The international backdrop is moving quickly towards the promotion of an inclusive school. In Italy, this reality was faced for many years, but transformations and the international debate caused new questions and critical reflections. Specifically, today the attention is focused on what is considered the key factor of the procedures about integration and inclusion: the teachers’ training, like the International Conference of UNESCO (2013) confirmed. The attention of the education research is on the key factors of the inclusive procedures: the teachers’ training, the development and the supervision of educational contexts, as well as the production and the increasing of inclusive didactic practices. This debate, already opened for many years, on the topics linked to the inclusive process represents the background from which the idea of this work starts and develops. The principal questions that this research wants to answer are essentially two: 1. if towards the analysis of the inclusive procedures it’s possible to build a Repository of “good practices” that allows to the teachers and the future ones to develops analysis ability about their inclusive acting to understand what works in education and an upgrade using that. 2. how towards the building of an Inclusive Teacher Profile it’s possible to make teachers and the future ones think about the values that define an educational acting really inclusive to create into the school an inclusive community that makes each one feel welcomed. This research intends to: - examining the historic, educational and legislative development of the concept of the inclusive education towards an analysis of the current scenery; - measuring (towards particular assessment questionnaire) the inclusive quality in the school using quantitative and qualitative data; - building a Repository of inclusive practices towards the gathering and analysis of educational practices realized by teachers from Sicilian schools, valid exemplifications of educational personalization linked to the students’ educational needs; - building an Inclusive Teacher Profile (like other European Countries did) to highlight the values that an inclusive teacher must have. Encouraged by the debate about this topic developed in the international context, above all in the anglo-saxon countries, in the last twenty years, and in the Italian scenery where the discussion, begun forty years ago, is still studied and debated, this work wanted to plan a research with the aim to give to school professionals, current and future, tools to measure and design inclusive perspectives, to implement their job. Beginning from the premise that there is a right to respect for personal differences in learning and scholastic behavior that asks to be linked with equality of the opportunities for everyone, this work wanted to see how it’s possible in the inclusive educational practice. The orientation of this research is the proper one of Evidence Based Education, based on the question “What works in education?”, that affirms it’s important to make explicit its values and scientific ideas, its methodologies and specific criteria, to represent itself visible, sharable and comparable. The analysis of evidences is a question much discussed in the educational field, for this reason we started a kind of explorative research with a phenomenological approach based on the evidence; for the analysis of the examined school we also used the case study. The tools we used are the questionnaires and the observation form for the practices, developed on tools identified in national and international literature, that identified indexes of structure and process related to the inclusive process, really useful for this work. The selected sample is non-probability with representative elements: this choice permitted to select heterogeneous schools, facilitating the reflection on the scholastic verticalization. This research has the aim to make teachers reflect on their own job to supervise it towards organized tools and to improve it with guide elements. The collection of data techniques had a quantitative and qualitative character. The quantitative orientation was used for measuring of inclusive quality of school; the research used a qualitative approach to identify all the elements useful to create the Inclusive Teacher Profile. For the qualitative analysis of gathered data, it was used the Atlas.ti software; while for the treatment of the quantitative data it was used the SPSS software. Even though the results of this research aren’t generalizable, however, we think that they represent an useful start point and way of analysis for condition of inclusion in schools under observation, as well as an heuristic value for a potential following assessment or for the application in other contexts. Teachers in training and in service were helped to rest and to think over the personalization of the inclusion process, promoting the self-assessment and the reflection that interested them efficiently. Teachers in training and in service learnt to apply actually the theoretical knowing of the national and international researches about this topic; as well as they showed an analytic and opened attitude to their job, showing to be able to draw conclusions from personal experiences and observations. From a general analysis of the results of this research, it’s possible to confirm the initial hypothesis. We can observe that if a teacher reflects on inclusion and their way of acting in relation with that, the inclusive quality of scholastic community will improve.
