The aim of this study is the analysis of Neogene syntectonic basins developed in different positions above the Sicilian-Maghrebian orogen. The study of the basins in convergent setting and their filling, is one of the fundamental tools for understanding the ways in which the progressive structuring of a chain area occurs. In this work, Thrust Top Basin and Piggy Back Basin lying on the Sicilian fold and thrust belt, filled up with Serravallian to Messinian sediments, have been analysed in order to relate them to a genetic and stratigraphic-structural point of view in the Sicilian foreland basin system context. The study has been carried out in Central-Western and eastern Sicily in particular in the Polizzi Generosa, Resuttano and Catenanuova–Centuripe areas. In these areas from Oligocene to Miocene the building of the Sicilian fold and thrust belt has been accompanied by the development of a peripheral foreland basin system which migrated toward the Foreland. In particular, during the late Miocene (late Tortonian to early Messinian) a siliciclastic sedimentary wedge above the moving thrust sheets have been deposited. These basins are characterized by sedimentation of continental to open marine clastics and shallow-marine carbonates sediments, above an often deformed moving substrate. The basis of the work is a detailed geological mapping, performed at a 1:10.000 scale. The distinction between the main bodies mapped in the field, has been made on the lithological, sedimentological, stratigraphic features (such as depositional trend, lateral and vertical relationships among facies associations), palaeocurrents measurement and study of the imbricated clasts and pebble clusters. During the geological surveys, the main tectonic structures, have been identified, measured and plotted by stereonet diagrams. Detailed sedimentological log in key areas for the definition of the stratigraphic sequence and the main depositional environments have been measured. The measurement of these sections is accompanied by a collection of 45 samples for micropaleontological analysis. For the classification of each sedimentary basin, reference is made to the classifications proposed by Allen & Allen (1993) and DeCelles & Giles (1996). The classification of Miall (1978-1985) has been used for the classification and codification of terrigenous deposit. The late Miocene succession in the Polizzi area, shows a fining and deepening upward trend characterized by overlapping of conglomeratic, sandy and clayey lithofacies showing lateral heteropic relations. In the Polizzi area the late Tortonian-early Messinian sediments, belonging to Terravecchia Fm. overlay, in unconformity, the sandstones and sandy clays of the Castellana Sicula Fm. (late Serravallian-early Tortonian) or above the structured tectonic units of the chain in particular on Varicolored Clay (Cretaceous-early Eocene).The upper limit of Terravecchia Fm. is found locally and is represented by a unconformity surface covered by carbonates reef deposit pertaining to Baucina Fm. (late Tortonian–early Messinian) or by the Gessarenites pertaining to Pasquasia Fm. (late Messinian). The sequence ends with the Trubi (Zanclean). Inside the upper Miocene stratigraphic succession two areas are differentiated with different facies associations: the NW sector shows, starting from the bottom, polymittic conglomerates with reddish sandy matrix, with carbonatic, siliceous, crystalline clasts, arranged in tabular units, with a total thickness of about 20 m, related to an alluvial fan, which registers an average trend of paleocurrent from NNE to SSW. Upward there are medium- to coarse-grained sandstones, whit external lens geometry and 25 m thick, which decreases towards the south, arranged in well defined, planar-shaped, up to 1m-thick strata characterized by large scale cross bedding in the early part, which pass upward at swaley (SCS) and hummocky (HCS) cross stratification. These lithofacies have been related to a wave-dominated shoreface delta system which recorded an average trend of paleocurrent like conglomerates from NNE to SSW. The sequence ends with silty clays and clayey silts with planktonic fauna related to an offshore environment. In the eastern part of Polizzi basin, conglomerates arranged into units of metric thickness with external concave upward geometry can be recognized from the bottom, made up of reddish conglomerates, massive or poorly stratified, related to a braided river channels environments that showed a mean paleocurrent trend ranging from ENE to WSW. To follow, there are medium-coarse calcarenites with large amount of bivalves, arranged in metric layers alterning to medium-fine sandstones, forming clinoforms dipping towards W with 20° gradient. These facies can be attributed to a delta front environment. From the structural point of view the Polizzi basin is a syncline with NNE-SSW axis. The western limb is more inclined than the eastern limb, the first 35° dipping toward ENE whilst the second 25 °dipping toward SW. In this area there is a normal faults system, NE to SW trending and there is not evidence of syn- tectonics deposition. The stratigraphic succession in the Polizzi area is due to two main depositional systems: the first related to fan delta system (Galloway 1988), evolving in wave-dominated shoreface delta system (Howell et al., 2003); the second related to a river delta system converged inside the basin from two different way: the first from the N- NNE to S-SSW the second from ENE to WSW, from a source characterized by the active erosion of the Kabilo-Calabrides crystalline units and calcalkaline rocks coming from Tyrrhenian volcanic arc. The depositional mechanism that affected the western part of sector (grain flow), leads us to consider that the streams have been developed in a relatively short stretch, maintaining a steep gradient until the mouth to the receiver basin. The late-medium shoreface deposits are instead formed when there are sea level rise that changes the type of sedimentation, indeed starting to accumulate well sorted medium to coarse sands, with a large vertical development, that reduce their thickness laterally toward the basin and increase toward the land (river-dominated shoreface delta system). In the easternmost areas, instead, a braided river system has developed discharging sediments in the sea, gradually more sandy, advancing in a low-gradient delta, (river dominated delta system) from an easterly direction as shown by paleocurrent measures. By