The debate on the environmental issue, which arose between the 60s and 70s of last century, with the formation of the first environmental groups, had as its central point the relationship between economy and environment, the increasingly obvious need to preserve the quality of the natural heritage and in the knowledge that as the planet's resources tend exhaustible should be reviewed and balanced development models. The objects, according to the lesson of Bruno Latour, symbolizing lifestyles that include their internal communication processes and concern in every case the sphere of information, interaction, and even the memory of desire. The approval of the planet on the Western model, the elimination of cultural differences, abuse of resources, the impact of pollution on the ecosystem are the negative effects of globalization. Often the location is ignored because of too much emphasis on globalization and in many cases, local forces constantly strive to mitigate the impact of global processes. Bauman introduced the term "glocalization" (Berman, 2005), without wishing to find a sense of political opposition to globalization (such as do-globalization). The concept of glocalization believes that the foundation of society in every age has been and is the local community, the interaction of individuals, organized groups increasingly enlarged and placed on a territory. It stands at the center of his "philosophy": the individual, the human person, the local heritage material and symbolic of the person and the group. Every place has, in fact, his vocation and identity, constituted by the natural uninterrupted with artificial man-made and the degree of social cohesion. Ie the territorial identity, which today is becoming more strategic and value attribute of input intangible local socio-economic development, which then becomes a powerful resource to be spent in valuing the same territory. Today, it is evident as a mixture, the hybridization is the general rule dominant, but it is equally undeniable that the nature of places influence in a decisive way the appearance of the products. The particular capabilities of their creative a place become part of the very nature of the products. The project follows mysterious ways in which the shape is the result of many factors, including also the context sociale.La growing conviction of the importance and urgency of knowing how to organize forms of sustainable development, in accordance with the limited resources and environmental health human, has directed research towards the use of plant fibers. Vegetable fibers can provide performance techniques and formal at times greater than that provided by materials and articles produced with high technology and simultaneously create huge economic resource in an area, like the Sicilian, in which you want to promote a culture of enterprise based on eco-friendly innovations. In general, the cultivation, production, processing and use of these fibers can provide specific answers to a series of problems related to energy conservation, environmental sustainability and pollution. Moreover, the appreciation in art and design of traditional techniques is not only a great potential for renovation and conversion also in aesthetic terms, but increasingly ensures quality control of different types of objects.
Il dibattito sulla questione ambientale, sorto tra gli anni ‘60 e ‘70 del secolo scorso, con la formazione delle prime associazioni ambientaliste, ebbe come nodo centrale il rapporto tra economia e ambiente, nella sempre più evidente necessità di preservare la qualità del patrimonio naturale e nella consapevolezza che, essendo le risorse del pianeta tendenzialmente esauribili, dovessero essere rivisti ed equilibrati i modelli di sviluppo. Gli oggetti, secondo la lezione di Bruno Latour, simboleggiano stili di vita che comprendono al loro interno processi comunicativi e riguardano in ogni caso la sfera dell’informazione, dell’interazione, del ricordo e anche del desiderio. L’omologazione del pianeta sul modello occidentale, l’azzeramento delle differenze culturali, l’abuso delle risorse, gli impatti inquinanti sull’ecosistema costituiscono gli effetti negativi della globalizzazione. Spesso la localizzazione viene ignorata per colpa della troppa importanza data alla globalizzazione e in molti casi, le forze locali si sforzano costantemente per attenuare l'impatto dei processi globali. Bauman ha introdotto il termine "glocalizzazione", (Barman, 2005) senza volervi trovare un senso politico di opposizione alla globalizzazione (come ad esempio fanno i no-global). Il concetto di glocalizzazione ritiene che il fondamento della società in ogni epoca è stata ed è la comunità locale, l'interazione degli individui, organizzati in gruppi sempre più allargati e presenti su un territorio. Esso pone al centro della sua "filosofia": l'individuo, la persona umana, il patrimonio locale materiale e simbolico della persona e del gruppo di appartenenza. Ogni luogo ha, infatti, una sua vocazione e una propria identità, costituite dal paesaggio naturale ininterrotto con quello artificiale fatto dall’uomo e dal grado di coesione sociale. Cioé quella identità territoriale, che oggi assume sempre più la valenza di attributo strategico e di input immateriale dello sviluppo socio-economico locale, che poi diventa una straordinaria risorsa spendibile ai fini della