Lo scenario internazionale si sta muovendo rapidamente verso la promozione di una scuola inclusiva. In Italia, questa realtà è affrontata da molti anni, ma le trasformazioni e il confronto internazionale hanno sollevato nuove domande e riflessioni critiche. In particolare l’attenzione oggi è posta su quello che, come affermato nel corso della Conferenza internazionale dell'UNESCO (2013), è considerato il fattore chiave dei processi di integrazione e di inclusione: la formazione degli insegnanti. L’attenzione della ricerca pedagogica viene posta sui fattori chiave dei processi di inclusione: la formazione degli insegnanti, lo sviluppo ed il monitoraggio dei contesti educativi nonché la produzione e l’incremento di pratiche didattiche inclusive. L’acceso dibattito aperto ormai da diversi anni sulle tematiche legate al processo inclusivo a livello nazionale, rappresenta lo sfondo dal quale parte e si sviluppa l’idea della ricerca presentata in questo lavoro. I problemi di fondo a cui la ricerca ha cercato di rispondere sono sostanzialmente due: 1. se attraverso l’analisi delle pratiche inclusive è possibile costruire un Repository di “buone pratiche” che permetta ai docenti in servizio e ai futuri docenti in formazione di sviluppare capacità di analisi sul proprio agire inclusivo per capire cosa funziona in educazione ed un ampliamento nell’utilizzo delle stesse; 2. come attraverso la costruzione di un Profilo del Docente Inclusivo sia possibile portare docenti e futuri docenti a riflettere sui valori che determinano un agire educativo realmente inclusivo al fine di realizzare nella scuola una comunità inclusiva che permetta a ciascuno di sentirsi accolto. La ricerca si propone di: − indagare l’evoluzione storica, pedagogica e legislativa del concetto e dell’educazione inclusiva attraverso un’analisi conoscitiva del quadro dell’esistente; − rilevare (attraverso questionari appositamente costruiti) la qualità inclusiva della scuola attraverso dati quantitativi e qualitativi; − creare un Repository delle pratiche inclusive attraverso la raccolta e l’analisi delle pratiche educative realizzate dagli insegnanti delle scuole siciliane, che siano valide esemplificazioni di personalizzazione educativa in funzione dei bisogni educativi degli alunni; − costruire il Profilo del Docente Inclusivo (come già realizzato in altri Paesi europei) al fine di mettere in luce i valori che deve possedere un docente inclusivo. Sollecitati dal dibattito sul tema sviluppatosi nel contesto internazionale, soprattutto nei Paesi anglofoni, negli ultimi vent’anni anni, e nel territorio italiano dove la discussione, iniziata quarant’anni fa, è ancora oggetto di studio e di dibattimento, abbiamo voluto progettare uno studio con lo scopo di dare agli operatori della scuola, attuali e futuri, strumenti volti alla misurazione e alla progettazione di prospettive inclusive, per implementare la loro riflessività in azione. Partendo dal presupposto secondo cui esiste un diritto al rispetto delle differenze personali nell’apprendimento e nel comportamento scolastico che chiede di essere coniugato con l’uguaglianza delle opportunità per tutti, si è voluto vedere come ciò sia possibile nella pratica educativa che volge all’inclusione. L’orientamento della ricerca è quello proprio dell’Evidence Based Education, un orientamento di ricerca basato sull’interrogativo “Cosa funziona in educazione?”, fondato sul presupposto che nella ricerca educativa sia necessario esplicitare l’accettazione di alcuni asserti valoriali o scientifici, di metodologie e criteri specifici, così da potersi presentare come visibile, condivisibile e comparabile. L’analisi delle evidenze è una questione molto discussa in ambito educativo, per fare ciò si è avviata una ricerca di tipo esplorativo con un approccio fenomenologico basato sull’evidenza; per l’analisi delle scuole in esame ci si è avvalsi inoltre di un case study. Gli strumenti utilizzati sono costituiti da questionari e schede di osservazione delle pratiche, elaborati sulla base di strumenti rilevati e studiati nella letteratura nazionale e internazionale, che hanno individuato indicatori di struttura e di processo relativi al processo di inclusione, ritenuti utili ai fini del nostro lavoro. Il campione selezionato è non probabilistico ad elementi rappresentativi: questa scelta ha permesso di selezionare scuole eterogenee per storia e conformazione favorendo, peraltro, la riflessione sulla verticalizzazione scolastica. La ricerca è stata pensata per dar modo ai docenti di riflettere sul proprio operato per monitorarlo attraverso strumenti strutturati e per migliorarlo attraverso materiali guida. Le tecniche di rilevazione hanno avuto un carattere quantitativo e qualitativo. L’orientamento quantitativo è stato utilizzato per la misurazione della qualità inclusiva della scuola; ci si è avvalsi dell’approccio qualitativo per individuare all’interno dei materiali raccolti, le unità di senso sia nelle progettazioni delle pratiche didattiche che nelle schede per la costruzione del Profilo del docente inclusivo. Per la procedura di analisi qualitativa dei dati raccolti ci si è avvalsi del software Atlas.ti; mentre per il trattamento dei dati quantitativi è stato utilizzato il software SPSS. Anche se i risultati di questa ricerca non sono generalizzabili, tuttavia, si crede che essi rappresentino, sia un utile punto di partenza e di analisi specifica sullo stato dell’inclusione nelle scuole poste sotto osservazione, sia un valore euristico per un’eventuale successiva verifica o per l’applicazione in altri contesti. Con la metodologia formativa impiegata e gli strumenti proposti gli insegnanti in formazione e in servizio sono stati aiutati a soffermarsi e a ragionare sulla personalizzazione del processo di inclusione, attivando e promuovendo processi di autovalutazione e riflessione che li hanno coinvolti efficacemente. Gli insegnanti in formazione e in servizio hanno da una parte imparato ad applicare concretamente le conoscenze teoriche delle ricerche nazionali ed internazionali sul tema; dall'altro, hanno manifestato un atteggiamento analitico e aperto verso il loro lavoro, mostrando di essere in grado di trarre conclusioni dalle proprie esperienze e osservazioni. Da un’analisi generale degli esiti della ricerca risulta possibile confermare le ipotesi formulate nella fase iniziale. Si è potuto osservare che quanto più un insegnante riflette sull’inclusività e sul proprio modo di agire in relazione ad essa, tanto più la qualità inclusiva della comunità scolastica in cui opera migliora.