linking the different stratigraphic sections observed in the Polizzi Basin it is possible to see that the succession is "Transgressive" with a trend fining upward. The two areas, however, show a "regressive" trend because the alluvial facies are considered to be the result of river systems and /or alluvial fan progradation, induced by a progressive increase in the energy rivers. In the curve of relative sea level change these conditions occur during the development of lowstand systems tract. The characters and the depositional geometries described for the shoreface facies association (fining upward trend) are concordant with those typically associated with the development of the transgressive systems tract. The upper Miocene succession in the Resuttano area develops with a trend-coarsening and shallowing upward, in the lower part, and in the remaining part with a trend fining-deepining upward, characterized by the overlapping of sandy conglomeratic lithofacies and laterally clayey and calcareous, showing heteropic relations. In the Resuttano area the upper Tortonian- lower Messinian sediments, belonging to Terravecchia Fm. overlay in unconformity the sandstones and sandy clays of the Castellana Sicula Fm. (late Serravallian-early Tortonian) cropping out from Resuttano village to Cozzo Terravecchia or above the structured tectonic units of the chain in particular on Varicolored Clay (Cretaceous-early Eocene). The upper limit of Terravecchia Fm. is represented by an unconformity covered by carbonates reef deposits pertaining to Baucina Fm. (late Tortonian in this area) or by the “Calcare di Base” (late Messinian). The sequence ends with the Messinian evaporitic deposit. Inside the upper Miocene stratigraphic succession are differentiated, from NE to SW, ortoconglomeratic lithofacies, 10 m thick and tabular external shape, which alternate layers with 4m thickness of sandstone and calcarenite with high-angle cross-bedding with tabular external shape. These lithofacies are typical of braided river. The sedimentary structures like pebble clusters and imbricated pebbles recorded an average trend of paleocurrent from NW to SE. Towards the SW the lithofacies described above is made up of medium-to coarse sandstones, with external lens geometry and 20 m thickness, arranged in well defined, planar-shaped, up to 1m-thick strata characterized by large scale through cross bedding in the early part, which pass upward at, swaley (SCS) and hummocky (HCS) cross stratification with abundant bivalves. These lithofacies are related to a delta front which records an average trend of paleocurrent from NW to SE. All fine grain litotypes (mudstones, sandy clay and silt clay) with a decametric thickness, are included in a single facies association relating to a prodelta environment, cropping out in the central and southern Resuttano area. From the structural point of view the Resuttano basin is an incomplete syncline with NE-SW axis trend. The western limb is more inclined than the eastern limb. The structural elements are normal faults with NW-SE and NE-SW trend that displace the Messinian deposits and reverse fault with E-W and NE-SW trend that displace the Tortonian deposits. There is no trace of syn- tectonics deposition. The stratigraphic succession in the Resuttano area consists mainly of a depositional river delta system (Galloway, 1988) developed from SSW to NNE and from NE to SW. This area of sedimentation was fed by high-energy ephemeral streams, forming large alluvial plains crossed by not confined braided channels. The coarse deposits transported by rivers have formed a large Shelf Type delta system with low gradient. Some sector of this area, however, show a "regressive" trend because the alluvial facies are considered to be the result of river progradation systems, induced by a progressive increase in the energy rivers. In the curve of relative sea level change these conditions occur during the development of lowstand systems tract. The late part of the sequence constituted by sandstones with small channels fillings, suggests that after the first phase of lowering sea level and progradation, there has been an uplift phase, also confirmed by the level of marine clay located at the base of the conglomeratic body geometrically higher being the roof of the sandy facies. This part of the succession is developed with a "transgressive" trend with fining and deepening upward facies sequences. The stratal pattern described above for the braided facies (fining upward trend) is typically associated with the development of the transgressive systems tract. In the Catenanuova-Centuripe area the upper Tortonian- lower Messinian sediments, belonging to Terravecchia Fm. overlay in unconformity the Sicilide Unit and Numidian Flysch; the upper limit is represented by an unconformity surface covered by carbonates reef deposit pertaining to Messinian deposits, marly limestones and limestones of the Early Pliocene (Trubi) and calcarenitic facies pertaining to Centuripe Formation. Within this sequence olistostromes of “Argille Brecciate” are intercalated at various stratigraphic levels. The sequence shows a coarsening -shallowing upward trend. This area is generally constituted by two heteropic lithofacies: the one’s, most widespread, consists of clayey marl and quartz sands, and the other is constituted by quartz sands with thick lenses of conglomerates with dishes spherical clasts, rounded, of sedimentary and crystalline nature. The conglomeratic lithofacies are 15m thick organized in layers (4 m thick) with external concave shape, inversely graded in the lower part, and chaotic in the upper part made up of medium to coarse sandy matrix which were formed in a braided channels environment. Along the Centuripe-Enna syncline and the Dittàino river valley prevails the sandy marl facies made up of alternating sandstones and marly clays with abundant quartz and glauconite, 20 m thick and inverse gradation. The different facies show significant variations in thickness that reflect a high diversity in sedimentary supply, due to the articulation of depositional environment which was made by floodplains produced by braided channels that discharged the sediments into the delta plain and created an delta/prodelta environment towards S, which recorded a paleocurrent from NE to SW. The basin in the area between Catenanuova Centuripe has a synform shape with EW trend and does not present a deformation brittle or ductile pattern very evident. It can be seen that this basin