ZUMMO, Leila
ZUMMO, Leila
Biomedicina Sperimentale e Neuroscienze Cliniche (attivo dal 01/01/2010 al 31/12/2018)
Disfunzioni sessuali, farmaci antiepilettici e profilo ormonale sierico negli uomini affetti da epilessia
2012-01-01 Zummo, L; Urso, L; Gammino,M; Urso, D; Calabrò, V; Natalè, E; Daniele, O
Emotion recognition in temporal lobe epilepsy and idiopathic generalized epilepsy
2012-01-01 Realmuto, S; Cerami, C; Zummo, L; Agrò, L; Dodich, A; Canessa, N; Zizzo, A; Daniele, O
EMpathy ability and emotion recognition in temporal lobe epilepsy and idhiopathic generalizede epileps
2013-01-01 Zummo, L; Realmuto, S; Cerami, C; Agrò, L; Dodich, A; Canessa, N; Zizzo, A; Daniele, O
Frequency of Mitoxantrone related heart involvement in patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis
2010-01-01 Savettieri, G; Aridon, P; D’Amelio, M; Mazzola, MA; Realmuto, S; Zummo, L; Salemi, G; Ragonese, P
Heart involvement in patients treated with mitoxantrone for multiple sclerosis
2010-01-01 Ragonese, P; Lo Re, V; Aridon, P; Mazzola, MA; D’Amelio, M; Realmuto, S; Zummo, L; Salemi, G; Savettieri, G
Hsp60 and AChR cross-reactivity in myasthenia gravis: An update.
2010-01-01 Cappello, F; Marino Gammazza, A; Zummo, L; Conway de Macario E; Macario, AJL
2012-01-01 Zummo, L; Urso, L; Fierro, B; Natalè, E; Daniele, O
Lifestyle factors and multiple sclerosis: a case control study
2010-01-01 Mazzola, MA; Salemi, G; Ragonese, P; Castiglia, G; Cusumano, V; Lo Re, V; Realmuto, S; Zummo, L; Aridon, P; D’Amelio, M; Savettieri, G
MDMA Administration and Heat Shock Proteins Response: Foreseeing a Molecular Link
2010-01-01 Pomara, C; D’Errico, S; Zummo, L; Cappello, F; Li Volti, G
Molecular chaperones and mirnas in epilepsy: Pathogenic implications and therapeutic prospects
2021-08-10 Zummo L.; Vitale A.M.; Caruso Bavisotto C.; De Curtis M.; Garbelli R.; Giallonardo A.T.; Di Bonaventura C.; Fanella M.; Conway de Macario E.; Cappello F.; Macario A.J.L.; Gammazza A.M.
Natalizumab therapy of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: an evaluation of the safety profile and a comparison of efficacy with interferon beta therapy
2010-01-01 Realmuto, S; Salemi, G; Cardinale, F; Ragonese, P; Cusumano, V; Lo Re, V; Mazzola, M; Zummo, L; Conaldi, P; Savettieri, G
Relation between sexual dysfunctions and epilepsy, type of epilepsy, type of antiepileptic drugs: a prospective study
2017-01-01 Pavone, C.; Giacalone, N.; Vella, M.; Urso, L.; Zummo, L.; Fierro, B.
Role of heat shock proteins in the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis.
2010-01-01 Marino Gammazza, A; Zummo L
Ruolo delle heat shock proteins nella patogenesi della miastenia gravis
2010-01-01 Zummo, L.; Marino Gammazza, A
Social cognition dysfunctions in patients with epilepsy: Evidence from patients with temporal lobe and idiopathic generalized epilepsies.
2015-01-01 Realmuto, S.; Zummo, L.; Cerami, C.; Agrò, L.; Dodich, A.; Canessa, N.; Zizzo, A.; Fierro, B.; Daniele, O.
Taravana: documentation of bubbles by computerized tomography.
2010-01-01 Alaimo, M; Aiello, G; Marino, E; Zummo, L; Cappello, F
The role of circulating and exosomal miRNAs as biomarkers of drug-resistant epilepsy