskiene V.;Deckers J.;Asmussen I.;Stepinska J.;Goncalves L.;Mareev V.;Vasiljevic Z.;Riecansky I.;Kenda M. F.;Alonso A.;Lopez-Sendon J. L.;Rosengren A.;Buser P.;Okay T.;Sychov O.;Fox K.;Schofield P.;Simoons M.;Wood D.;Battler A.;Boersma E.;Fox K.;Komajda M.;McGregor K.;Mulder B.;Priori S.;Ryden L.;Tavazzi L.;Vahanian A.;Wijns W.;Grigoryan S. V.;Apetyan I.;Aroyan S.;Azarapetyan L.;Anvari A.;Gottsauner-Wolf M.;Pfaffenberger S.;Aydinkoc K.;Kalla K.;Penka M.;Drexel H.;Langer P.;Pierard L. A.;Legrand V.;Blommaert D.;Schroeder E.;Mancini I.;Geelen P.;Brugada P.;De Zutter M.;Vrints C.;Vercammen M.;Morissens M.;Borisov B. B.;Petrov V. A.;Alexandrova M. M.;Goudev A. R.;Peychev Y.;Stoyanovsky V.;Stoynev E.;Kranjcevic S.;Moutiris J.;Ioannides M.;Evequoz D.;Spacilova J.;Novak M.;Eisenberger M.;Mullerova J.;Kautzner J.;Riedlbauchova L.;Petru J.;Taborsky M.;Cappelen H.;Sharaf Y. A.;Ibrahim B. S. S.;Tammam K.;Saad A.;Elghawaby H.;Sherif H. Z.;Farouk H.;Andresen D.;Mielke A.;Engelen M.;Kirchhof P.;Zimmermann P.;Aviles F. F.;Rubio J.;Malpartida F.;Corona M.;Sanchez L. T.;Herrera J. M. L.;Quesada A.;Munoz Garcia A. J.;Gonzalez C. S.;Juango M. S. A.;Berjon-Reyero J.;Alegret J. M.;Fernandez J. M. C.;Rosillo C. C.;Romero A. F.;Lara M. G.;Lopez Sendon J. L.;De Diego J. J. G.;Martin L. S.;Irurita M.;Guttierez N. H.;Rubio J. R. S.;Antorrena I.;Paves A. B.;Salvador A.;Orriach M. D.;Garcia A. A.;Epelde F.;Martinez V. B.;Sanchez A. B.;Galvez C. P.;Rivero R. F.;Madrid A. H.;Baron-Esquivias G.;Peinado R.;Guindal J. A. G.;Vera T. R.;Fernandez E. L.;Gayan R.;Garcia J.;Bodegas A.;Lopez J. T.;Florez J. M.;Cabezas C. L.;De Castroviejo E. V. R.;Bellido J. M.;Ruiz M. E.;Savolainen K.;Nieminen M.;Toivonen L.;Syvanne M.;Pietila M.;Galley D.;Beltra C.;Gay A.;Daubert J. C.;Lecocq G.;Poulain C.;Cleland J. G. F. C.;Shelton R.;Lip G. Y. H.;Choudhury A.;Abuladze G.;Jashi I.;Cokkinos D. V.;Tsiavou A.;Giamouzis G.;Dagres N.;Kostopoulou A.;Domproglou Tsoutsanis;Stefanadis Ch.;Latsios G.;Vogiatzis I.;Gotsis A.;Bozia P.;Karakiriou M.;Koulouris S.;Parissis J.;Kostakis G.;Kouris N.;Kontogianni D.;Athanasios K.;Douras A.;Tsanakis T.;Marketou M.;Patsourakos N.;Czopf L.;Halmosi R.;Preda I.;Csoti E.;Badics A.;Strasberg B.;Freedberg N. A.;Katz A.;Zalzstein E.;Grosbard A.;Goldhammer E.;Nahir M.;Epstein M.;Vider I.;Luria D.;Mandelzweig L.;Aloisi B.;Cavallaro A.;Antonielli E.;Doronzo B.;Pancaldo D.;Mazzola C.;Buontempi L.;Calvi V.;Giuffrida G.;Figlia A.;Ippolito F.;Gelmini G. -P.;Gaibazzi N.;Ziacchi V.;De Tommasi F.;Lombardi F.;Fiorentini C.;Terranova P.;Maiolino P.;Albunni M.;Pinna-Pintor P.;Fumagalli S.;Masotti G.;Boncinelli L.;Rossi D.;Santoro G. M.;Fioranelli M.;Naccarella F.;Maranga S. S.;Lepera G.;Bresciani B.;Seragnoli E.;Forti M. C.;Cortina V.;Baciarello G.;Cicconetti P.;Lax A.;Vitali F.;Igidbashian D.;Scarpino L.;Terrazzino S.;Cantu F.;Pentimalli F.;Novo S.;Coppola G.;Zingarini G.;Ambrozio G.;Moruzzi P.;Callegari S.;Saccomanno G.;Russo P.;Carbonieri E.;Paino A.;Zanetta M.;Barducci E.;Cemin R.;Rauhe W.;Pitscheider W.;Meloni M.;Marchi S. M.;Di Gennaro M.;Calcagno S.;Squaratti P.;Quartili F.;Bertocchi P.;De Martini M.;Mantovani G.;Komorovsky R.;Desideri