is the result of the moving chain front towards ESE, structural data confirm that these basins, set on the back of the main thrusts dipping toward N-NW, as shown by the growth geometry diverging towards N. Isoclinal folds with NE-SW axes and folds with NNE-SSW and ENE-WSW horizontal axis have been measured, which reflect the sense of orientation of chain fronts, sometimes eroded by the upper Miocene sequences. In this area, the depositional system, reconstructed according to the distribution of lithofacies, is made up of upper alluvial plain crossed by amalgamated channels, subject to frequent floods (river delta system, Galloway, 1988) and a distal alluvial plain characterized by distributary channels with coarse load sandy that gradually gave way to marine processes towards the area of the delta front/prodelta. By correlating the stratigraphic sections it is possible to see that the upper Miocene succession is "regressive" with a coarsening upward trend. The sequence of alluvial facies is considered to be the result of the fluvial systems progradation, induced by a progressive increase in the rivers energy. A similar situation may occur during the normal regression (Plint, 1988; Posamentier et al., 1992). In the curve of relative sea level change these conditions occur during the development of lowstand systems tract, as confirmed by the presence of sub-aerial erosion, probably, at the base of the alluvial deposits. From the data collected it can be concluded that the upper Miocene deposits in all areas studied lie, with angular unconformity relationship, above the Numidian Flysch and Sicilide Unit (late Cretaceous-Eocene/Oligocene–late Miocene) and above deposits belonging to the. Castellana Sicula Fm. (late Serravallian -early Tortonian). The Polizzi and Resuttano basins was filled and then deformed in response to deformation of the lowest structurally tectonic units of the Sicilian fold and thrust belt in response to a NW- SE contractional stress, during the late Tortonian, therefore these basins are pre- tectonic; formed between the first and the second event of the chain deformation (Avellone et al., 2010) while in the area between Centuripe and Catenanuova the basin is syntectonic. The presence of regressive facies sequences is prevalent, moving actual eastward, from Polizzi, to Catenanuova–Centuripe; the latter is the only regressive one. In the Western sector the Miocene succession is characterized by an incised valley, instead in the eastern sector it is characterized by a delta plain system. Moving from west to east the depositional systems are different, switching from wave-dominated delta systems and shoreface delta system (Western sector of Polizzi basin), to dominated delta system (Eastern sector of Polizzi basin, Resuttano basin and Catenanuova- Centuripe basin) probably related to the different physiography areas. According to what has been observed in individual basins the north-verging back thrust played an important role, after the deposition of the upper Miocene succession, for the deformation of the western basins. For the Catenanuova-Centuripe basin the divergent geometry indicates the possible activities of a north -verging thrust simultaneously with deposition.
Questa ricerca riguarda l’analisi di bacini sintettonici neogenici che si sono sviluppati in varie posizioni rispetto all'orogene siciliano-maghrebide. Lo studio dei bacini in ambiente cinematico convergente e dei depositi che ne costituiscono il riempimento sedimentario, rappresenta uno degli strumenti fondamentali per la comprensione delle modalità con cui avviene la progressiva strutturazione di una zona di catena. In questo lavoro sono stati analizzati i bacini con riempimento di età compresa tra il Serravalliano superiore e il Messiniano inferiore, che si trovano sul fronte e sul dorso della catena siciliana (Thrust Top Basin, Piggy Back Basin) mettendoli in relazione dal punto di vista genetico e stratigrafico-strutturale nel contesto del foreland basin system siciliano. Lo studio è stato condotto nei settori della Sicilia centro-occidentale centrale e orientale, in particolare nell’area di Polizzi Generosa, Resuttano e Catenanuova – Centuripe. In queste aree a partire dall’Oligocene-Miocene la costruzione della catena siciliana è stata accompagnata dalla formazione di sistemi di bacini periferici che migrano verso le zone di avampaese. In particolare, durante il Miocene superiore (Tortoniano sup.-Messiniano inf.) si depositarono dei cunei di sedimenti silicoclastici sulle scaglie tettoniche in movimento. Nel Tortoniano sup.-Messiniano inf. questi bacini sono riempiti da uno spesso cuneo di sedimenti silico-clastici, fluvio-deltizi, marini e carbonatici che si accumulano su un substrato in movimento molto spesso deformato. La base del lavoro effettuato è rappresentata dal rilevamento geologico di dettaglio alla scala 1:10.000. La distinzione tra i principali corpi mappati è stata basata principalmente su caratteri di natura litologica, sedimentologica, stratigrafica (trend deposizionali analisi delle variazioni verticali e laterali di facies), misura di paleocorrenti e studio delle strutture direzionali (clasti embricati pebble cluster). Durante la fase di rilevamento sono state individuate anche le principali strutture tettoniche, misurati i valori giaciturali e rappresentati tramite diagrammi di tipo stereonet. Sono stati misurati dei log sedimentologici di dettaglio in aree chiave per la definizione della successione stratigrafica e dei principali ambienti deposizionali. La misurazione di tali sezioni è stata accompagnata dalla raccolta di circa 45 campioni per analisi micropaleontologiche. Per la classificazione di ciascun bacino sedimentario, è stato fatto riferimento alle classificazioni proposte dai vari autori, in particolare Allen & Allen (1993) e DeCelles & Giles (1996). Per la classificazione e codificazione dei depositi terrigeni è stata utilizzata la classificazione di Miall (1978-1985). La successione tardo miocenica nell’area di Polizzi si presenta con un trend fining e deepening upward caratterizzata dalla sovrapposizione verso l'alto di litofacies conglomeratiche, sabbiose ed argillose mostranti rapporti laterali eteropici. Nell’area di Polizzi i terreni del Tortoniano sup.