valorizzazione dello stesso territorio. Oggi, è evidente come la mescolanza, l’ibridazione siano la regola generale dominante, ma è altrettanto incontestabile che la natura dei luoghi influenza in modo decisivo l’aspetto dei prodotti. Le particolari capacità creative proprie di un luogo entrano a far parte della natura stessa dei prodotti. Il progetto segue strade misteriose in cui la forma è il risultato di innumerevoli fattori fra i quali anche il contesto sociale.La crescente convinzione dell’importanza e dell’urgenza di saper organizzare forme di sviluppo sostenibile, nel rispetto delle limitate risorse ambientali e della salute umana, ha orientato la ricerca verso l’utilizzo delle fibre vegetali. Le fibre vegetali possono fornire prestazioni tecniche e formali a volte superiore a quelle fornite dai materiali e dagli oggetti prodotti con alte tecnologie e costituire contemporaneamente un’ingente risorsa economica in un territorio, come quello siciliano, in cui si voglia promuovere una cultura d’impresa basata su innovazioni eco-compatibili. In generale la coltivazione, la produzione, la trasformazione e l’uso di queste fibre possono fornire delle risposte concrete ad una serie di problematiche connesse al risparmio energetico, alla sostenibilità ambientale e all’inquinamento. Inoltre la rivalutazione in campo artistico e progettuale delle tradizionali tecniche di lavorazione rappresenta non soltanto un grande potenziale di rinnovamento e di riconversione anche sotto l’aspetto estetico, ma sempre più garantisce il controllo della qualità di diverse tipologie di oggetti.
Pantina, A. (2012). Design ed eco-sostenibilità: le fibre vegetali in Sicilia tra tradizione ed innovazione. In Naselli Fabio (a cura di), Animare un'alternativa mediterranea allo sviluppo. Il turismo per uno sviluppo relazionale integrato (pp. 348-361). MILANO : FrancoAngeli.
Design ed eco-sostenibilità: le fibre vegetali in Sicilia tra tradizione ed innovazione
The debate on the environmental issue, which arose between the 60s and 70s of last century, with the formation of the first environmental groups, had as its central point the relationship between economy and environment, the increasingly obvious need to preserve the quality of the natural heritage and in the knowledge that as the planet's resources tend exhaustible should be reviewed and balanced development models. The objects, according to the lesson of Bruno Latour, symbolizing lifestyles that include their internal communication processes and concern in every case the sphere of information, interaction, and even the memory of desire. The approval of the planet on the Western model, the elimination of cultural differences, abuse of resources, the impact of pollution on the ecosystem are the negative effects of globalization. Often the location is ignored because of too much emphasis on globalization and in many cases, local forces constantly strive to mitigate the impact of global processes. Bauman introduced the term "glocalization" (Berman, 2005), without wishing to find a sense of political opposition to globalization (such as do-globalization). The concept of glocalization believes that the foundation of society in every age has been and is the local community, the interaction of individuals, organized groups increasingly enlarged and placed on a territory. It stands at the center of his "philosophy": the individual, the human person, the local heritage material and symbolic of the person and the group. Every place has, in fact, his vocation and identity, constituted by the natural uninterrupted with artificial man-made and the degree of social cohesion. Ie the territorial identity, which today is becoming more strategic and value attribute of input intangible local socio-economic development, which then becomes a powerful resource to be spent in valuing the same territory. Today, it is evident as a mixture, the hybridization is the general rule dominant, but it is equally undeniable that the nature of places influence in a decisive way the appearance of the products. The particular capabilities of their creative a place become part of the very nature of the products. The project follows mysterious ways in which the shape is the result of many factors, including also the context sociale.La growing conviction of the importance and urgency of knowing how to organize forms of sustainable development, in accordance with the limited resources and environmental health human, has directed research towards the use of plant fibers. Vegetable fibers can provide performance techniques and formal at times greater than that provided by materials and articles produced with high technology and simultaneously create huge economic resource in an area, like the Sicilian, in which you want to promote a culture of enterprise based on eco-friendly innovations. In general, the cultivation, production, processing and use of these fibers can provide specific answers to a series of problems related to energy conservation, environmental sustainability and pollution. Moreover, the appreciation in art and design of traditional techniques is not only a great potential for renovation and conversion also in aesthetic terms, but increasingly ensures quality control of different types of objects.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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