A.;Celegon L.;Tarantini L.;Catania G.;Lucci D.;Bianchini F.;Puodziukynas A.;Kavoliuniene A.;Barauskiene V.;Aidietis A.;Barysiene J.;Vysniauskas V.;Zukauskiene I.;Kazakeviciene N.;Georgievska-Ismail L.;Poposka L.;Vataman E.;Grosu A. A.;Scholte Op Reimer W.;De Swart E.;Lenzen M.;Jansen C.;Brons R.;Tebbe H.;Van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A.;Veerhoek M. J.;Kamps M.;Haan D.;Van Rijn N.;Bootsma A.;Baur L.;Van Den Dool A.;Fransen H.;Eurlings L.;Meeder J.;De Boer M. J.;Winter J.;Broers H.;Werter C.;Bijl M.;Versluis S.;Milkowska M.;Wozakowska-Kaplon B.;Janion M.;Lepska L.;Swiatecka G.;Kokowicz P.;Cybulski J.;Gorecki A.;Szulc M.;Rekosz J.;Manczak R.;Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M.;Trusz-Gluza M.;Rybicka-Musialik A.;Myszor J.;Szpajer M.;Cymerman K.;Sadowski J.;Sniezek-Maciejewska M.;Ciesla-Dul M.;Gorkiewicz-Kot I.;Grodzicki T.;Rewiuk K.;Kubik L.;Lewit J.;De Sousa J. M. F. R.;Ferreira R.;Freitas A.;Morais J. C. A.;Pires R.;Veloso Gomes M. J.;Gago P.;Candeias R. A. C.;Nunes L.;Miranda Sa J. V.;Ventura M.;De Oliveira M.;Alves L. B.;Bostaca I.;Olariu C. T.;Dan G. A.;Dan A.;Podoleanu C.;Frigy A.;Georgescu G. I. M.;Arsenescu C.;Statescu C.;Sascau R.;Dimitrascu D. L.;Rancea R.;Shubik Y. V.;Duplyakov D.;Shalak M.;Danielyan M.;Galyavich A.;Zakirova V.;Hatala R.;Kaliska G.;Kmec J.;Zupan I.;Tasie J.;Vokac D.;Edvardsson N.;Poci D.;Gamra H.;Denguir H.;Sepetoglu A.;Arat-Ozkan A.;Orynchak M.;Paliy E.;Vakalyuk I.;Malidze D.;Prog R.;Yabluchansky M. I.;Makienko N. V.;Potpara T.;Knezevic S.;Randjelovic M.
Aims To describe atrial fibrillation (AF) management in member countries of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and to verify cardiology practices against guidelines. Methods and results Among 182 hospitals in 35 countries, 5333 ambulant and hospitalized AF patients were enrolled, in 2003 and 2004. AF was primary or secondary diagnosis, and was confirmed on ECG in the preceding 12 months. Clinical type of AF was reported to be first detected in 978, paroxysmal in 1517, persistent in 1167, and permanent in 1547 patients. Concomitant diseases were present in 90% of all patients, causing risk factors for stroke to be also highly prevalent (86%). As many as 69% of patients were symptomatic at the time of the survey; among asymptomatic patients, 54% were previously experienced symptoms. Oral anticoagulation was prescribed in 67 and 49% of eligible and ineligible patients, respectively. A rhythm control strategy was applied in 67% of currently symptomatic patients and in 44% of patients who never experienced symptoms. Conclusion This survey provides a unique snapshot of current AF management in ESC member countries. Discordance between guidelines and practice was found regarding several issues on stroke prevention and antiarrhythmic therapy.
Nieuwlaat R., Capucci A., Camm A.J., Olsson S.B., Andresen D., Davies D.W., et al. (2005). Atrial fibrillation management: A prospective survey in ESC Member Countries - The Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 26(22), 2422-2434 [10.1093/eurheartj/ehi505].
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.