-Messiniano inf. appartenenti alla Fm. Terravecchia si sovrappongono con rapporti di troncatura erosiva e discordanza sulle arenarie ed argille sabbiose della Fm. Castellana Sicula (Serravalliano sup. –Tortoniano inf.) che affiorano, con limitata estensione solo nella parte SE del bacino o sulle unità tettoniche già strutturate della catena ed in particolare sulle Argille Varicolori (Cretaceo-Eocene inf). Il limite superiore della Fm. Terravecchia si rinviene localmente ed è rappresentato da una superficie di discordanza e discontinuità ricoperta rispettivamente da carbonati di scogliera riferibili alla Fm. Baucina (Tortoniano sup. Messiniano inf) o dalle delle gessareniti della Fm di Pasquasia (Messiniano sup.), chiudono la successioni i Trubi (Zancleano). All'interno della successione stratigrafica tardo miocenica sono state differenziate due settori con associazioni di facies differenti: il settore NW presenta, a partire dal basso, conglomerati politipici con elementi carbonatici, silicei, cristallini, organizzati in unità tabulari, con spessore totale di circa 20 m, con matrice sabbiosa rossastra, riferibili ad un contesto di conoide alluvionale che hanno registrato un trend medio di paleoflusso da NNE a SSW. A seguire arenarie con granulometria da grossolana a media, con geometria esterna lentiforme, con spessore di 25 m che diminuisce verso sud, organizzate in strati metrici con geometria esterna tabulare e stratificazione incrociata ad alto angolo, nella parte bassa, che passano verso l’alto a livelli con stratificazione incrociata a basso angolo di tipo swaley (SCS) ed hummocky (HCS); queste litofacies sono riferibili ad un contesto di wave dominated shoreface delta system che hanno registrato un trend medio di paleocorrente concorde con i conglomerati da NNE a SSW. Chiude la successione un corpo di argille siltose e silt argillosi con fauna planctonica riferibili ad un contesto marino "aperto". Nella zona orientale, invece, a partire dal basso si riconoscono conglomerati organizzati in unità di spessore metrico con geometria concava, costituiti da conglomerati rossastri massivi o mal stratificati, riconducibili a contesti deposizionali di tipo braided river a canali concavi che hanno registrato un trend di paleocorrente che va da ENE a WSW. Seguono facies calcarenitiche medio-grossolane con grande quantità di bivalvi, arrangiate in strati metrici che si intervallano a strati costituite da arenarie medio fini, che presentano clinoformi progradanti verso W con inclinazione di 20°. Queste facies sono attribuibili ad un contesto di delta front. Da punto di vista strutturale il bacino di Polizzi è una sinclinale con asse che si sviluppa in direzione NNE-SSW. Il fianco occidentale risulta essere più inclinato di quello orientale, circa 35° per il primo e immersione a ENE e circa 25° il secondo con immersione WSW. Nell’area sono presenti faglie dirette con orientazione circa NE-SW e non vi sono evidenze che queste faglie abbiano avuto movimento durante le fasi deposizionali. La successione stratigrafica nel settore di Polizzi è riconducibile principalmente a due sistemi deposizionali: uno di fan delta system (Galloway 1988), evolvente a wave dominated shoreface delta system (Howell et al., 2003) ed uno di river delta system, che confluivano all’interno di un bacino da due diverse direzioni: il primo da N-NNE verso S-SSW il secondo da ENE verso WSW alimentati da una sorgente caratterizzata dall'attiva erosione delle unità cristalline Kabilo- Calabridi e da prodotti derivanti da vulcanismo di tipo calcalcalino come dimostrato dalla presenza di basalti andesitici. Il meccanismo deposizionale che interessava la parte occidentale (grain flow) induce a considerare che i corsi d'acqua che alimentavano la piana alluvionale si sviluppavano per un tratto relativamente corto mantenendo un gradiente elevato fino allo sbocco nel bacino ricevente. I depositi di shoreface media superiore invece si formano nel momento in cui si ha risalita del livello del mare modifica il tipo di apporto sedimentario, infatti cominciano a depositarsi sabbie ben cernite di taglia medio-grossolana con un grosso sviluppo verticale che lateralmente riducono il loro spessore verso il bacino e aumentano verso terra (river-dominated shoreface delta system). Nelle zone più orientali, invece, si sviluppava un sistema di tipo braided che scaricava in mare i depositi via via più sabbiosi che progradavano in un delta a basso gradiente, di cui oggi si può vedere la parte frontale (river dominated delta system) da Est verso Ovest come si evince dalle misure di paleocorrene. Correlando le diverse sezioni stratigrafiche osservate nel Bacino di Polizzi è possibile osservare che la successione è "Trasgressiva" con un profilo complessivamente fining upward. I due settori però, danno alcune informazioni di carattere "regressivo", poiché le sequenze di facies alluvionali sono considerate il risultato della progradazione di sistemi fluviali e/o di conoide alluvionale, indotta da un incremento progressivo dell'energia dei corsi d'acqua. Nella curva di variazione relativa del livello del mare simili condizioni si verificano durante lo sviluppo del lowstand systems tract. I caratteri deposizionali e le geometrie stratali descritte per l'associazione di facies di shoreface (profilo fining upward) sono concordanti con quelli tipicamente associati allo sviluppo del trasgressive system tract. Questo è testimoniato anche dalle geometria progradanti delle facies arenitiche sulle stesse facies arenitiche di delta front. La successione tardo miocenica nell’area di Resuttano si presenta con un trend coarsening- e shallowing upward nella parte bassa e nella restante parte con un trend fining deepining upward, caratterizzata dalla sovrapposizione verso l'alto di litofacies sabbiose e conglomeratiche, e lateralmente argillose e calcarenitiche, mostranti rapporti laterali eteropici. I depositi del Tortoniano sup. Messiniano inf. giacciono con rapporti di troncatura erosiva e discordanza sulle argille sabbiose della Fm. Castellana Sicula che affiorano in tutta la zona limitrofa l’abitato di Resuttano fino a Cozzo Terravecchia, le quali giacciono sulle unità tettoniche già strutturate della catena ed in particolare sulle Argille varicolori. I terreni più recenti sono rappresentati dalla biolititi a coralli della Fm. Baucina qui datata Tortoniano sup., a seguire il calcare di base che affiora a Cozzo Terravecchia e chiudono la successione i gessi messiniani All'interno della successione stratigrafica tardo miocenica sono state differenziate, procedendo da NE verso SW, litofacies costituite da ortoconglomerati con spessore di circa 10 m e geometria esterna tabulare, che si alternano a strati con spessore di circa 4 m a geometria esterna tabulare