QUALITÀ DELL’INCLUSIONE & INCLUSIONE DI QUALITÀ La formazione degli insegnanti e le strategie per promuovere la scuola inclusiva.
QUALITÀ DELL’INCLUSIONE & INCLUSIONE DI QUALITÀ La formazione degli insegnanti e le strategie per promuovere la scuola inclusiva
Ferrara, Gabriella
The international backdrop is moving quickly towards the promotion of an inclusive school. In Italy, this reality was faced for many years, but transformations and the international debate caused new questions and critical reflections. Specifically, today the attention is focused on what is considered the key factor of the procedures about integration and inclusion: the teachers’ training, like the International Conference of UNESCO (2013) confirmed. The attention of the education research is on the key factors of the inclusive procedures: the teachers’ training, the development and the supervision of educational contexts, as well as the production and the increasing of inclusive didactic practices. This debate, already opened for many years, on the topics linked to the inclusive process represents the background from which the idea of this work starts and develops. The principal questions that this research wants to answer are essentially two: 1. if towards the analysis of the inclusive procedures it’s possible to build a Repository of “good practices” that allows to the teachers and the future ones to develops analysis ability about their inclusive acting to understand what works in education and an upgrade using that. 2. how towards the building of an Inclusive Teacher Profile it’s possible to make teachers and the future ones think about the values that define an educational acting really inclusive to create into the school an inclusive community that makes each one feel welcomed. This research intends to: - examining the historic, educational and legislative development of the concept of the inclusive education towards an analysis of the current scenery; - measuring (towards particular assessment questionnaire) the inclusive quality in the school using quantitative and qualitative data; - building a Repository of inclusive practices towards the gathering and analysis of educational practices realized by teachers from Sicilian schools, valid exemplifications of educational personalization linked to the students’ educational needs; - building an Inclusive Teacher Profile (like other European Countries did) to highlight the values that an inclusive teacher must have. Encouraged by the debate about this topic developed in the international context, above all in the anglo-saxon countries, in the last twenty years, and in the Italian scenery where the discussion, begun forty years ago, is still studied and debated, this work wanted to plan a research with the aim to give to school professionals, current and future, tools to measure and design inclusive perspectives, to implement their job. Beginning from the premise that there is a right to respect for personal differences in learning and scholastic behavior that asks to be linked with equality of the opportunities for everyone, this work wanted to see how it’s possible in the inclusive educational practice. The orientation of this research is the proper one of Evidence Based Education, based on the question “What works in education?”, that affirms it’s important to make explicit its values and scientific ideas, its methodologies and specific criteria, to represent itself visible, sharable and comparable. The analysis of evidences is a question much discussed in the educational field, for this reason we started a kind of explorative research with a phenomenological approach based on the evidence; for the analysis of the examined school we also used the case study. The tools we used are the questionnaires and the observation form for the practices, developed on tools identified in national and international literature, that identified indexes of structure and process related to the inclusive process, really useful for this work. The selected sample is non-probability with representative elements: this choice permitted to select heterogeneous schools, facilitating the reflection on the scholastic verticalization. This research has the aim to make teachers reflect on their own job to supervise it towards organized tools and to improve it with guide elements. The collection of data techniques had a quantitative and qualitative character. The quantitative orientation was used for measuring of inclusive quality of school; the research used a qualitative approach to identify all the elements useful to create the Inclusive Teacher Profile. For the qualitative analysis of gathered data, it was used the Atlas.ti software; while for the treatment of the quantitative data it was used the SPSS software. Even though the results of this research aren’t generalizable, however, we think that they represent an useful start point and way of analysis for condition of inclusion in schools under observation, as well as an heuristic value for a potential following assessment or for the application in other contexts. Teachers in training and in service were helped to rest and to think over the personalization of the inclusion process, promoting the self-assessment and the reflection that interested them efficiently. Teachers in training and in service learnt to apply actually the theoretical knowing of the national and international researches about this topic; as well as they showed an analytic and opened attitude to their job, showing to be able to draw conclusions from personal experiences and observations. From a general analysis of the results of this research, it’s possible to confirm the initial hypothesis. We can observe that if a teacher reflects on inclusion and their way of acting in relation with that, the inclusive quality of scholastic community will improve.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
tesi completa e definitiva Ferrara Gabriella M-Ped_03 -.pdf
Open Access dal 13/02/2020
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