Litwa położona jest na gęsto zalesionych terenach Europy Północno-Wschodniej, stąd bogactwo budownictwa drewnianego w tym kraju. Wśród budynków drewnianych wyróżniają się obiekty sakralne, o dużej wartości historycznej, różnorodnej formie i rozmiarach, złożonych projektach i wieloetapowej realizacji. Najstarsze kościoły drewniane zaczęto budować na Litwie w XIII wieku. Obecnie na terenie kraju znajduje się ponad 600 drewnianych obiektów sakralnych, których aspekty konstrukcyjne i strukturalne nie zostały jeszcze szczegółowo zbadane. Główne cele przedstawionych badań to: – poznanie tradycji i rytuałów związanych z typami budynków oraz rozwiązań stylistycznych i architektonicznych wykorzystywanych przy wznoszeniu obiektów sakralnych na Litwie; – usystematyzowanie wszystkich drewnianych obiektów sakralnych na Litwie oraz szczegółowe badania najważniejszych przykładów; – usystematyzowanie typów budynków oraz opracowanie katalogu technik budowlanych, przydatnego w przyszłych pracach konserwatorskich i rekonstrukcyjnych obiektów drewnianych; – rozwój i zmiany w stosowanych rozwiązaniach technologicznych, zachodzące na przestrzeni wieków, analiza obiektów drewnianych pod kątem mechanizmów zniszczenia i zidentyfi kowanych uszkodzeń; – opracowanie słownika zwrotów architektonicznych i konstrukcyjnych (w językach włoskim, litewskim i angielskim). W ramach projektu przeprowadzono analizę obiektów pod kątem ich geometrii, wymiarów, konstrukcji, geometrii elementów składowych, historii technik budowlanych, głównych uszkodzeń i degradacji drewna – na podstawie badań obiektów i ich rzeczywistych warunków, a także na podstawie znalezionej i zgromadzonej dokumentacji dotyczącej kościołów i technik zastosowanych do ich budowy
Lithuania is situated in a highly forested Northeastern Europe area and has a great variety of wooden buildings. Among the wooden structures we can enumerate the religious buildings, rich of historic values, presenting different forms and sizes and also a complex design and stratified construction phases. The oldest wooden churches began to built in Lithuania in the 13th century. Currently there are more than 500 existing wooden sacral structures, which not yet have detailed studies about their constructive and structural aspects. The main objectives of the research: • Knowledge of the rituals, related to the building types and stylistics and architectural solutions which were adapted to the Lithuanian sacred architecture; • systematization of the all sacred wooden buildings of Lithuania, with a particular attention to a detailed study of the more significant examples; • systematization of the building types and design of an atlas of construction techniques, useful to the future recovery and preservation of the timber structures; • schedules of the technological solutions, implementation of analyzed wooden buildings, related to the damage mechanisms and detected failures; • architectural and construction terms glossary. The research project proceeds - according to the direct knowledge of the building and through the analysis of the actual state of places and buildings - to define a geometric - dimensional and constructive survey, the analysis of the constitutive geometries, the history of construction techniques, the analysis of the main failures and degradations, the retrieval of the literature of the churches and their construction techniques.
La Lituania possiede un consistente patrimonio di edifici lignei, di cui la maggior parte costruiti a partire dal XVIII secolo. Queste architetture comprendono sia edifici privati che pubblici, sparsi in tutto il territorio ed ubicati in località molto diverse tra loro: nelle aree urbane o nelle periferie, in piccole cittadine o in insediamenti difficili da raggiungere. Gli edifici di maggior pregio sono comunque le architetture sacre, caratterizzate da interessanti soluzioni architettoniche e strutturali, delle quali colpisce la forma e le dimensioni. Attualmente si contano ben 600 edifici, appartenenti a vari culti eligiosi, anche se nel Paese ha sempre prevalso la fede cattolica, che ha prodotto un gran numero di chiese in luoghi di grande valenza paesaggistica. Le dimensioni dell’edificio erano deteminate dal numero di persone della comunità in cui sarebbe sorta la chiesa. Questi edifici sacri erano parte integrante della vita di ogni cittadino: ogni domenica i componenti della comunità si incontrano in chiesa per prendere parte alla messa, essi si riuniscono sempre per le feste più importanti dell’anno e per officiare i sacramenti. Tutti questi edifici di culto costituiscono un ricco e complesso compendio di elementi materico-costruttivi della tradizione locale, del quale le chiese cattoliche risultano, comunque, il corpus più antico. Le varie confessioni hanno sviluppato nell'arco dei secoli architetture lignee con spazialità plasmate dai riti che in esse si svolgevano; pur appartenendo a confessioni diverse condividevano soluzioni tecnico-strutturali analoghe, basate sulle possibilità offerte dal medesimo materiale di costruzione – il legno ed i suoi derivati - declinate però in base ora alle necessità distributivo-funzionali, ora simbolico-spaziali o estetico-figurative. In Lituania per la costruzione degli edifici in legno si utilizzavano tutte le risorse naturali locali, a partire da varie specie legnose utilizzate con sapienza, ma anche il materiale lapideo compatto per le fondazioni, l’argilla ed il mattone, la malta di calce, il muschio secco per l’isolamento degli edifici, la paglia e scandole in legno per il rivestimento della copertura. Le diverse religioni hanno deteminato nella costruzione chiesastica alcune differenze architettoniche e strutturali, che derivano da diverse culture. Ogni regione, poi presenta delle specificha caratteristiche architettoniche, a cui spesso si associano opportune scelte costruttive e decorative.
CAMPISI, T., BEREZANSKYTE', L. (2016). The traditional sacral wooden construction in Lithuania between XVIII and XIX century - Tradycyjne litewskie drewniane budownictwo sakralne z XVIII i XIX wieku. WIADOMOSCI KONSERWATORSKIE, numero 45/2016(numero 45), 98-108 [10.17425/WK45LITHUANIA].
The traditional sacral wooden construction in Lithuania between XVIII and XIX century - Tradycyjne litewskie drewniane budownictwo sakralne z XVIII i XIX wieku
Lithuania is situated in a highly forested Northeastern Europe area and has a great variety of wooden buildings. Among the wooden structures we can enumerate the religious buildings, rich of historic values, presenting different forms and sizes and also a complex design and stratified construction phases. The oldest wooden churches began to built in Lithuania in the 13th century. Currently there are more than 500 existing wooden sacral structures, which not yet have detailed studies about their constructive and structural aspects. The main objectives of the research: • Knowledge of the rituals, related to the building types and stylistics and architectural solutions which were adapted to the Lithuanian sacred architecture; • systematization of the all sacred wooden buildings of Lithuania, with a particular attention to a detailed study of the more significant examples; • systematization of the building types and design of an atlas of construction techniques, useful to the future recovery and preservation of the timber structures; • schedules of the technological solutions, implementation of analyzed wooden buildings, related to the damage mechanisms and detected failures; • architectural and construction terms glossary. The research project proceeds - according to the direct knowledge of the building and through the analysis of the actual state of places and buildings - to define a geometric - dimensional and constructive survey, the analysis of the constitutive geometries, the history of construction techniques, the analysis of the main failures and degradations, the retrieval of the literature of the churches and their construction techniques.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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