di arenarie e calcareniti con stratificazione incrociata ad alto angolo. Queste litofacies fanno parte di un contesto alluvionale di tipo braided canalizzato. Le strutture sedimentarie come pebble clusters e l’embricatura dei ciottoli più appiattiti hanno registrato una direzione media delle paleocorrenti da NW a SE Verso SW le litofacies sopra descritte passano a litofacies, arenitiche di taglia grossolana, che si alternano a sabbie siltose stratificate con spessori di 20 cm circa e presentano strutture sedimentarie di tipo stratificazione incrociata a basso angolo swaley (SCS) ed hummocky (HCS) ed hanno una diffusa presenza di bivalvi. Queste litofacies costituiscono una associazione di facies di fronte deltizia con pattern delle paleocorrenti concorde con quello misurato nei conglomerati. Tutti i litotipi a granulometria fine (peliti sabbiose, marne argillose, silt argillosi) con spessori decametrici, sono stati inseriti in un unica associazione di facies relativa ad un ambiente di prodelta affiorante nella porzione centrale e meridionale del settore di Resuttano. Da punto di vista strutturale il bacino di Resuttano è una sinclinale blanda e incompleta con asse che si sviluppa in direzione NE-SW. Il fianco occidentale risulta essere più inclinato rispetto a quello orientale. Gli elementi strutturali presenti nell’area sono faglie dirette con orientazione circa NW-SE e NE-SW che dislocano i terreni messiniani. Sono state riscontate faglie inverse con andamento circa E-W e NE-SW che a differenza di quelle dirette dislocano solo i terreni tortoniani. La regione è interessata da pieghe minori con orientazione NE-SW che interessa i conglomerati e SW-NE che interessa i gessi messiniani. Nell’area non sono state riconosciute geometrie stratali sintettoniche. La successione stratigrafica nel settore di Resuttano è riconducibile principalmente ad un sistema deposizionale di river delta system (Galloway 1988) che si sviluppava da NNE e NE verso SSW e SW. Questa area di sedimentazione era alimentata da corsi d'acqua effimeri, ad alta energia, che formavano ampie piane alluvionali non confinate attraversate da canali a morfologia braided. I depositi grossolani trasportati alla foce dai corsi d'acqua formavano un sistema deltizio di grandi dimensioni del tipo Shelf Type a bassa inclinazione. La presenza dei calcari di scogliera della Fm. Baucina, sovrapposti alle litofacies di fronte/prodelta nelle aree meridionali del bacino, è indicativa della tendenza "trasgressiva" nell'evoluzione complessiva del bacino tra il Tortoniano sup. ed il Messiniano inferiore. Tuttavia alcuni settori danno informazioni di carattere "regressivo" poiché la porzione bassa delle sequenze di facies alluvionali è considerato il risultato della progradazione di sistemi fluviali indotta da un incremento progressivo dell'energia dei corsi d'acqua. Nella curva di variazione del livello del mare simili condizioni si verificano durante lo sviluppo del lowstand systems tract LST. La parte superiore della successione costituita dalle arenarie con piccoli canali riempiti induce a pensare che dopo la prima fase di abbassamento del livello del mare e progradazione ci sia stata una fase di sollevamento, confermato anche dal livello di argille marine che si trova alla base del corpo conglomeratico geometricamente più alto e al tetto delle facies sabbiose. Questa parte di successione si sviluppa con un profilo "trasgressivo" con sequenze di facies a trend fining- e deepening upward. I caratteri deposizionali e le geometrie stratali descritte per l'associazione di facies braided (profilo fining upward) sono concordanti con quelli tipicamente associati allo sviluppo del trasgressive system tract TST . Nell’area di Catenanuova-Centuripe i depositi del Tortoniano sup. Messiniano inf. giacciono con rapporti di troncatura erosiva e discordanza sui terreni delle Unità Sicilidi e del Flysch Numidico e verso l’alto sono delimitati dalla serie evaporitica messiniana, dai calcari e calcari-marnosi dei Trubi del Pliocene inferiore e dalle calcareniti della Formazione di Centuripe. All’interno di questa sequenza si intercalano, a vari livelli stratigrafici, olistostromi di Argille Brecciate La successione si presenta con un trend Coarsening- Shallowing Upward. Nell’area essa è generalmente costituita da due litofacies eteropiche: una litofacies, più diffusa, costituita da marne argillose e da sabbie quarzose; l’altra, costituita da sabbie quarzose con grosse lenti di conglomerati a clasti da piatti a sferici, arrotondati, di natura sia sedimentaria che cristallina. Le litofacies conglomeratiche hanno uno spessore di circa 15m organizzati in livelli potenti circa 4 m con geometria esterna concava, gradati inversamente nella parte bassa e caotici nella parte alta in matrice arenitica di taglia medio- grossolana che si sono formati in un contesto di canali braided. Lungo la sinclinale di Centuripe-Leonforte e la valle del F. Dittàino prevale nettamente la facies marnoso sabbiosa che è costituita da alternanze di arenarie e argille marnose con abbondante quarzo e glauconite, interdigitate tra loro con spessore di 20 m circa con gradazione inversa. Le diverse facies presentano notevoli variazioni di spessore testimonianza di una varietà degli apporti detritici connessi all’articolazione dell’ambiente deposizionale che è riconducibile a piane alluvionali prodotte da corsi d'acqua caratterizzati da canali di tipo braided che scaricavano i sedimenti nella piana deltizia e che verso S creavano un ambiente di fronte deltizia/prodelta, che hanno registrato una direzione di paleoflusso da NE a SW. Nell’area tra Catenanuova e Centuripe il bacino ha la forma di un sinclinorio consviluppo E-W che non presenta un pattern deformativo sia fragile che duttile molto evidente. Si può notare che questo bacino è il risultato dell’avanzamento del fronte della catena che man mano che procedeva verso ESE e si smantellava, le misure giaciturali infatti confermano che questi bacini impostati sul dorso dei principali sovrascorrimenti immergono a N-NNW come mostrato dalle geometrie di crescita divergente verso N che hanno i livelli marnoso-sabbiosi grossolani sul Flysch Numidico. Sono state misurate assi di pieghe isoclinali con assi orientati NE-SW e pieghe coricate con asse NNE-SSW ed ENE-WSW a volte erose dalle successioni tardo mioceniche e che rispecchiano il senso di orientazione dei fronti. In questa area il sistema deposizionale, ricostruito in base alla distribuzione delle litofacies, è costituito da una piana alluvionale superiore attraversata da canali amalgamati che erano soggetti a piene frequenti (river delta system Galloway 1988) e una pianura alluvionale distale caratterizzata da canali distributari con carico sabbioso che via via lasciavano il posto ai processi marini verso la zona di fronte deltizio/prodelta. Correlando le diverse sezioni stratigrafiche osservate è possibile osservare che la successione tardo miocenica è "Regressiva" con un profilo complessivamente coarsening upward. La sequenza di facies alluvionale è considerato il risultato della progradazione di sistemi fluviali indotta da un incremento progressivo dell'energia dei corsi d'acqua. Una situazione simile può avvenire durante la regressione normale (Plint, 1988; Posamentier et al., 1992) Nella curva di variazione relativa del livello del mare simili condizioni si verificano durante lo sviluppo del lowstand systems tract LST. La presenza di una superficie di erosione probabilmente sub-aerea alla base dei depositi alluvionali induce a considerare che si tratti di un LST. Dai dati raccolti si può concludere che i depositi tardo miocenici in tutti i settori studiati poggiano con rapporto di discordanza angolare, oltre che sulle unità del Flysch Numidico e Sicilidi (Creataceo sup.-Eocene/Oligocene sup.-Miocene inf.), anche sui depositi appartenenti alla Fm. Castellana Sicula (Serravalliano sup. - Tortoniano inf.). La successione tardo miocenica nel settore di Polizzi e di Resuttano si è sviluppata all'interno di bacini sedimentari che si sono prima riempiti e poi deformati in risposta alla deformazione delle unità strutturalmente più basse dell'edificio tettonico siciliano in risposta ad un campo di stress contrazionale orientato circa NW-SE, nella parte alta del Tortoniano, quindi tali bacini sono pre-tettonici; formatisi tra il primo e il secondo evento della deformazione della catena (Avellone et al., 2010) mentre nell’area tra Centuripe e Catenanuova il bacino è sintettonico. La presenza di sequenze di facies regressive nella successione assume un carattere molto più importante spostandosi verso Est (attuale) dal Bacino di Polizzi verso il Bacino Catenanuova – Centuripe, che è l’unico ad essere regressivo. Il carattere confinato delle litofacies alluvionali e le litofacies di valle incisa si attenuano fino a scomparire spostandosi verso l'attuale Est partendo dal Bacino di Polizzi; spostandosi da Est verso Ovest si passa, da sistemi deposizionali di tipo wave dominated "shoreface" delta system (Bacino di Polizzi porzione occidentale) a sistemi deposizionali del tipo river-dominated delta system (Bacino di Polizzi porzione orientale, Bacino di Resuttano e Bacino tra Catenanuova e Centuripe), molto probabilmente legata alla fisiografia dell’area deposizionale su cui si impostavano. In base a quanto osservato nei singoli bacini le strutture da back thrust a vergenza settentrionale, hanno giocato un ruolo importante, dopo la deposizione delle successioni tardo mioceniche, per la deformazione dei bacini più occidentali. Per il bacino di Catenanuova-Centuripe la geometria divergente indica la possibile attività di un thrust nord-vergente contemporaneamente alla deposizione.
The aim of this study is the analysis of Neogene syntectonic basins developed in different positions above the Sicilian-Maghrebian orogen. The study of the basins in convergent setting and their filling, is one of the fundamental tools for understanding the ways in which the progressive structuring of a chain area occurs. In this work, Thrust Top Basin and Piggy Back Basin lying on the Sicilian fold and thrust belt, filled up with Serravallian to Messinian sediments, have been analysed in order to relate them to a genetic and stratigraphic-structural point of view in the Sicilian foreland basin system context. The study has been carried out in Central-Western and eastern Sicily in particular in the Polizzi Generosa, Resuttano and Catenanuova–Centuripe areas. In these areas from Oligocene to Miocene the building of the Sicilian fold and thrust belt has been accompanied by the development of a peripheral foreland basin system which migrated toward the Foreland. In particular, during the late Miocene (late Tortonian to early Messinian) a siliciclastic sedimentary wedge above the moving thrust sheets have been deposited. These basins are characterized by sedimentation of continental to open marine clastics and shallow-marine carbonates sediments, above an often deformed moving substrate. The basis of the work is a detailed geological mapping, performed at a 1:10.000 scale. The distinction between the main bodies mapped in the field, has been made on the lithological, sedimentological, stratigraphic features (such as depositional trend, lateral and vertical relationships among facies associations), palaeocurrents measurement and study of the imbricated clasts and pebble clusters. During the geological surveys, the main tectonic structures, have been identified, measured and plotted by stereonet diagrams. Detailed sedimentological log in key areas for the definition of the stratigraphic sequence and the main depositional environments have been measured. The measurement of these sections is accompanied by a collection of 45 samples for micropaleontological analysis. For the classification of each sedimentary basin, reference is made to the classifications proposed by Allen & Allen (1993) and DeCelles & Giles (1996). The classification of Miall (1978-1985) has been used for the classification and codification of terrigenous deposit. The late Miocene succession in the Polizzi area, shows a fining and deepening upward trend characterized by overlapping of conglomeratic, sandy and clayey lithofacies showing lateral heteropic relations. In the Polizzi area the late Tortonian-early Messinian sediments, belonging to Terravecchia Fm. overlay, in unconformity, the sandstones and sandy clays of the Castellana Sicula Fm. (late Serravallian-early Tortonian) or above the structured tectonic units of the chain in particular on Varicolored Clay (Cretaceous-early Eocene).The upper limit of Terravecchia Fm. is found locally and is represented by a unconformity surface covered by carbonates reef deposit pertaining to Baucina Fm. (late Tortonian–early Messinian) or by the Gessarenites pertaining to Pasquasia Fm. (late Messinian). The sequence ends with the Trubi (Zanclean). Inside the upper Miocene stratigraphic succession two areas are differentiated with different facies associations: the NW sector shows, starting from the bottom, polymittic conglomerates with reddish sandy matrix, with carbonatic, siliceous, crystalline clasts, arranged in tabular units, with a total thickness of about 20 m, related to an alluvial fan, which registers an average trend of paleocurrent from NNE to SSW. Upward there are medium- to coarse-grained sandstones, whit external lens geometry and 25 m thick, which decreases towards the south, arranged in well defined, planar-shaped, up to 1m-thick strata characterized by large scale cross bedding in the early part, which pass upward at swaley (SCS) and hummocky (HCS) cross stratification. These lithofacies have been related to a wave-dominated shoreface delta system which recorded an average trend of paleocurrent like conglomerates from NNE to SSW. The sequence ends with silty clays and clayey silts with planktonic fauna related to an offshore environment. In the eastern part of Polizzi basin, conglomerates arranged into units of metric thickness with external concave upward geometry can be recognized from the bottom, made up of reddish conglomerates, massive or poorly stratified, related to a braided river channels environments that showed a mean paleocurrent trend ranging from ENE to WSW. To follow, there are medium-coarse calcarenites with large amount of bivalves, arranged in metric layers alterning to medium-fine sandstones, forming clinoforms dipping towards W with 20° gradient. These facies can be attributed to a delta front environment. From the structural point of view the Polizzi basin is a syncline with NNE-SSW axis. The western limb is more inclined than the eastern limb, the first 35° dipping toward ENE whilst the second 25 °dipping toward SW. In this area there is a normal faults system, NE to SW trending and there is not evidence of syn- tectonics deposition. The stratigraphic succession in the Polizzi area is due to two main depositional systems: the first related to fan delta system (Galloway 1988), evolving in wave-dominated shoreface delta system (Howell et al., 2003); the second related to a river delta system converged inside the basin from two different way: the first from the N- NNE to S-SSW the second from ENE to WSW, from a source characterized by the active erosion of the Kabilo-Calabrides crystalline units and calcalkaline rocks coming from Tyrrhenian volcanic arc. The depositional mechanism that affected the western part of sector (grain flow), leads us to consider that the streams have been developed in a relatively short stretch, maintaining a steep gradient until the mouth to the receiver basin. The late-medium shoreface deposits are instead formed when there are sea level rise that changes the type of sedimentation, indeed starting to accumulate well sorted medium to coarse sands, with a large vertical development, that reduce their thickness laterally toward the basin and increase toward the land (river-dominated shoreface delta system). In the easternmost areas, instead, a braided river system has developed discharging sediments in the sea, gradually more sandy, advancing in a low-gradient delta, (river dominated delta system) from an easterly direction as shown by paleocurrent measures. By linking the different stratigraphic sections observed in the Polizzi Basin it is possible to see that the succession is "Transgressive" with a trend fining upward. The two areas, however, show a "regressive" trend because the alluvial facies are considered to be the result of river systems and /or alluvial fan progradation, induced by a progressive increase in the energy rivers. In the curve of relative sea level change these conditions occur during the development of lowstand systems tract. The characters and the depositional geometries described for the shoreface facies association (fining upward trend) are concordant with those typically associated with the development of the transgressive systems tract. The upper Miocene succession in the Resuttano area develops with a trend-coarsening and shallowing upward, in the lower part, and in the remaining part with a trend fining-deepining upward, characterized by the overlapping of sandy conglomeratic lithofacies and laterally clayey and calcareous, showing heteropic relations. In the Resuttano area the upper Tortonian- lower Messinian sediments, belonging to Terravecchia Fm. overlay in unconformity the sandstones and sandy clays of the Castellana Sicula Fm. (late Serravallian-early Tortonian) cropping out from Resuttano village to Cozzo Terravecchia or above the structured tectonic units of the chain in particular on Varicolored Clay (Cretaceous-early Eocene). The upper limit of Terravecchia Fm. is represented by an unconformity covered by carbonates reef deposits pertaining to Baucina Fm. (late Tortonian in this area) or by the “Calcare di Base” (late Messinian). The sequence ends with the Messinian evaporitic deposit. Inside the upper Miocene stratigraphic succession are differentiated, from NE to SW, ortoconglomeratic lithofacies, 10 m thick and tabular external shape, which alternate layers with 4m thickness of sandstone and calcarenite with high-angle cross-bedding with tabular external shape. These lithofacies are typical of braided river. The sedimentary structures like pebble clusters and imbricated pebbles recorded an average trend of paleocurrent from NW to SE. Towards the SW the lithofacies described above is made up of medium-to coarse sandstones, with external lens geometry and 20 m thickness, arranged in well defined, planar-shaped, up to 1m-thick strata characterized by large scale through cross bedding in the early part, which pass upward at, swaley (SCS) and hummocky (HCS) cross stratification with abundant bivalves. These lithofacies are related to a delta front which records an average trend of paleocurrent from NW to SE. All fine grain litotypes (mudstones, sandy clay and silt clay) with a decametric thickness, are included in a single facies association relating to a prodelta environment, cropping out in the central and southern Resuttano area. From the structural point of view the Resuttano basin is an incomplete syncline with NE-SW axis trend. The western limb is more inclined than the eastern limb. The structural elements are normal faults with NW-SE and NE-SW trend that displace the Messinian deposits and reverse fault with E-W and NE-SW trend that displace the Tortonian deposits. There is no trace of syn- tectonics deposition. The stratigraphic succession in the Resuttano area consists mainly of a depositional river delta system (Galloway, 1988) developed from SSW to NNE and from NE to SW. This area of sedimentation was fed by high-energy ephemeral streams, forming large alluvial plains crossed by not confined braided channels. The coarse deposits transported by rivers have formed a large Shelf Type delta system with low gradient. Some sector of this area, however, show a "regressive" trend because the alluvial facies are considered to be the result of river progradation systems, induced by a progressive increase in the energy rivers. In the curve of relative sea level change these conditions occur during the development of lowstand systems tract. The late part of the sequence constituted by sandstones with small channels fillings, suggests that after the first phase of lowering sea level and progradation, there has been an uplift phase, also confirmed by the level of marine clay located at the base of the conglomeratic body geometrically higher being the roof of the sandy facies. This part of the succession is developed with a "transgressive" trend with fining and deepening upward facies sequences. The stratal pattern described above for the braided facies (fining upward trend) is typically associated with the development of the transgressive systems tract. In the Catenanuova-Centuripe area the upper Tortonian- lower Messinian sediments, belonging to Terravecchia Fm. overlay in unconformity the Sicilide Unit and Numidian Flysch; the upper limit is represented by an unconformity surface covered by carbonates reef deposit pertaining to Messinian deposits, marly limestones and limestones of the Early Pliocene (Trubi) and calcarenitic facies pertaining to Centuripe Formation. Within this sequence olistostromes of “Argille Brecciate” are intercalated at various stratigraphic levels. The sequence shows a coarsening -shallowing upward trend. This area is generally constituted by two heteropic lithofacies: the one’s, most widespread, consists of clayey marl and quartz sands, and the other is constituted by quartz sands with thick lenses of conglomerates with dishes spherical clasts, rounded, of sedimentary and crystalline nature. The conglomeratic lithofacies are 15m thick organized in layers (4 m thick) with external concave shape, inversely graded in the lower part, and chaotic in the upper part made up of medium to coarse sandy matrix which were formed in a braided channels environment. Along the Centuripe-Enna syncline and the Dittàino river valley prevails the sandy marl facies made up of alternating sandstones and marly clays with abundant quartz and glauconite, 20 m thick and inverse gradation. The different facies show significant variations in thickness that reflect a high diversity in sedimentary supply, due to the articulation of depositional environment which was made by floodplains produced by braided channels that discharged the sediments into the delta plain and created an delta/prodelta environment towards S, which recorded a paleocurrent from NE to SW. The basin in the area between Catenanuova Centuripe has a synform shape with EW trend and does not present a deformation brittle or ductile pattern very evident. It can be seen that this basin is the result of the moving chain front towards ESE, structural data confirm that these basins, set on the back of the main thrusts dipping toward N-NW, as shown by the growth geometry diverging towards N. Isoclinal folds with NE-SW axes and folds with NNE-SSW and ENE-WSW horizontal axis have been measured, which reflect the sense of orientation of chain fronts, sometimes eroded by the upper Miocene sequences. In this area, the depositional system, reconstructed according to the distribution of lithofacies, is made up of upper alluvial plain crossed by amalgamated channels, subject to frequent floods (river delta system, Galloway, 1988) and a distal alluvial plain characterized by distributary channels with coarse load sandy that gradually gave way to marine processes towards the area of the delta front/prodelta. By correlating the stratigraphic sections it is possible to see that the upper Miocene succession is "regressive" with a coarsening upward trend. The sequence of alluvial facies is considered to be the result of the fluvial systems progradation, induced by a progressive increase in the rivers energy. A similar situation may occur during the normal regression (Plint, 1988; Posamentier et al., 1992). In the curve of relative sea level change these conditions occur during the development of lowstand systems tract, as confirmed by the presence of sub-aerial erosion, probably, at the base of the alluvial deposits. From the data collected it can be concluded that the upper Miocene deposits in all areas studied lie, with angular unconformity relationship, above the Numidian Flysch and Sicilide Unit (late Cretaceous-Eocene/Oligocene–late Miocene) and above deposits belonging to the. Castellana Sicula Fm. (late Serravallian -early Tortonian). The Polizzi and Resuttano basins was filled and then deformed in response to deformation of the lowest structurally tectonic units of the Sicilian fold and thrust belt in response to a NW- SE contractional stress, during the late Tortonian, therefore these basins are pre- tectonic; formed between the first and the second event of the chain deformation (Avellone et al., 2010) while in the area between Centuripe and Catenanuova the basin is syntectonic. The presence of regressive facies sequences is prevalent, moving actual eastward, from Polizzi, to Catenanuova–Centuripe; the latter is the only regressive one. In the Western sector the Miocene succession is characterized by an incised valley, instead in the eastern sector it is characterized by a delta plain system. Moving from west to east the depositional systems are different, switching from wave-dominated delta systems and shoreface delta system (Western sector of Polizzi basin), to dominated delta system (Eastern sector of Polizzi basin, Resuttano basin and Catenanuova- Centuripe basin) probably related to the different physiography areas. According to what has been observed in individual basins the north-verging back thrust played an important role, after the deposition of the upper Miocene succession, for the deformation of the western basins. For the Catenanuova-Centuripe basin the divergent geometry indicates the possible activities of a north -verging thrust simultaneously with deposition.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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